So tell me more about this project...
This is What Philadelphia Looks Like is a photographic project striving to create common ground. Diversity is a multifaceted fragment of life. There are countless ways to describe how one individual may be different from another, yet alone how one group differs from the next. And while a multitude of differences may exist – there are just as many, if not more, similarities. This is What Philadelphia Looks Like aims to exploit these similarities, no matter how minute. We are focused on raising awareness of the stereotypic nature humans possess, and hope to create dissonance and disassociation by challenging common misconceptions and labels applied to those viewed as the “other”. While creating this discord, we concurrently hope to swap these adverse stereotypes with sentiments of understanding and relatability. We hope that a young paraplegic girl is admired for her bright smile and silly faces, and not sneered at and called a “crippled”. We hope that the man surrounded by his kids and wife is viewed as a family man and great dad, and not deemed a terrorist simply because he’s Muslim. Conversation is the best mode of learning – and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.
This project is in no way a means to erase our diversity. Diversity is beautiful, and it is because of it that this universe has grown to where it is today. The Co-Intelligence Institute gave a great example on this. They said, “You need diverse parts to make a bicycle. A barrel of handlebars won't do the job… Likewise, an ecosystem is made up of diverse species, making up complex food chains and cycles that keep the whole thing going. Relationship, community, interdependence, mutuality -- even the entire economic system with all its different jobs and products and services and forms of exchange -- are all totally dependent on diversity”. Diversity is a necessity, but when used as a divisive measure, being “different” can result in misunderstandings, alienation, and dominance. This project aims to show the commonality between us all, despite those differences, and hopes that with a bit of understanding, these differences can come to be celebrated rather than shunned.
Why Philadelphia?
This is my home of course! I'm an event photographer situated in Philadelphia and have always had an adoration for the city's great diversity. But as the project grows it’s only right to include more cities – so be on the lookout!
What can you do?
This project relies on the acquisition of a Photo booth. Photo booth’s are awesome because of it’s inclusiveness nature and invitation to be yourself. The $13,000 budget will cover the cost of the photo booth, the printer, one cartridge of ink, paper, and the programs to share the images across social media.
Perks, Perks, Perks!
I have a number of perks ranging from postcards to canvas'. Most perks will be personalized with my "This is What Philadelphia Looks Like" logo, but there are a few listed in which you have an option to choose your preferred image. These options will be on my site Feel free to browse around and see just how awesome of a city Philadelphia is, but if you wish to simply find your image options to choose from, click the link "Stock". (INTERNATIONAL BACKERS: To control shipping costs, I've limited shipping to the United States. If you're outside the US and want to pledge, contact me and I'll give you a shipping estimate).
Cool logo --- tell me more about it
For one, I have an awesome graphic designer! I really wanted to showcase Philly's diversity, so we made sure to include men and women from different races and backgrounds. The collage consists of 9 different images which were then formatted into an outline of the city. We played with a few different fonts and colors, and voila!
How can I follow the project?
You can follow the project on the Instagram page @ThisIsWhatPhillyLooksLike
Risks and Challenges
The biggest risk is the step not taken. The second biggest is not stepping again. My current challenge will be finding organizers who will understand and see the great potential in this project and agree to hosting the booth during their event.