She Sat There Crying
Last week I went to a Rural Women's Forum and bumped into a woman I met a year ago when I was volunteering in the Coonabarabran Community Technology Centre. She had come in to get help downloading photos from of her digital camera; help I was glad to give. We got to talking. The photos were of her house, farm vehicles and property that had been destroyed in the January bush fires. She was hoping her insurance company would pay out. They didn't.
I asked her how she was going as I hadn't seen her in nearly a year. She said not very well, and then she sat there crying. While she sobbed I felt angry and helpless and I vowed I would help her in any way I could.
She told me about her nightmare of a year. How she and her husband were paying rent in town that they couldn't afford. How the local council were doing all in their powers to get as much money out of the money donated to help people like her. How the small amount of cash that was doled out at the beginning for emergency relief was soon swallowed up with the basics of life. How her property was one of the ones that fencing volunteers never got to.How she felt forgotten, abandoned and incredibly angry that even the professionals who were called in to help made suggestions like "go on holiday" when she was watching every penny to ensure they ate that week.
I made her make me a promise - that she would send me a list of everything she needed done. That even if it was embarrassing or felt wrong, she was to put down every single thing we could do for her. I was so pleased that a few days later I received an email with all her needs.
I split the list into two columns
- Things that people could physically do here in town.
- Things that money would help solve
I am busy getting a crowd together for the hard work physical labour part. Your help is needed with the funds.
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What's the goal?
The Sims need to get back living on their land as soon as possible. They are paying rent in town, trying to keep that property up as well as trying to put in the requirements to move back to their block.
So the goal is
- Get the physical work completed to make the property safe and meet regulations
- Get cash to make the property liveable
- If we make the stretch - then we can send them on a holiday too
What's the cash going to buy?
Here's the most pressing problems that can be fixed with cash
$300 Development Application fee for a chicken pen. The council will not let them build one without this paperwork and they want to get back to eating free range organic food as it is cheaper than buying mass produced supermarket foods
- $1000 for parts for earth moving equipment to help clear the property
- $2000 Solar system as there is no power to the property (not unusual out here)
- $3000 engineers certificate for a shed to put their donated furniture in. I had hoped we could get an engineer to help out pro bono, but they need to feed their families too
- $5000 Shed/ Workshop and carports for equipment and vehicles
And there's more but any extra after that really should go to a holiday as their mental health is not good. I think they should go on the holiday first, but they are desperate to get back on their land.
Every cent will go the Sims even if we do not make the full amount (but I refuse to believe that will happen).
No one left behind
Every person touched by the fires this January has been deeply affected. Most have been able to start their rebuilding and recovery. Others have taken breaks either to family, or gone interstate or overseas. The Sims however, have not had that luxury. They have fallen through the cracks, something that is highly unusual in a rural town where everyone pitches in to help those in need.
Your help will be the start of the rebuilding the life of a couple who have worked hard and now have only some donated goods and a charred block of land to their names. A terrifying prospect for even the young and healthy amongst us, let along a couple that are in their middle years with acute stress related illnesses.
Please promise
Not everyone has cash and if you don't you can do something just as valuable to contribute. Spread the word about this project as far and wide as you can. Facebook, Twitter, mention it in emails to your friends, put a notice up at work, if you know people that can do "things" then pass it their way. Who knows it could be your referral that gets the project over the line!
And thank you - it is hard to look and think about people's suffering close to home. Annette and Andrew Sims deserve some comfort this year and your actions will provide some.
I look forward to sending you your perk - select one now!