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TMS - Undying Dynasties Army Release

A complete Undying Dynasties army, to be used in your Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age games.

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TMS - Undying Dynasties Army Release

TMS - Undying Dynasties Army Release

TMS - Undying Dynasties Army Release

TMS - Undying Dynasties Army Release

TMS - Undying Dynasties Army Release

A complete Undying Dynasties army, to be used in your Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age games.

A complete Undying Dynasties army, to be used in your Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age games.

A complete Undying Dynasties army, to be used in your Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age games.

A complete Undying Dynasties army, to be used in your Fantasy Battles: The 9th Age games.

Artur Stasienko
Artur Stasienko
Artur Stasienko
Artur Stasienko
4 Campaigns |
Lublin, Poland
$16,250 USD $16,250 USD 87 backers
3117% of $521 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects
The long awaited Undying Dynasties Army release. What can I add? Hope you like it, if you do please pledge as we need you support to release armies for T9A.

Welcome to our second crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo!

As the orders of our first campaign are being prepared for shipping, we are already launching the long awaited second campaign, featuring the complete Undying Dynasties army. As promised we have already sculpted a few models to showcase our skills. As the feedback was better than we had anticipated we have unlocked the Shabti model as well. This means that the Pharaoh, and Death Cult Hierarch and the Shabti are available for purchase, starting now. The limited edition model of the Pharaoh will only be available until the end of this campaign.

How the process works. (click here to enlarge)

Shabti Anubis Champion with Great Aspen Bow


Death Cult Hierarchy

Link to our webstore

Please fell free to download our Concept art.

TMS UD Art - Download


Unit Perks:

With this perk you can fund the unit of your choice, out side of the normal order. You get the unit at a discounted price, and if the unit is not made for any reason we will give you a complete refund.

Value Perks:

Perk Privileges:
Freebies you get to choose extra products up to the amount presented. You may choose from the product list (bottom of page) and form our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures.
You will get a 10% discount promo code for future use in our web store. It will be valid until the end of the year. This is a separate offer and it is not a part of this campaign.
You will be added to our wall of backers  your name will be on our Wall of backers featured on our website.


Worker - You get a little bit of saving and perk privileges.
Craftsman - You get €5 in savings and perk privileges.
Line trooper - You get €7 in savings and perk privileges.

With the level of Special trooper and higher the sooner you pledge the more freebies you will receive. Up to and insane amount of €750!

€95 Special trooper

€175 Elite Trooper

€255 Priest

€375 High Priest

€505 Noble

€755 Generals

€1010 Demigod

€1510 Pharaoh

€2000 Deity


Shabti will be available with 3 different head options (Anubis, Horus, Wedjet), and 3 different weapon options, Great bow, Paired Weapons, Halberd/Great Weapon. The presented model is of the unit champion.

Additional Shabti body variants will be available.

Each character will include a random Dead man's desert 20x20mm scenic base.

Skeleton infantry will come in 2 options (archers and warriors) and will include Dead man's desert 20x20mm scenic base :
1. Skeleton Archers will come equipped with bows.
2. Skeleton Warriors  will have the equipment options for spear, hand weapon and shield. 

Skeleton Cavalry
Skeleton Cavalry will be available in options for hand weapon, light lance, shield and bow.

Each Skeleton chariot will include Dead man's desert 50x100mm scenic base.

Winged reapers will include paired weapons and halberd as well as a Dead man's desert 50x75mm scenic base.

The Battle Sphinx will come with 3 riders equipped with halberds and one  equipped with hand weapon, as well as a Dead man's desert 50x100mm scenic base.

The Dread Sphinx will come equipped with a twin bladed baton, as well as a Dead man's desert 50x100mm scenic base.

Great Vultures will be on Dead man's desert 40x40mm scenic bases.
Sand Scorpions will be on a Dead man's desert 50x50mm scenic bases.

Sand Stalkers will be on a Dead man's Desert 50x100mm Scenic bases.

Necropolis Guard will include an option for hand weapon shield, paired weapons and halberds, and each model will be on Dead man's desert 20x20mm scenic base.

Arc of Ages will be on Dead man's desert 60x100mm scenic bases.

Casket of Phatep will be on Dead man's desert 75mm round scenic bases.
Charnel Catapult will be on Dead man's desert 75mm round scenic bases.

