Several years ago I began to focus intensively on computers and everything associated with it. I found out, that I like PC and because I'm very creative and imaginative person, so I alone created my first websites without prior knowledge in this field, which are now at the level of "huge" game portal www.jwkk.biz with private server. The website is quite favourite and often visited.
People say about me, that I'm "crazy" in this direction, but I want to prove that can do much more.
Nowadays a lot of people love playing games on mobile devices!
Therefore, my thoughts led me to the next big step: establish the company JwkkBiz. Start cooperation with the mobile device game developer and start to develop my games for mobile devices.
However, I don't have enough finances for these intentions and so I've decided to try the possibilities here on indiegogo.
Here I can introduce my project and if you like it, then with your support I can realize my plan to create my game (games) for mobile devices Android (later for other platforms: iPhone, windows Mobile, Blackberry etc.).
Web game based on the popular characters from the TV series The Simpsons™.
Rather than detailed description of how the game looks and works, you can take a look and play the game on the official page : http://hrejsi.jwkk.biz/tiles-of-the-simpsons .
Or you can watch the game play video.
About 464,000 results = Worldwide spread![]()
With your potential interest to support this project, you will allow us to get better chances to succeed in this project and to continue with next games.
We need strong enough computers and other devices for game (games) development and testing, so we can guarantee perfect quality, usability and error free game play. Only then we can guarantee good game experiences in all games.
The more resources, the more platforms we can expand to, and in future not just this game, but also my other games.
All in all, you will us help to expand possibilities and personnel = more possibilities.
Probably the greatest risk is that the game might not be favourite on mobile devices, even though I doubt it, but they say "Nothing is impossible!".
I had small and large problems with the web and it wasn't just handful (for example, from technical difficulties website wasn't working for almost a month). Nothing ever discouraged me from my intentions therefore I never gave up and always solved everything. Hence if complications arise (and they will) we will deal with them to everyone's happiness. Unfortunately, we cannot foresee what kinds of problems we will find while making these games, but we will proudly face and solve everything. Wish us luck and success.
If we manage to reach the goal of financing?
Game development will be better, easier and above all faster.
If we reach only partial finance goal ?
The acquired resources will go on equipment according to the collected amount. We will provide full disclosure on how we spend the acquired resources.
What if we don't reach even minimal amount ?
Of course, we will continue development same as before: very slowly and with great difficulties, according to our limited options.
What if I have question which wasn't explained !
We will gladly answer any question about our project and campaign here on Indiegogo. U can contact us at indiegogoinfo@jwkk.biz .
Can I help even if I can't make contribution ?
Yes. U can use the share option (referral up and down) of our campaign, so as many people as possible will find out about our project.