I am Dr. Salvatore DeRicco - a dentist, orthodontist, award-winning toothbrush inventor, and successful entrepreneur. And I have invented The WUNDERBRUSH for GUMS™, which is the first brush engineered specifically for gums, and which was inspired by the estimated 90% of adults and teenagers who have gum disease - either gingivitis or periodontitis, and the many life-threatening and life-shortening diseases, which are known to be linked to gum disease.
While The WUNDERBRUSH for GUMS™ was conceived of one year before the COVID-19 pandemic, the discovered link between gum disease and more severe effects of COVID-19 infection further inspired and expedited the need to produce it. The most recent research - indicating that COVID-19 is NINE TIMES more fatal - in victims with gum disease, than in those without gum disease, validated our efforts:
I truly appreciate your considering The WUNDERBRUSH for GUMS™, and I hope that you can support this Campaign by either pledging for one of our Rewards and/or sharing the Campaign with your loved ones, friends, and colleagues, who may benefit from The WUNDERBRUSH for GUMS™ - even if just to improve their breath, for when you have to meet with them!
The need to brush not only at, but under our gumlines was determined in the 1940's - 75 YEARS AGO - shortly after World War II - by Charles C. Bass, M.D., and YES, he was not a dentist, but a physician, who had gum disease, and who wanted to avoid having to have his teeth extracted, as was done, routinely, for gum disease. And, while he developed both a toothbrush and a technique for us to attempt to brush both at and under our gumlines - "The Bass Technique", he refused to distribute it to anyone - including dentists, who he did not personally instruct in its method of use - perhaps due to its complexity of use. And nobody has developed a more predictably effective, efficient, and user-friendly brush - for gums, since then, which is why the incidence of gum disease is STILL outrageously high - at 90% of all adults and teens!...
...Recognizing this cavernous void, in proper daily oral hygiene, I - as a Dental Specialist and an Award-Winning toothbrush inventor, have picked up where Dr. Bass left off, by establishing "The PERFECTED Bass Technique™", (a.k.a. "The SIMPLIFIED Bass Technique™"), by simplifying and foolproofing your ability to brush at and under your gumlines, especially because we have learned - much more recently, that gum disease not only results in the obvious problems, including:
- BAD BREATH (often due to gum disease)
- GUM RECESSION (the underlying bone degenerates and is lost and the gums follow)
- TOOTH and IMPLANT LOSS (when too much supporting bone is lost and mobility ensues)...
...but even more importantly, and due to gum disease being a chronic inflammatory infection, which enables pathologic oral bacteria to enter our bloodstreams, gum disease is also linked to the following Life-Shortening Diseases and Life-Threatening Diseases:
- Heart disease
- Liver, Lung, and Kidney Diseases
- Diabetes
- Pregnancy Diseases
- Cancers
- Alzheimer's Disease
- COVID-19 coronavirus infection (increased severity*)
* Molayem S, Pontes CC. The Mouth-COVID Connection: Il-6 Levels in Periodontal Disease — Potential Role in COVID-19-Related Respiratory Complications [published online ahead of print July 30, 2020]. J Calif Dent Assoc doi: 10.35481/jcda-48-10-01.
There are two things that other brushes lack, which restricts them from getting to where The WUNDERBRUSH for GUMS does - REACH and FIT. Other brushes cannot predictably reach - both to our gumlines and under our gumlines - especially on the tongue sides of our teeth, because our teeth, themselves, obstruct other brushes from getting there; and other, multi-row brushes have too many rows of bristles, to be able to fit under our gumlines. The WUNDERBRUSH for GUMS solves both of these problems:
1. By having an offset/extended head, which reaches over our front teeth - to reach our gumlines on the tongue sides of our back teeth, and over our back teeth, to reach our gumlines on the tongue side of our front teeth
2. By having just one row of bristles, in order to be able to fit under our gumlines!
In addition, the bristles are offset by 45 degrees (to the sides of the handle), to help guide the bristles under our gumlines.
And, finally, I designed the handle to be hollow – to reduce its plastic volume, and to reduce “plastic pollution”. This was inspired by The Ocean Elders - an eminent advocacy team, which includes H. M. Queen Noor, H. S. H. Prince Albert II, Jackson Browne, Neil Young, Sir Richard Branson, Jean-Michel Cousteau, and many other researchers, educators, dignitaries and celebrities, who have brought my attention to this important consideration.
