This Film...
Alexander must face his music addiction and the growth of CassetteCo’s grip on the music industry to reunite with his college friends and co-workers, on his quest for “HAPPINESS”, in a world where music controls emotions.
Why This Story?
As soon to be, or recent, college graduates, we are entering a world filled with only a handful of corporations dominating the entertainment landscape, which poses a question, what would it be like if they exploited the emotional power of music? Even now, given the power the minority holds over the majority, everyday people struggle to feel empowered within their own work/life balance. People may turn to substances as a coping mechanism to combat their monotonous work routine. Along the way, this substance abuse and overwhelming work schedule may lead to the loss of friendships. This film does its best to reinforce why these friendships are more important than ever, in a world where it becomes easy to become trapped within a destructive work routine and lifestyle.
Director + Producer Team
Tristan is a Chicagoan studying Radio, TV, & Film at Northwestern University with a deep passion for music of the 80s/90s tied to his strong relationship with his parents. He has produced three student short films and composed two others which he used his skills as a violist for. As a seasoned student filmmaker, and president of Multicultural Filmmakers Collective, he is prepared to make his directorial debut and compose this film, centered strongly around music. As a recent grad from Northwestern, Allan is a multi Award-winning filmmaker including an Emmy (Short Form Fiction | 2020). While he co-founded his main production company, Clover Visuals, in 2017 - today he facilitates Studio 22 which creates 6 unique short films yearly and manages their additive budgets of $22K. We’re very excited to be bringing our collective talents to this thrilling story.
Check out our partner production company here!
Meet the Crew!
Here comes the dream team...
Tristan Baumeister, Director
If you donate enough, he’ll serenade you on Viola
Allan Rodriguez Bobadilla, Producer
He's gonna flex his Emmy... or his dad jokes
Andrew Kline, Director of Photography
Don't mess with his IV fed cat… that’s his job
Julz Feit, 1st AD
Don’t mess with AD Julz… they lift (a lot)
What's the Deal?
Making a short film is a lot of work, especially for students! Not only do we want to make this film the best it can be for our audience, but we also want to do it justice.
Our Goal: $2000
Equipment: Renting equipment and supplies to keep the set safe.
Production & Costume Design: Making this dystopian world look as realistic as possible!
Food: A cast and crew of about 15 (and more extras) for about 4 days... That's a lot of meals!
Other Ways You Can Help
Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date while we film!
Spread the word and keep an ear out for our official premiere date where you can support us by watching the movie or directly donating!
Thank you!