Any "Perks" earned from donating are not available to those who donated after December 31, 2016
THE MOD DEMO HERE: battlenet://starcraft/map/1/182043
Or you can manually into Battlenet > Starcraft 2 > ARCADE > type into search browser: "star crafts mod" (make sure it is all spaced)
Carbot Animations has been creating StarCrafts episodes for almost 3 years now! We love the Starcraft community and have been very lucky to have received such positive responses from our cartoons for the past 3 years! You guys are awesome! And so, after many requests and comments and begging, we are finally taking the cartoon style animation and reskinning it into the Starcraft 2 game!
Everything from a tree to a battlecruiser, buildings, landscapes, doodads (props), ect, everything! The mod will be custom game in the arcade, with a series of different maps to play against and with your friends. It is not accessible as a skin on the Starcraft 2 ladder, but maybe one day this dream could come true (BLIZZARD PLZ). The Starcrafts Mod will be accessible in the Starcrafts arcade for free!
It is Accessible In the Starcraft Arcade for free to ANYONE. You do NOT need to buy the Starcraft game to play!
What We Want To Give To The Community With The StarCrafts Mod
We want to give the community of Starcraft new life. We want to see more laughs and giggles. We would love to see new players discover the game. We would love to see casual players get back into the game! We know Starcraft is a stressful game! This mod will give a little less grey hairs in your life and a little more laughs.
We are making the game different and fun through new features. One example of a new fun feature would be
THROWING CHEESE, YES. By using the ability button "throw cheese" that all units will have the first 5 minutes of the game. Now you can literally Cheese people. And laugh even harder. Or a feature called
FLAG OF TRIUMPH Each time a new expansion is built you will gain a CarBot Flag of triumph, and it will rise with a trumpet of triumph!
These are just 2 of the features we have planned for you! And will continue to incorporate these features from taking ideas from the Starcrafts show!
So far the StarCrafts show has been extremely successful and we thank all of you for watching. We hope to get you more involved in StarCrafts by not just passively watching the characters but now actively controlling them!
How Many People Are On Our Team?
The team consist of 6 people: 2 Animators, 3 Developers & 1 Project Manager.
3 team members are full-time and 3 are part-time.
The $70,000 will be used to fund the project for the 6 Team members to work over the course of the next year to complete the Mod. And to say the least, we are more than excited to make this!
Is Blizzard Funding you?
We are just like any other community Starcraft crowd funding campaign. It is up to us the community, if this project will live or die! So let us all band together and help us prevail!
Glimpse Of The Work That Needs To Be Done
Work for our 2 animators We will have to animate over:
54+ units
They all have their own run cycle, idle cycle, attacks, deaths with a minimum of
4 directions to animate and then carefully and painfully import them frame by frame into the game so that they match up and sync with the game mechanics.
So that's
348 frames (hand drawn pictures) total to complete ONE 2D unit
There are also over 46 buildings, then landscape re-skinning and countless doodads (props) to bring the atmosphere together!
This is an example of 6 units and their respective sprite sheets, some animations have yet to be completed for these 6, such as various death animations. We still have about 60 to go.
LOL and that is just for the 6 units! It is alot of work, but we are confident we can get this done. It's our passion :D
We Need Your Help!
Please help us to to our goal of $70,000! Yes, $70,000 seems like a scary number but as mentioned before this is for a team of 6 people for a working period for a year! We tried to keep this amount low as possible for 6 workers for the Starcrafts community.
Animation is one of the most under estimated time consuming types of work, and can take weeks or even months just to complete a minute or 2 of a good quality cartoon for 1 person. We keep our animation simple & short enough that we can make a cartoon every week on our youtube channel. This time we are taking that same skill into creating game art for this mod that we can't wait to get out!
Once the Starcrafts Mod is complete, you can expect a full fledged cartoon world! from ui, icons to units, buildings, and landscape with the attitude and character for each race from the StarCrafts show. Again this will be available FREE for you and all your friends in the StarCraft 2 arcade which is free to play, and also accessible to those who do not have the Starcrafts game.
Help Promote the Mod!
Share, Like, Tweet, any bit helps! :D
We will be regularly updating and promoting the mod on our social media sites.
Stretch Goals Explanations:
Each "New Map Tile Set" will introduce a new map the the StarCrafts Mod with a unique environment and map layout, Grass Lands, Lava Lands, Desert Lands and Snow Lands.
LotV units...
Is the addition of the new units in Legacy of the Void to the StarCrafts mod!
StarCrafts Plus...
This is something we are particularly interested in doing. StarCrafts Plus will be an optional mode available alongside of the StarCrafts mod. We really want to change the gameplay to better suit the art style to something less stressful and just pure fun while keeping the core mechanics. Marines will be trampolining off supply depots, mutalisks slamming workers on the ground, zealots punting zerglings off cliffs and everything that was fun and interesting in the cartoons to be added to make dynamic and fun gameplay.
StarCrafts Campaign Adventure...
This will be an adventure that you can play with friends. There will be several characters to choose from with compelling gameplay and a boss fight at the end!
8 Direction Animation...
The entire project is a lot of work, a lot more than we expected, so currently we are only planning 4 animated directions for each unit. However, if we achieve this goal we will enhance the quality to 8 as demonstrated below.
Moar StarCrafts!!!
Any extra money will go towards adding new environments, enriching StarCrafts plus or adding another chapter to the StarCrafts adventure.
4 Direction Sprite Sheet (8 doubles it)
4 Direction vs 8 Direction
These goals are very ambitious but we wanted to show you the visions and hopes for this mod that we could do. Thankyou community for the continuous support you have given us! If you would like to see this mod come true please donate! And together we will defeat the Evil Derpfestor!