About Me
I am anonormale and I behave normally during my scientific experiments.
I experiment on many things, particularly on those fundamentals every-day things we are all aware of: genitalia, the mind, sound and anything else that relates to the above.
I consider myself scientific artists: the term was created by me in order to describe my work. My objective is to explore whatever is deemed “impossible” by mainstream science, even if the appropriate testing hasn’t been performed. Whenever I experiment, I try to make things aesthetically pleasant.
The Scrotum Warmer
The Scrotum warmer is a elegant item that’s cable to momentarily sterilise a man’s testicles. Internal temperature reaches up to about 42° celsius degrees, rendering spermatogenesis impossible.
Choose between a carbon fiber and a kevlar fiber version, both dressed in leather for ultimate comfort. The Kevlar version is most likely bullet proof, but further testing has to determine that.
This is a prestigious item for a man who does not want to depend from condoms or birth prevention pills.
- You may become sterile using the scrotum warmer.
- It can hurt your testes if used incorrectly.
- Not suitable for children.
- Not suitable for animals.