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The Power of Adversity BOOK

A Guide To Finding Your Greatest Gift In Life.

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The Power of Adversity BOOK

The Power of Adversity BOOK

The Power of Adversity BOOK

The Power of Adversity BOOK

The Power of Adversity BOOK

A Guide To Finding Your Greatest Gift In Life.

A Guide To Finding Your Greatest Gift In Life.

A Guide To Finding Your Greatest Gift In Life.

A Guide To Finding Your Greatest Gift In Life.

Tiffany Mason
Tiffany Mason
Tiffany Mason
Tiffany Mason
1 Campaign |
Columbia, United States
$1,521 USD 35 backers
15% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


The Power of Adversity - A Guide to Finding Your Greatest Gift in Life

Hello! This is Tiffany Mason and I am excited to announce the release of my first book - The Power of Adversity - A Guide to Finding Your Greatest Gift in Life.  Over the past few years, I have listened as dozens of women shared their personal struggles with me about their closest relationships, struggles for work/life balance, raising children and other important issues.  

As I began to reflect on those many conversations, the desire to share my story and work with as many women as I could kept growing.  That is why I decided to write The Power of Adversity - A Guide to Finding Your Greatest Gift in Life.


Throughout my youth I was living a dream.  As a professional entertainer, I performed in front of large audiences, traveled to competitions and participated in beauty pageants.  I looked forward to a future full of possibilities in the entertainment world.




My life turned upside down when I turned 18. I was sexually molested by an older man and left completely traumatized.  My outgoing personality was gone.  I lost weight and my mood grew dark.  I kept the people who used to be close to me at a distance. 

My journey of healing began with a vision - a vision of what I wanted my life to look like.  I then passionately set out to make it a reality.  For the next five years I devoured every piece of information on development and marriage I could find.  

Along the way my life's passion was born:  "What does it take to get a life truly worth living for?"  What happened to me in my late teens does not define me but has helped shaped what I have become.  It was truly a blessing in disguise.  I am now leading the life I deserve - that we all deserve - one filled with purpose, passion and love.

You know what?  Each day I wake up and choose to make it even better, by doing things I want to do, things I am truly passionate about.

I want you to have that kind of life too.  The potential is in all of us.  It was not easy, but it is worth it.


Who better than someone who has overcome her own significant challenges to help you overcome yours?  In "The Power of Adversity - A Guide to Finding Your Greatest Gift in Life" you will learn that you have the ability to make the desires of your heart a reality.  By showing you how to use the most powerful tool at your disposal - your mind, I will walk with you as you face down and overcome your own personal adversity.  Together we will look at the importance of whom you surround yourself with, what you say to yourself and how to create your own personal philosophy. 

We all have habits we engage in, and the difference between people living a life of fulfillment and those who are not is the fulfilled ones created their own habits instead of accepting the ones life could have chosen for them.  Through choosing a series of behaviors and actions, we build the foundation for a fulfilled life.


What your donations support?

I’ve already written a complete rough draft of the book. Now, I need support in editing and publishing the book. I deeply believe that this book is a powerful message to those that have experienced a traumatic situation. This book gives hope that no matter what kind of adversity you have experienced, there is a gift awaiting for you to unwrap.This gift will be the light that will lead you to living a life filled with joy, love and the freedom to move past your adversity. 

Because I know in my heart that this book can inspire so many women, I want this book to be handled with excellence and quality. The money received from this campaign will go into: 

If you have any questions, please use this form. I look forward to reading your message! 

Fill out my online form on my website The Power of Precedents


Personal Transformation:

Now, at the age of 24, I’ve realized that my adversity has become a blessing in disguise. If it weren’t for this traumatic situation, I would not have become so passionate about life and marriage. This adversity allowed me to explore what is truly joyful in life.  I am now happily married to my loving husband John and have found my calling in life. I am a Professional Life and Relationship Coach where I work with with married women to overcome adversity, discover their greatest gift and design a life truly worth living for.


Thank you for supporting the message of this book. 


**All levels of support will receive:

  • Access to an exclusive weekly newsletter for behind the scenes of  the journey of editing and publishing The Power of Adversity and I will also share with you tips, strategies and ways on how to live a more joyful life!
  • a BIG shoutout on social media where I express my gratitude for your support.

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Choose your Perk


$5 USD
Thank you so much for your support! Every bit counts!
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
2 out of 25 of claimed


$10 USD
I will send you a personalized thank you via email to let you know how much I value your support.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
5 out of 25 of claimed


$25 USD
I will send you an e-book version of "The Power of Adversity" and a personal thank you card send to your home. (Add $10 for shipping outside the U.S)
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
5 out of 50 of claimed


$25 USD
I will send you a personally-signed hard copy of "The Power of Adversity".
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
4 out of 50 of claimed


$50 USD
I will answer 3 questions via email that you have in overcoming adversity and designing your future.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
1 out of 25 of claimed


$75 USD
I will answer 3 questions of your choice via Skype and you will receive a copy of my audio series, "How to overcome adversity and design your future". You will also gain recognition for your support by being part of the "Top Supporters" page in the book!
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 25 of claimed


$100 USD
For the first 20 supporters of this perk, you will receive a 30 min coaching call (via Skype) where we will focus on your current adversity and how to move forward into living a truly joyful life. You will also gain recognition for your support by being part of the "Top Supporters" page in the book!
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed


$250 USD
You will receive 1 month (3/30 min via Skype) coaching package. We will focus on creating a solid foundation of your values and beliefs. You will also receive a personally-signed hard copy of the book. Additionally, you will receive 5 EXTRA copies of "The Power of Adversity" to share with your friends. This would make a great christmas gift :) (Add $60 to ship outside the U.S.) You will also gain recognition for your support by being part of the "Top Supporters" page in the book.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 out of 15 of claimed


$1,500 USD
I will make a 1- hour presentation to your group in the Charlotte, Charleston, and Columbia area where I will share my story and how to overcome adversity. Your group will gain recognition for supporting the Power of Adversity by being part of the "Top Supporters" page in the book.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed


$4,000 USD
I will fly anywhere in the contiental United States and make a 1- hour presentation to your women's group or social service agency and provide 20 copies of "The Power of Adversity" for your guests. Your group will gain recognition for supporting The Power of Adversity by being part of the "Top Supporters" page in the book.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 out of 5 of claimed

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