Aloha Everyone from the Big Island of Hawaii.
Would you like the world's first all-glass, gravity-fed, counter-top, water purifier?
Would you like filters that last 10 years?
Would you like to remove viruses, pathogens, bacteria, heavy metals, chlorine. fluoride and other contaminants from your drinking water?
Then I have your answer.
After 5 years of being the Berkey Water Dealer for all of the Hawaiian Islands, I found that many of my customers did not like the metallic taste from the stainless steel Berkeys or the Berkey Light, made out of plastic, as the plastic is known to leach into water - even though they say it is food grade and BPA free.
So I went out and made the best of both worlds, a GLASS version that you can SEE the water level, and know that it is made from the highest quality, clean glass that does not affect the taste of your water.
****** Folks, I have been burned by several Indiegogo campaigns that never shipped out product - that is why I am GUARANTEEING you will receive your product within 2 weeks of your contribution. Yup, its my guarantee. I have these ready to go in a warehouse and each unit is dying for a new home.
This is the most UNIQUE XMAS present, Bday gift, graduation gift, anniversary gift you can give someone. It is the gift of health.
EVERYONE knows what happened in Flint, MI 5 years ago when the whole town's water supply was contaminated with lead. A few years later it happened in NC. Just a few weeks ago it happened in Newark, NJ. Hundreds of thousands of residents got contaminated water.
If you have not seen the movie Erin Brockovich, staring Julia Roberts, its a must see - another story about the whole town getting cancer from contaminated water.
Even with some of the cleanest water in the US, with NYC getting its water from the upstate aquifers, if your water goes through 100 year old pipes in your apartment building, it get contaminated.
No one trusts their tap water anymore, and they have good reason to. Why not get PEACE OF MIND and purify it yourself in your own home?
Lets Talk about the filters
They are the same size and specs as Berkey filters, which are the gold standard in in black carbon gravity filtration elements. They remove viruses, pathogens, bacteria, heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride from your drinking water.
See this video on how small the molecules are to take out just about every contaminant known to man:
FREE Filters for life
I have a referral program that is simple. Refer me 4 people and you get a free set of filters. since your filters last 10 years at 1.5 gallons a day, imagine you drank 3 gallons a day for the filters to last 5 years - you can refer me a new customer less than 1 a year, and get new filters!