Our fundraising campaign is to develop our show
The Revenger’s Tragedy, based on a play that was written in the 1600s and that has been produced only a handful of times throughout the last few centuries.
Our team are trying to raise $10,000 to develop this musical. This money will be used to pay a playwright, composer and lyricist to create the new life of this story as well as a dozen or so actors to bring the new pages to life in a reading of the new work. We are determined to create a groundbreaking and entertaining new piece of theatre to New York City, with the hope that it will expand in scope beyond his initial workshop.
Like many Jacobean dramas and tragedies, The Revenger’s Tragedy tells the story of what would happen if a tyrant was leading a corrupt government, or when the Church is corrupted and the citizens are fighting for change to the system. The citizens rebel and take matters into their own hands, often finding vengeance against their leader or even each other. It’s amazing that a play that is over 400-years-old is still relevant to today’s society. I don’t think we are trying to make a political statement with this musical, but the political message that this play speaks is stronger than ever and can continue to be relevant after this current election year.
Please help us reach our goal so we have a place to rehearse, great people to work with and so we can start getting the message out that speaks true to our hearts. This play has not been heard the way we will be presenting it, and we're incredibly excited for this opportunity to share our vision with the world.
Your donation will be 100% tax deductible through Fractured Atlas (https://www.fracturedatlas.org/).
The Revenger's Tragedy is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of The Revenger's Tragedy must be made payable to Fractured Atlas only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.