Lancer Concept
**There is more information on classes as well as their advanced options to be found at our website and forum.
Another important aspect of our game, especially for one of our staff members, is the story**! No world can be made to be interesting without a rich, deep history that sets itself apart from other worlds. Although there are many things that make a game, we believe that a complex and meaningful story is what sets our game apart from many others.
The most interesting part of an MMO of any kind is that the show must always go on. Unlike many games, where, if the story ends, the game ends; we plan to continue creating amazing stories that the players will go through as they venture through our world.
There will be two different story lines within The World. One that is easy, but mandatory to continue on your adventure, and another that will be an optional story line that is both challenging and rewarding. A small example of one of the stories is about a time when you meet a fellow adventurer, who soon becomes your mentor, aiding you throughout your quests:
You discover the legend of a powerful treasure that has been untouched by man. As you travel through the dungeon rumored to contain the treasure, you are attacked by two powerful-looking cloaked men. Try as you may, you fail to fend them off and your mentor is killed. You decide to take responsibility for what happened and embark on a quest for revenge, but we guarantee you it becomes far more than that!
Of course, there will be plenty of other quests! We have designed a large number of quests, each with their own path, each telling a tale of their own. Some quests are simply fun, designed to challenge a player or a group, but many other quests expand to include gaining knowledge of The World which cannot be found in the main story of the game. These include further understanding of the landscape, ruins, the many towns, and even monster tribes!
An example of these would include fighting what are known as the Elemental Deities. Only through optional side quests can you unlock these amazing battles and the rewards that follow.
Finally, one of the most unique features in this MMORPG is a system in which everything is affected by everything else. Players will become able to have a massive influence on the environment around them. Not only this, but, when left alone, the monsters themselves will help shape the surrounding area, leading to several surprises that await unsuspecting players. Remember, this is a world, and we plan to treat it as such.
**The back story can be found on our Website. To sum it up, The World is allowed rotate by the actions and creations of the Twin Goddesses, Aura and Luna, for through them several deities were created.
The World is a huge place that has remained unexplored for thousands of years. Only recently has the human race gathered enough strength and knowledge to expand their reach beyond their towns, cities, and strongholds.
Together, the human race has slowly begun to expand, and is discovering the ruins of races that have long since disappeared. Many of these ruins and dungeons contain dangers that most people cannot even imagine. For those brave enough to be willing to take the risk, however, the reward will surely be great.
Using the Chaos Gate, players can explore large landscapes which are characterized and shaped by the different elements. Some areas included are:
- Frozen Tundras
- Relaxing Beaches
- Trecherous Mountains
- Beautiful Forests
- Arid Deserts
- Chaotic Volcanoes
Hidden on these massive fields are the ruins of ancient races and castles that have long since been abandoned. Within these dark corridors and stairways are powerful creatures that now call these structures their new homes. If an adventurer is lucky, they may also find, beyond the dangers, a rune statue guarding long forgotten treasures such as sacred armors and rare weapons.
Monster Concept
These dungeons are not the only dangers players should be wary of. Some monster tribes have prospered above the ground, building makeshift fortresses and bases to further their reaches. Finally, there are rumors of strange lands and structures that defy all reason and lack any logical explanation.
Atop the many features of the game we've covered so far -- the environment surrounding the players -- we understand the value and importance of player to player interactions. Guilds will be in the game; they are player made and will have a vast number of functions to aid groups venturing through The World.
Groups will be able to take advantage of many options to help organize and spread their guild throughout the lands. Guilds can even compete for special fortresses and bases located on various fields, and ward off those who try and invade them.
Another aspect of player to player interaction is Player versus Player combat, or PvP. There will be PvP interaction within The World, but not everywhere. We understand the important line that exists between players who play for PvP and those who may not prefer it, and we have always worked to please both sides. We have come to the conclusion that the more dangerous areas (PvP areas) will contain some higher level treasures. We see a nice balance from adding an extra danger in finding the most desired of weapons and armor.
PvP will not be limited to free range slaughter. Tournaments, both official and player made, will be available to the users. Eventually, other PvP additions will be created; like Sieges, for example.
Player versus Environment interactions, or (PvE) will also be expanded beyond quests and story lines. We, the developers, love armies. We want the player to be able to experience all out war with various monster types, protecting or wiping out various monster races from strongholds for rewards.
In both PvP and PvE, we, as a team, have decided to add what we believe to be a unique feature: the power of the elements. Although many MMOs put very little stress on things such as "fire beats wood", and "wood beats water," we plan to encourage our players to use their elemental advantage against their enemies! Monsters, weapons, and bosses stress the importance of the element they are powered by.
There will also be a concept built around Elemental Crystals. All weapons, starting out, have a neutral base with basic weapon skills. However you can make your weapon stronger by forging an Elemental Crystal to give the weapon elemental skills and bonus damage. Although, once forged onto a weapon, they cannot be removed; these powerful new weapons will give much needed help to players on their quests.![]()
Elemental Weapons Concept
Our development team have known each other for many years, mostly through the same website we grew up with as gamers and developers. Although we developed different professional paths, we all agree that our true desire is to design games, and we will not stop until we are able to do just that.
The Staff:
Lee, The World Producer.
Lee has been a dedicated artist and storyteller throughout most of his life and through the development process. Although Lee is not as tech savvy as the rest of the team, he has pulled through with great 3D models and amazing concepts for the game. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and is currently working at a mental health center. His dream is to create a great video game, then move on to the horror genre of gaming, hoping to pull at peoples heart strings as they play. This of course, will pour into The World, so prepare for a scare!
Gato, Lead Programmer
Gato has worked along with Lee for many years on small projects for fun. Gato has not stopped pouring countless hours and hard effort into this project, continuing to out-do himself with every small update he makes. He has pushed the game as far as it has gotten today, and helped maintain the dedicated community we have.
Axl, Lead Texture/Interface Designer
Axl has continued to be a strong member of various .hack communities and eventually stumbled on this project a while back. Using his artistic talents he has helped reshape how the game looks and feels. To top it off he has also created the current forums and website, which are both fantastic.
Brian, Gameplay Developer
Having a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics, Brian has helped shape the battle mechanics and balancing in not only the classes themselves but all around combat and interactions. He is also constantly aiding in the physics of the game as well. Like all of us, he hopes to turn his skills into a long time profession of video game development.
Allen, Cinematographer/Web Developer
Allen has spent many years editing and creating videos. He then took his interest and talent professionally by developing his skills with the tools and foundation necessary. He contributed his editing skills into a community based project that he enjoyed being a part of. Combined with his editorial skills with other staffs directional and animation talents, together they've created wonderful cut-scenes rivaling what many would expect from professional gaming.
Your money will be used to push this game from a very early alpha into its beta stage. Your pledge will be used to shape this world by giving us the ability to have magnificent:
Music: so that not a single field or town will be dull, Animations that breathe life into the characters that inhabit The World
- Beautiful 3D Models that can bring you joy in the simplest of moments.
- Game changing Plugins that allow us to extend the features this game has to offer while speeding up development further.
- Stunning Textures that compliment and expand the beauty of every model.
Quests and Stories that consist of grandiose epics that will inspire you not only to read them, but also to be involved emotionally.
- A Server back-end that can hold up against thousands of users interacting in a dynamic world.
Effects that call forth constant amusement and awe.
- And Gameplay that is not only well thought out, but also fun.