A reasonable analogy for using a TOOTHbrush to clean your gums is using a fork to cut your food; you can cut some of your foods, reasonably, with a fork (desserts, some breakfast foods, etc.) - perhaps 10% of all of your foods; but to cut 100% of your foods, properly, you need a knife; and, by the same token, you may be able to clean 10% of your gums, reasonably, with a TOOTHbrush, but to properly and effectively clean 100% of your gums, you need a brush specifically designed for reaching and brushing at and under your gumlines - namely, The WUNDERBRUSH for GUMS™!!
What makes The WUNDERBRUSH for GUMS™ so unique and beneficial, is its combination of 6 features identified above:
1 - Its head is offset from the "neck" of the brush, to permit it to reach over all teeth, and to access the gumlines on the tongue side of ALL of your teeth - with unubstructed access
2 - It has only 5 tufts of bristles, so its bristles can fully and properly fit everywhere, including the "narrowest" areas - at and under the gumlines at the backs of your upper and lower front teeth (see demonstration video)
3 - It has only ONE row of Ultra-Soft bristles, so the bristles can predictably fit into the crevice between your gums and teeth
4 - The bristles are offset at 45 degrees to the sides of the handle, to help guide the bristles under your gumlines, at the proper angle
5 - The handle is hollow - for plastic volume reduction
6- The handle is vented, since it's hollow - for airflow/drying
The technique developed by Dr. Bass - which we have named "GUMSSAGE™" - is NOT a scrubbing motion - which can damage teeth (by creating "toothbrush abrasion" notches) and gums, (by abrading them away), but rather, is a gentle massaging/vibratory process, used with our exclusively ULTRA-SOFT bristles - to safely and effectively remove the harmful bacterial plaque and biofilm, located at and under your gumlines, without damaging your teeth and gums:
Unfortunately, much like many cancers, gum disease is asymptomatic, until the advanced stages - when it's often too late to be able to do much about it. However, bleeding upon brushing is the cardinal sign of gum disease - even in its earliest stage! As such, by being able to reach 100% of your gums, The WUNDERBRUSH for GUMS™ serves as the perfect diagnostic tool, for you to know if your gums are inflamed/infected, by just using it and reaching all your gums! Since its bristles are all Ultra-Soft, end-rounded, polished, and non-irritating, any bleeding elicited can only be due to pre-existing inflammation/infection. And, if the bleeding continues - after several days of twice daily use, it's a strong indication of the need for you to see your dentist, ASAP - sooner than your next scheduled recall/check-up.
The Gold Medal for Personal Care Products is awarded to Dr. Salvatore P. DeRicco - at the INPEX Invention and New Products Exposition, 2017
My name is Dr. Salvatore P. DeRicco, and I am a dentist, an accomplished orthodontist, an award-winning toothbrush inventor, and a successful entrepreneur. I have a 10 year history of toothbrush invention, production, and distribution, and I hold over 20 toothbrush patents – Nationally and Internationally, with other patents pending, including numerous ones for The WUNDERBRUSH for GUMS™.
In 2015, out of concern for my own orthodontic patients, I introduced The SPOT LESS BRUSH - a specialized brush, which enables orthodontic patients to better brush around their braces; and, in 2018, I introduced The ImplantClean Brush - a specialized brush for implant-supported dentures and the supporting implants, themselves; together, these brushes have helped nearly 100,000 individuals, to date. And, I have won Gold Medal Awards, for my toothbrushes – at the INPEX Invention and New Products Exposition - in the Personal Care category, in both 2016 and 2017. Additionally, besides having my own orthodontic practice, I spent 23 years studying and practicing with one of the world’s most revered dental specialists - in both orthodontics and periodontics – the late Dr. Robert L. Vanarsdall, Jr., of The University of Pennsylvania, including 10 years in one of the Nation’s renowned “meccas” of periodontics – the Philadelphia practice of Drs. D. Walter Cohen, Robert L. Vanarsdall, Jr. and Louis F. Rose; and I have routinely been voted “Best of Westchester” (my county in New York) - as an Orthodontist, in the 10 years that they’ve been conducting “Best of Westchester” voting.
I truly appreciate your considering The WUNDERBRUSH for GUMS™, and I hope that you can support this Campaign by either pledging for one of our Rewards and/or sharing the Campaign with your loved ones, friends, and colleagues, who may benefit from The WUNDERBRUSH for GUMS™ - even if just to improve their breath, for when you have to meet with them!
Thank you,
Salvatore P. DeRicco, DDS