Politicos are quibbling over whether or not a half cup of
fruits or vegetables should be a required part of the lunch tray, and
meanwhile, our kids are paying the price for their inaction.
In 2012, more than one-third
of children in America were overweight or obese. One in three children born
today will have diabetes in their lifetime. If we want to save our children’s
health, we have to change the food they’re eating, and we need your help to do
Together we’ll take over the fight.
What do you want to see on children’s lunch trays? Highly-processed
chicken nuggets, greasy cheese fries, and sugar-laden chocolate milk? Or do you
want to see some vibrant vegetables, like sweet carrots and juicy tomatoes? How
about chicken that’s been cooked from scratch instead of ready-to-heat nuggets
loaded with fat and sodium? Add a crunchy apple, maybe?
Help us make a
difference where it counts!
Join us in the real school food fight, the one where we battle
childhood obesity by giving schools the tools and resources they need to
accomplish what we all know is possible and necessary: healthier meals for
healthier children.
How We Do It
Founder and President Chef Ann Cooper had a vision: create
an organization that helps schools take action so that every child has daily
access to fresh, healthy food. Today, the Chef Ann Foundation (CAF) carries out
that vision through:
The Lunch Box: An online resource that provides
free step-by-step guides, tools, and recipes to help schools improve their
food programs.
Move Salad Bars to Schools (LMSB2S): Grants to help schools provide
their students with daily access to fresh fruits and vegetables through
salad bars.
Breakfast for Kids (HB4K): Grants that support universal,
after-the-bell breakfast in schools in order to reduce the severe negative
impact of hunger on children across our country.
Nutrition: CAF has teamed up with Skoop, a superfoods company, for this
grant program, which help schools increase kids’ access to fresh fruits
and veggies and nutrition education.
Advocacy Initiative (PAI): Providing parents with tools and
resources to lead grassroots advocacy efforts in their school
How Your Donation
Makes a Difference
There’s a big
difference between a lunch tray loaded with chicken nuggets and French fries versus
one that is filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy
proteins. The difference is you.
Your donation will directly support programming in schools across the country. Already, over 1.8 million children
benefit from healthier schools because of CAF programs. We’ll continue offering
the tools, resources and grants that schools need to serve nutritious and delicious
meals to children, regardless of what the bigwigs in Washington decide.