- How would you seek answers from an enemy who refuses to speak?
- How would you handle sitting across from a cold blooded killer, especially if someone you loved was one of the victims?
- How do you take down an enemy that is considered completely unstoppable?
- Would you break your enemy with your rage, or would your enemy break you with its silence?
- What if you had it all wrong and your enemy isn't who you though it was after all?
Patrick Carroll confronts an enemy who is responsible for a multitude of ruined lives and countless deaths. This is the worst kind of killer. No reason, no logic, and no specific targets, makes putting a stop to the terror even more improbable. How do you combat an enemy that shows no remorse, no emotions, and can strike at a moments notice?
Even though the enemy is unspeakable, unbreakable, and unstoppable.... For Patrick, this war is personal.
This film is a deeply personal journey through grief and loss. Ultimately though, it is a story of hope. It portrays a battle against an enemy that is invisible yet devastating. Cancer.
The movie captures the raw emotions of a son who has lost his mother to this relentless disease. It’s a narrative that many can relate to. It echoes the true feelings and experiences of countless individuals who have watched their loved ones slowly fade away. The pain of such a loss leaves a deep aching void in the hearts of those left behind.
Yet, amidst the sorrow and suffering, there is a profound message of victory. The true victors are those who, in spite of their broken bodies, find eternal peace and joy in paradise through Jesus Christ. As a result, the enemy tries to claim victory by causing terrible grief for those left behind. That grief fills hearts with loneliness, hopelessness and even rage.
Those who are left behind can find peace, however, in knowing that no enemy can claim victory over the one that dies in Jesus. The moment they pass from this life to the next, they find a joy that holds no earthly comparison.
But this film is not only to honor those that have past away while battling cancer; it is also for their loved ones who stood beside them and watched them fight. It's for those that still remain here on this earth. It reminds us that when we lose a loved one who is a faithful child of God, there is hope. As believers, we find solace in knowing that our loved ones have shed their suffering for a peace that surpasses all understanding. Our goodbyes are not final; they are simply “can’t wait to see you again.”
We should not wish for our loved ones to return to a world of pain and death. Instead, we should look forward to the day when we will join them in paradise.
This movie is to give hope, to those who have felt hopeless because of cancer.
And we need YOUR help to make it.
What We Need & What You Receive
We are asking for $5,000 to create this message of hope.
What are we going to spend this money on?
Here are some things we need to make this film properly:
- We want this film to look great on your screen and be ready to be viewed at festivals.
- We want the sound to be excellent so you can hear the story being told.
- We have some prop and costume needs to tell the story properly.
- We want the best possible production team to help craft this story.
- Finally, we need the best actors possible to bring this story to life.
We already have a recognizable name and face to play a pivotal role in the movie. He is a Christian who loves the idea behind this faith based thriller. (See our video for the reveal).
As far as the team goes, part of our budget will be going toward the following.
We want to make sure we have quality and reliable people in front of the camera and behind it. This is such an important message and we need the best people to help us make it.
We are small in budget and no one behind the scenes is looking to profit from this film. Our perks are smaller in scale than a large budget film would be, however, we have some creative perks for your support. We encourage you to view the the perks sections to determine the amount you are willing to give and what perks will come with that particular donation amount.
Here is the kicker.
This movie is 100% fully not-for-profit. It is being developed to give hope to people who have been hurt by cancer and the loss of someone they love. Neither the writers, producers, nor anyone on the Out Of The Void ministry team is profiting from this project. Ryan Jump is the writer of this film and the owner of Out Of The Void Network. He is investing his own personal money to get this movie made. This film will be shared online, in festivals, and in churches as a message of hope.
What happens to any funds going into this movie that exceed the final budget? What if this campaign is so successful that the money goes beyond what is needed? We're glad you asked.
The simple answer is that ALL funds given that are over the final budget will be given directly to different charities. Again, a profit from this film is not what anyone is seeking. The desire is to tell a story that uplifts and encourages those who watch it. We want this campaign to go far beyond the budget because that means more money goes directly into the charities once production has wrapped.
