Thank you for making this campaign a success! To order decks from now on, you can do so at: YPISATHOME.COM
My name is Lillian Medville. I created a card game called Your Privilege is Showing that helps players process their privilege. I did this, not because I had any experience in game design - I didn’t. Not because I’m an activist - I’m not. And not because I had a degree or expertise in social justice - I still don’t (but I'm learning everyday).
I created the first version of the game, Your Privilege Is Showing LIVE!, because I realized that I didn’t know how to talk about racism or sexism or privilege in ways that were both direct and personal, and when I looked around my community I saw that, for the most part, neither did anyone else.
I gave a TED talk all about the whole journey. You can check that out here.
I have been running Your Privilege Is Showing LIVE! games for a few years and it's been very impactful, joyful, and educational, but that version is designed for organizations as a professional development experience, and I wanted everyone to have access to at least some version of this valuable tool. It's a valuable tool because it’s effective: it asks us to answer for ourselves in ways that are challenging, while also being fun. Getting this game into more people’s hands is why I created Y.P.I.S. AT HOME!
Y.P.I.S. AT HOME! is a simplified self-guided version of our facilitated LIVE! experience designed for personal social groups to play privately. It is a game for up to 6 players, is appropriate for ages 16+, takes about 90 minutes to play, and is never the same game twice.
Real-life scenarios are used to prompt challenging discussions related to social equity, oppression, marginalization, and the various types of privilege. Players engage each other's perspectives, delve into their own, and utilize personal knowledge and experience to practice how to have these conversations in progressive and productive ways.
It’s not about saying the “right thing”. It’s about saying your true thing and working to get more specific and accurate. The person with the most points at the end of the game is the Perfectly Adequate Human.
What We Need & What You Get
I’ve already play tested this game so I know it works. The entire game and packaging has been designed, prototypes made, suppliers chosen, and I've got the first run of boxed games ready to go! It's all been self-funded so far.
This campaign is for us to get pre-order capital to place the most cost effective inventory order and do all of the additional stuff that comes with adding a new product line. The goal will be split 70/30 between the inventory and administrative costs.
If you all help me exceed my goal of $8,000, all of the extra funds will be used as follows:
$8,000+ upgrades the YPIS AT HOME! web presence then website and marketing materials
$15,000+ allows the deployment of targeted brand building and marketing plans
$25,000+ I get to finally start hiring some help!!!
$50,000+ guarantees development of at least 2 expansion packs and one new version of Y.P.I.S. the game with a targeted focus.
The Impact
I hope you, like me, give a shit about the world and want it to be better. This game won’t solve all our problems but it will help us develop the skills to do the work - on ourselves and the world - that we so desperately need to do.
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you can't support us financially, sharing this campaign will help us enormously. So please spread the word in all the ways you know how!