Short Summary
The Tribe is a captivating and inspiring story of the power of "the village" and how friendship and love can sustain a community in its toughest times. This story highlights six friends who bonded through shared experiences in college and as life took them away, it now snatches them back together for an announcement that will surely test their foundation.
Studio 19 is a production company run by two young, Black women and is all about reclaiming the narrative of Black people in film. We highlight stories of light and love and bring to the forefront the true, and sometimes unheard, stories of our culture and our people.
Contributions to this project will help us bring this vision to life and to share it with the world in hopes of spreading love, uplift, and a fire to tell our stories our own way.
What We Need & What You Get
The Impact
- We are a production company that specializes on Black Realism, giving the full spectrum of the Black experience to entertain and to inspire the next generation. The Tribe encapsulates everything Studio 19 stands for and stands as a project that audience members can see their own community reflected in. Investing in this project
- We have done two previous shorts that follow this same frame of thinking: providing entertaining content that reflects positively on the Black community. "The Plan" and "The Sub" can be found on YouTube under our page.
Risks & Challenges
- For the past few years all of our projects have been funded out of our own pockets and from close friends and family who believe in us. This campaign will be no different except this time we are extending our request to others who have a passion for great stories and for positive representation of Black people in film.
- Whether or not we reach the desired goal, our tenacity and determination will drive us to complete this project like we have others before. We both love filmmaking and will pursue it the rest of our lives.
Other Ways You Can Help
We are aware that everyone can not help financially! If you are not able to give a contribution, we ask that you share this link with other family, friends, and filmmakers who share our passions and are excited about our story! We are also looking to build our team of production assistants. All helpful inquiries can be made on Instagram to @studio19.films.