In what could be perceived as an alternate reality; TIGER MAN will see the king of rock ‘n’ roll ELVIS PRESLEY seeking revenge for the murder of martial arts legend BRUCE LEE.
There are two things that people have never known about these two pop
culture icons.
First, is that they intended to produce, and star, in a film about two
undercover agents taking down a huge drug organization.
Second, is that the film they were about to shoot was based on a TRUE STORY.
Our aim for TIGER MAN is to make a high-end action proof of concept, that we hope to transform into a feature further down the line. We will use the short film to gain attention, as well as a selling tool for potential investors, and production companies.
All being well we hope that TIGER MAN will be our 2nd feature after we complete our western/horror film THE MOONSHINE GANG OF CHEYENNE. We currently have Steven Ogg, Pollyanna McIntosh, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, & Richard Brake attached, and we're set to film early 2020.
Our goal is to shoot this action-packed short before shooting Moonshine - then try to sell the film whilst we're in production on our western feature.
(Poster designed by Dan Strange)
James Campbell graduated from Cleveland College of Art & Design in June 2015, before starting production on his ambitious Batman vs Jack the Ripper fan-film ‘Ripper’ just two days later with producer Adam Bouabda. The fan-film was also partially funded by Hollywood director/Batman fan Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Jay & Silent Bob Reboot) and featured Bruce Payne (Passenger 57) as "Jack".
Below: Writer/Director James Campbell pictured with DOP Mike Staniforth and RIPPER star Bruce Payne
James then teamed up with Adam (Couch Potato Films) again to make the proof of concept short film ‘Please Don’t Die’ - which is a comedy about a group of friends in their 30’s who occasionally take their love for pro wrestling too far. The film also featured former WWE Superstar Paul London.
Paul London (Former WWE Superstar, Lucha Underground), Jean-Paul Ly (Jailbreak, Nightshooters, Artemis Fowl), Cornelius Geaney Jr (Escape Room, Homeland), Kris Saddler (Await Further Instructions), Jacob Anderton (13 Graves) and Natasha Goulden (Wolfblood).
We really want to blow people away with not only the concept or the fight scenes, but with the overall production value as well, so a lot of the budget will be going on 70's era costume design, and the camera & lighting equipment. We also want to shoot a good chunk of this project on 16mm film stock - which isn't cheap to buy, develop or scan. (But will look amazing!)
Travel, food, and accommodation can take a lot out of the budget too. Paul London will be flying in from the United States, as well as us having cast, and crew who are based all around the UK.
The majority of the cast, and crew will be getting minimal pay, and we really want to make sure the money goes on the screen, and that we make something very cool that will leave people wanting more.
Ideally, we'd really like to get this flick of ours in festivals, and we're desperate to use a couple of Elvis Presley tracks, so we will have to purchase the rights to use the music.
Hopefully, you can help us reach our target by either donating, purchasing some cool perks, or even just sharing the campaign. It all helps!
James Campbell