The No Stakes Theater Project began with a staged reading of Jim Cartwright's "The Rise and Fall of Little Voice" in August 2014 at The Foxhole Chicago. The reading was directed by Erin Shea Brady, and featured Rebecca Sohn, Scarlet Sheppard, Marssie Mencotti, Ian Michael James, John Mobley, and Blake Montgomery. From this reading, two exciting projects were born.
The first: a full-fledged production of Cartwright's "Little Voice", produced by the No Stakes Theater Project at Theater Wit, August 14-September 6, 2015. The production will be directed by Erin Shea Brady and stars Scarlet Sheppard as "Little Voice" and Rebecca Sohn as "Mari Hoff".
The second: a reading series, to be launched in 2015, that will serve as a development opportunity for post-graduate directors who are looking to explore work that excites and challenges them.
No Stakes is about taking risks. It's about challenging yourself and playing hard and thinking big. We hope that you will consider contributing to this exciting work, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Your contribution (big or small!) will help provide the following:
- Space Rental (Theater Wit, rehearsal space)
- Design Budgets (It's a two-story set! And we've got some kick-ass designers on board, like Grant Sabin, Mike Durst, Moriah Turner, and Joe Court)
- Stipends (Help us pay our actors and our designers. They're awesome, they work hard, they deserve it!)
And other odds and ends like sheet music, posters, programs, etc.
We really, really appreciate any help that you can give!
Special thanks to Caleb Fortune for creating our promotional video! Photography by Liz Scheiner, Graphic Design by Charity Weishar, Staged Reading Footage by Noah Drewke.