On the 14th of April we will set off in an old Americal school bus driving towards Rio in time for the 2014 world soccer cup, the sporting event of our generation. We are a group of people from all over the world meeting up for this ambitious adventure, all contributing to the trip the best way we can. On our trip we will meet and stay with locals, explore their country and what it has to offer. Along the way we will document our travels trough sosial media, and at the end of the journey make a short documentary.
The World Cup Bus Project is a low budget adventure; that is why we are here on Indiegogo - we want your help to achieve our goals.
For as little at 15 USD you can help support us - we will write your name on our bus so that a part of you also can attend the World Cup. For 40 USD you willget a square ft of the bus to advertise on as you like. We will also promote your cause/business through all our social media. If you donate 55 USD you can get the opportunity to directly interfere with us - you will then get the opportunity to give us a challenge that we have to accomplish and document, like for instanse arrange a flashmob somewhere in Central America. When documenting the challenge you will be credited. For 500 you will be counted as our main sponsors and will get your name/logo featured on all our main updates and in our final documentary - and yes, you get to challenge us too.
The donation will go towards our travel cost, media updates and our final documentary. At the end of the journey we will donate the bus to a local youth charity, and they can then use the bus as they see fit.
We want to share our adventure with as many people as possible, and we want to give everyone the opportunity to play their part in the World Cup Bus Project. Even if you do not donate please like, follow and share our social media sites.