Here are the following places we are looking to give donations with any money raised over budget.
- St Jude- The St Jude Children’s Hospital was the favorite charity of Barbara Jump, and if you knew Barbara, she had such a big heart for helping children.
- Make-a-Wish Foundation – a foundation established to grant great wishes to children with terminal illnesses. This can be special trips to special events, meeting celebrity heroes, and once-in-a-lifetime moments for children.
- Glioblastoma Foundation (Brain cancer research)- This film was written and created to honor the life of Barbara Jump, who died in January 2022 of Glioblastoma, Her diagnosis of stage 4 was discovered in July of 2021.
- Hurricane Helene Relief – The Jump family spent many vacations in Asheville, North Carolina. The devastation in this area is heartbreaking and we know that if Barbara was picking charities, this would be one she would have her heart set on.
Each organization or effort will be given 25% of any surplus of the final budget. For the sake of transparency and honesty, these donations will be filmed and posted online for all to see.
The Impact
This film is made in tribute to the mother of the writer and all those who have fought the hard battle against cancer. The movie is also dedicated to the ones that this disease leaves behind and the struggles they face when someone is taken away by the unforgiving monster that is cancer. Finally, it's in honor of the promises of God that Barbara Jump would echo daily of being ready to go to Heaven.
Despite the battle that those who fight against cancer wage every single day, hope remains. Cancer's victory is nonexistent for those who believe and hope in the promises found in Jesus Christ. What this disease counts as a victory, the moment cancer takes a body, the soul of that individual finds peace beyond all compare and all memories of what cancer has done is forgotten.... Cancer and death's victory parade is canceled, because that individual has entered into a celebration of which there is no compare.
This movie does focus on those impacted by the suffering and death of loved ones from cancer (or any fatal disease). It's about the heartbreaking moments for those left behind, and how people often long for a reunion with their loved ones. It shows how despair can hold us back. We can get stuck in the pains of yesterday, blinding us to beauty that life still holds possibilities for tomorrow. Especially, when viewed through the scope of eternity.
Here is what we are hoping for with this film:
- Posting it online through various outlets and channels.
- Hoping the film creates an impact in those who view it and will share it with their friends and family.
- Viewing parties for support groups, churches, and others.
- Entered into film festivals to give the film even more exposure. (Again, if any prize money is won in these festivals, it also will be divided among the charities and organizations.)
- Entering the film into festivals also opens the option for our short film to be picked up by a studio and they create a feature-length movie. While this isn't the goal, it would give our message of hope to a larger audience.
Creating a film isn't without its challenges.
However, because of the scale of production and the attempt to keep things simple for a complex story, the challenges are smaller in scale, but they still exist.
Challenges can include.
- Working around the full-time jobs of others. As stated before, this isn't being made for financial gain, so those behind the scenes make our income from full-time jobs apart from this film. Finding time to do what needs to be done, production-wise, can be considered a challenge, but can also be alleviated by careful planning.
- Anytime you're working with technology, things can break down and mess up for no reason. Equipment will all have protective insurance but replacing certain elements can cause the budget to move up. While we will try to cover most expenses in this case, sometimes it may be out of our own personal budget to do so. So, there is the risk of this, but with careful set up and planning, we will try to avoid the human element of error. Unforeseen issues may alter some plans. The challenge is how to move forward without "X" working properly... The simple answer is to do the best we can and find creative solutions.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people are unable to contribute financially but that doesn't mean you can't help:
- Share the campaign on your socials. It literally takes a couple of clicks and you can go on about your day. Share it more than once, I wouldn't suggest sharing it 4 times a day but it's your social feed, so do whatever you feel is best :)
- When the movie is finished and posted, share it again! This film is created to give hope. So, share it and let people know that, in the valley of heartbreak, God still reigns and hope is in Him.
- If we are able to have a viewing of the film, show up! Bring your friends and family.... especially the ones who have felt the sting of cancer in their lives.