Colossus will be equipped with Paired weapons, Great Weapon, Giant Bow and will be on Dead man's desert 50x50mm scenic bases.

Each Tomb Cataphract will be on a Dead man's desert 50x100mm scenic base.

Scarab Swarms will be on 40x40mm bases.

What does TMS really stand for?

I have always loved our hobby, but more specifically: the community. The wargaming community is amazing and the people are awesome. The sheer diversity of people that get along is astonishing. I can go to any country in the world and find a wargaming community, I can be certain that I will meet interesting people, and I know I will have a good time, no matter our differences. The best example was during the last ETC in Prague, when Russia and the Ukraine were paired (two countries at war!). I was by the organisers desk and there was tension how this would turn out. I kept a keen eye on how things would unravel, glancing across the hall at them. Despite their differences and the animosities between their countries which they were representing, they were having fun and they were enjoying themselves, bonding over our hobby. If that isn't worth supporting, not much is. I have many more stories like this, and because of those I've dedicated the last 20 years of my life to popularising and growing the hobby. As time passes by I'm getting bolder, starting bigger and bigger projects. Always doing more, always working harder, as being a part of the community obligates me to improve. This is what TMS stands for. If you believe in the hobby, as we at TMS do, join us by supporting us in any way you can. Remember to tell your friends about this project, post a link on your favourite forum or join us on Facebook, register on our site, or mention us on Twitter.

Thank you for your support.


Lords and Heroes

€ 10 - Pharaoh
€ 10 - Death Cult Hierarchy
€ 10 - Death Cult Acolyte
€ 10 - Nomarch
€ 10 - Tomb Architect
€ 10 - Tomb Harbinger
€ 50 - Undying Dynasties hero set. Includes 6 models, one of each hero type.


Skeleton Archers
€12,50 - 3x archers
€12,50 - 3x command group
€17,50 - 5x archers
€17,50 - 3x Command group and 2x archers
€25 - 10x archers
€45 - 20x archers
€45 - 20x archers including a full command group

Skeleton chariot
€20 - 1x Skeleton chariot
€20 - Skeleton chariot Music or Champion or Standard bearer
€35 - 2x Skeleton chariots
€50 - Full command group Music, Champion and Standard bearer
€65 - 4x Skeleton chariots
€65 - 4x Skeleton chariots including, full Command group options.

Skeleton Cavalry
€12,50 - 1x Skeleton Cavalry
€12,50 - 1x Skeleton Cavalry Music, Champion or Standard bearer
€25 - 5x Skeleton Cavalry
€25 - Music, Champion, Standard bearer, 2x Skeleton Calvary
€45 - 10x Skeleton Cavalry
€45 - 10x Skeleton Cavalry including Music, Champion, Standard bearer

Skeleton Infantry
€12,50 - 3x Skeleton Infantry
€12,50 - 3x command group
€17,50 - 5x Skeleton Infantry
€17,50 - 3x Command group and 2x Skeleton Infantry
€25 - 10x Skeleton Infantry
€45 - 20x Skeleton Infantry
€45 - 20x Skeleton Infantry including a full command group


Necropolis Guard
€12,50 - 3x Necropolis Guard
€12,50 - Full command group Music, Champion and Standard bearer
€17,50 - 5x Necropolis Guard
€17,50 - 5x Full command group + 2x Necropolis Guard
€25 - 10x Necropolis Guard
€25 - 10x Necropolis Guard including a full command group
€45 - 20x Necropolis Guard
€45 - 20x Necropolis Guard including a full command group

Great Vultures
€35 - 3x Great Vultures

Scarab Swarm
€15 - 2x Scarab Swarms

Sand Scorpion
€15 - 1x Sand Scorpion

Battle Sphinx
€60 - Battle Sphinx

Tomb Cataphracts
€ 15 - 1x Tomb Cataphracts
€ 40 - 3x Tomb Cataphracts
€ 10 - Tomb Cataphracts command group upgrades pack

