Hello Indiegogo world! My name is Acen Herron, and I am proud to introduce you to Féru. Féru is my very first solo project, I am excited to share my songs with the world!
I have been in a some very successful bands, but I am ready to tell my own story. This Ep consists of five songs written by myself and with a couple close friends of mine. These songs are the product of going through my own storms in life, but I hope at least one person can listen and realize that if I can make it, they can. These songs are honest and real, and I am proud of what this Ep has evolved into.
What We Need & What You Get
Alright, now to the reason this page exists. Doing this right requires money, so here is why I need $1,000.
This price covers printing 200 quality sleeved CD's, plus mastering, copyright, and getting the songs put up onto Spotify, Amazon, iTunes, and all that jazz.
Now the fun part! Here is what you get!!
-$6 gets you a printed copy of the CD and a fun little thank you note mailed directly to you!
-$15 gets you the CD, the note, handwritten lyrics to a song off the Ep, and a Féru sticker!
-$30 gets you everything listed above, entry to the cd release show (Spartanburg, SC), and a custom hand painted shirt! (It probably will not be pretty.. but everyone loves custom personal stuff!)
The Drive
Like I said before this Ep is the aftermath of situations I would not wish on anyone. Every person goes through their own storms, and that is when you are at your weakest. The waves crash around you, and you feel helpless as the wind takes full control of your ship. Know that the sun always comes out, and you will find your way to calm waters. I am getting there, and so can you. If one person takes away something from this, then I accomplished what I set out to do.
Want more ways to help?
Not your thing? Hey, thats totally ok! Spread the word! Tell your friends! Tell your family! Tell your dog! Don't have the cash? Like me on facebook and catch some singles and previews! And if you are even reading this, thank you for getting this far!