Short Summary
Hello, my name is Beau Preiser and I'm a 23 year old filmmaker from Seattle, WA. I've been acting since I was 8 years old and have been making films since I was 13. I've made a variety of short films in my time, most of which have been a trial and error.
This campaign means almost everything to me. For so long have I struggled to make a film I can be proud of because of lack of funds. Taking time out of work and money from my savings to make ends meet. With such an ambitious project and a story I'm passionate to tell, I hope to change that by making a film I can be proud of to submit to festivals and finally gain some career momentum for us.
We have over 40 people helping us with this project, takin time away from family and work just to help make this story come to life with no expectation of a paycheck. While it has been fund along the way, it has been quite the struggle to get film made and now that the principal photography has been shot, we need to finish the film so it can be entered in festivals and really make our work worthwhile.
What We Need & What You Get
Break it down for folks in more detail:
We need $4,000 ideally but can settle for less worst case scenario. This is to pay our VFX team, or editors, and the entirety of the post production team to get this film cut together and ready for release. The funds also go into paying festival fees so we can get our film recognized publicly. The remaining amounts go to our cast and crew to pay for the money they spent on gas and time away from work.
We're a ragtag cast and crew of a variety of different ages right here in Washington State. Most films made here are either horror or a philosophical drama. Which in their right is admirable. This time, we wanted to do something different- to tell a deep story but make it exciting and jaw dropping at the same time. A story not only filled with human emotion, but action packed fight sequences that never cease to amaze.
It's important to me that the cast and crew get the recognition they deserve. We've all worked so hard to balance our personal lives and our careers and I want to not only show them my appreciation, but show them that their hard work will pay off.
To conclude
We've struggled all summer making time to come to these shoots, as well as gathering the many props and equipment we could muster. Thankfully, we've made friends along the way.
The Seattle Knights were kind enough to lend us their props and costumes to make this film happen. We're deeply grateful to them and want to see their efforts paid off. They are a performative group in Seattle that perform at a variety of fairs and events. Their performances have included authentic jousting matches and duels among many other talents!
To conclude, we need you...truly. It ill be because of you that these people can get the recognition they deserve and not only that, create a story that will amaze and inspire. So please join us on our quest to make this story come to life
-Beau :)