€ 12 - Single Shabti
€ 35 - Shabti command group (3x Shabti)
€ 40 - 4x  Shabti

Sand Stalker
€ 15 - 1x Sand Stalker
€ 40 - 3x Sand Stalkers


Dread Sphinx
€60 - Dread Sphinx

Winged reaper 
€15 - 1x Winged reaper 
€40 - 3x Winged reapers

€40 - Colossus

War Machines
€30 - Casket of Phatep
€30 - Charnel Catapult

Character upgrades

Arc of Ages
€30 - Arc of Ages

Magnetic bases upgrade - you can upgrade the standard resin bases, to one form our previous campaign the magnetised tray system.
*note that the bases are not equipped with any magnets. For more information please watch (Magnatised Tray system video)

each 20x20mm - €0,50
each 25x25mm - €0,50
each 25x50mm - €1
each 40x40mm - €2,50
each 50x50mm - €2,50
each 50X75mm - €5
each 50x100mm - €5
each 60mm round - €5
each 75mm round - €5

Movement trays
Normal Tray - 100x40 - 2,50€
Normal Tray - 120x40 - 2,50€
Normal Tray - 125x50 - 2,50€
Normal Tray - 150x75 - 2,50€
Normal Tray - 125x100 - 4,50€
Normal Tray - 100x100 - 4,50€
Normal Tray - 120x120 - 4,50€
Normal Tray - 140x100 - 4,50€  
Normal Tray - 150x100 - 4,50€
Normal Tray - 200x75 - 4,50€
Normal Tray - 150x150 - 4,50€
Normal Tray - 250x100 - 6,00€
Normal Tray - 200x100 - 6,00€
Normal Tray - 200x150 - 6,00€

Magnetic Tray - 100x40 - 5,00€
Magnetic Tray - 120x40 - 5,00€
Magnetic Tray - 125x50 - 5,00€
Magnetic Tray - 150x75 - 5,00€
Magnetic Tray - 125x100 - 6,00€
Magnetic Tray - 100x100 - 6,00€
Magnetic Tray - 120x120 - 6,00€
Magnetic Tray - 140x100 - 8,00€  
Magnetic Tray - 150x100 - 8,00€
Magnetic Tray - 200x75 - 8,00€
Magnetic Tray - 150x150 - 8,00€
Magnetic Tray - 250x100 - 10,00€
Magnetic Tray - 200x100 - 10,00€
Magnetic Tray - 200x150 - 10,00€


Undying Dynasties Large Scenic set €12

€12,50 - 3x 9th Legion infantry command group

€12,50 - 3x 9th Legion infantry spear & shield
€17,50 - 5x 9th Legion infantry spear & shield
€17,50 - 5x Full command group + 2x 9th Legion infantry
€25 - 10x 9th Legion infantry spear & shield
€25 - 10x 9th Legion infantry spear & shield including a full command group
€45 - 20x 9th Legion infantry spear & shield
€45 - 20x 9th Legion infantry spear & shield including a full command group

€12,50 - 3x 9th Legion infantry halberd & shield
€17,50 - 5x 9th Legion infantry halberd & shield
€17,50 - 5x Full command group + 2x 9th Legion infantry
€25 - 10x 9th Legion infantry halberd & shield
€25 - 10x 9th Legion infantry halberd & shield including a full command group
€45 - 20x 9th Legion infantry halberd & shield
€45 - 20x 9th Legion infantry halberd & shield including a full command group

€12,50 - 3x 9th Legion infantry paired weapons
€17,50 - 5x 9th Legion infantry paired weapons
€17,50 - 5x Full command group + 2x 9th Legion infantry
€25 - 10x 9th Legion infantry paired weapons
€25 - 10x 9th Legion infantry paired weapons including a full command group
€45 - 20x 9th Legion infantry paired weapons
€45 - 20x 9th Legion infantry paired weapons including a full command group

€12,50 - 3x 9th Legion infantry great weapons
€17,50 - 5x Legion infantry great weapons
€17,50 - 5x Full command group + 2x Legion infantry
€25 - 10x Legion infantry great weapons
€25 - 10x Legion infantry great weapons including a full command group
€45 - 20x Legion infantry great weapons
€45 - 20x Legion infantry great weapons including a full command group

€12,50 - 3x 9th Legion infantry Hand Weapon and Shield
€17,50 - 5x 9th Legion infantry Hand Weapon and Shield
€17,50 - 5x Full command group + 2x 9th Legion infantry
€25 - 10x 9th Legion infantry Hand Weapon and Shield
€25 - 10x 9th Legion infantry HW&S including a full command group
€45 - 20x 9th Legion infantry Hand Weapon and Shield
€45 - 20x 9th Legion infantry HW&S including a full command group

