Who We Are?
Hi there,
Thank you for visiting our page! We are Imbue Cinema, a rising independent film production company with several talented filmmakers looking to share their passion for storytelling with the world. Specializing in narrative films and music videos Imbue Cinema embodies
This year we've worked hard to create 4 short films and are looking to make There Is Evil Here the next one.
To check out a few of our other works please click the link below:
About The Film
There Is Evil Here follows a young man who hides in the restroom of an abandoned building from a creature he believes is after him.
The story sees the main character, Louis, experience a descent into madness questioning everything around him. When his girlfriend finds him the simplest thing like opening a door becomes a choice between life or death.
Director's Statement
About 3 years ago I was running out of money and extremely close to leaving another film school. In a last-ditch effort, I gambled on myself and made a film. While I did not get a chance to finish film school I walked away with something far more important. An unforgettable amount of experience on my terms. During the process of making Partisans, I experienced a much-needed evolution and finally came into the next portion of my development as a filmmaker. I now had an understanding of what it was like to truly get the cast and crew across the finish line. To explore a story beyond the page and bring it to life with a team fully behind it. When I made Partisans, I was looking to make a low-budget drama about the mid-twenties stalemate that a few friends and I were living. The goal was to make a film with whatever we could and simply tell the story. My approach to There Is Evil Here is no different.
The original concept of There Is Evil Here is from a short called Pepper. Because the turnaround for it was quick we did not get a chance to truly go deeper into the story. There Is Evil Here scales the concept up just enough to truly bring out the potential that was in Pepper.
I look to make a horror film that plays with the theme of trust and examines a character who wants to be saved but is uncertain if they can be. In There Is Evil Here I want to test the complexities of characters reaching for one another only to realize that they might be too late.
Another thing I'm looking to do with this film is cast people of color. Growing up a horror fan, the odds of finding one with a black lead were almost always out of the question. No need to even talk about surviving one. That severe lack of representation runs throughout all of cinema and I'd like to make an effort to change that with There Is Evil Here.
What We Need & What You Get
While we have locked the location for the abandoned building we still have a few other things that we need to take care of. To truly paint this gritty image we need the tools to make that happen. Any financial support will see the funds divided amongst the actors, set dressing, make-up, special effects, editor, and catering.
Filmmaking does not happen without a village. Through your contribution we are not asking you to donate, we are asking that you join ours. We are asking that become a part of the crew and join us for the ride that making a film can take you on.
Other Ways You Can Help
Sharing Is Caring! If you find that you are not able to contribute financially, but you do believe in the project the next best thing is sharing. Share it to your socials. Instagram, Facebook, etc.
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IG: @imbuecinema
YT: Imbue Cinema