€12,50 - 3x 9th Legion infantry Archers
€17,50 - 5x 9th Legion infantry Archers
€17,50 - 5x Full command group + 2x 9th Legion infantry Archers
€25 - 10x 9th Legion infantry Archers
€25 - 10x 9th Legion infantry Archers including a full command group
€45 - 20x 9th Legion infantry Archers
€45 - 20x 9th Legion infantry Archers including a full command group

€12,50 - 1x 9th Legion Cavalry
€12,50 - 1x 9th Legion Cavalry Music, Champion or Standard bearer
€25 - 5x 9th Legion Cavalry
€25 - Music, Champion, Standard bearer, 2x 9th Legion Cavalry
€45 - 10x 9th Legion Cavalry
€45 - 10x 9th Legion Cavalry including Music, Champion, Standard bearer

€12,50 - 1x 9th Legion Cavalry Archers
€12,50 - 1x 9th Legion Cavalry Archers including a full command group
€25 - 5x 9th Legion Cavalry Archers
€25 - Music, Champion, Standard bearer, 2x 9th Legion Cavalry Archers
€45 - 10x 9th Legion Cavalry Archers
€45 - 10x 9th Legion Cavalry Archers including including a full command group

Plastic kits - If we do plastic kits one of 2 things will happen. You will get twice the amount of models or we will half the price. In other words your going to double value either way.
For this to happen we would have to exceed 20k in gathered funds.
The first units we were thinking of making in plastic are infantry and Cavalry, as with plastic we can provide you with a much better offer. When this campaign exceeds 10k we will provide more details what we can provide and in what time line.

I would like to thank all the people who are involved in T9A, especially those who put in all the hard work to make our hobby better.
And if your not familiar with T9A project, you must go and check it out The 9th age site link

Please Note:
These models are designed to be used in The 9th Age Game. T9A does not endorse, nor is affiliated with our company in any way.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
Need more information
Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

Choose your Perk


Elite trooper

Currency Conversion $182 USD
€175 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €200 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $9 USD
€9 EUR
Get €10 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Scarab Swarms

Currency Conversion $13 USD
€12 EUR
2xScarab Swarms + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Sand Scorpion

Currency Conversion $13 USD
€12 EUR
1x Sand Scorpion + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Casket of Phatep

Currency Conversion $26 USD
€25 EUR
1xCasket of Phatep + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Charnel Catapult

Currency Conversion $26 USD
€25 EUR
Charnel Catapult + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Arc of Ages

Currency Conversion $26 USD
€25 EUR
Arc of Ages + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
7 claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $31 USD
€30 EUR
Get €35 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. Perk Privileges - You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Great Vultures

Currency Conversion $31 USD
€30 EUR
3x Great Vultures + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $36 USD
€35 EUR
4x Shabti + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
4 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Sand Stalkers

Currency Conversion $36 USD
€35 EUR
3x Sand Stalkers + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Winged reapers

Currency Conversion $36 USD
€35 EUR
3x Winged reapers + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
4 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Colossus

Currency Conversion $36 USD
€35 EUR
1xColossus + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Skeleton Archers

Currency Conversion $42 USD
€40 EUR
20x archers + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Skeleton Cavalry

Currency Conversion $42 USD
€40 EUR
10x Skeleton Cavalry + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Skeleton Infantry

Currency Conversion $42 USD
€40 EUR
20x Skeleton Infantry (Warriors) + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Necropolis Guard

Currency Conversion $42 USD
€40 EUR
20x Necropolis Guard + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Line trooper

Currency Conversion $44 USD
€42 EUR
Get €50 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Tomb Cataphracts

Currency Conversion $47 USD
€45 EUR
3x Tomb Cataphracts + command group upgrades pack+ Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Hero set

Currency Conversion $52 USD
€50 EUR
Includes 6 models, one of each hero type.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Battle Sphinx

Currency Conversion $57 USD
€55 EUR
Battle Sphinx + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Dread Sphinx

Currency Conversion $57 USD
€55 EUR
Dread Sphinx + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
5 claimed
Ships worldwide.

UNIT PERK Skeleton chariot

Currency Conversion $63 USD
€60 EUR
4x Skeleton chariots + Perk Privileges: You will get a 10% discount and You will be added to our wall of backers
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Special troops

Currency Conversion $94 USD
€90 EUR
Get €110 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. Perk Privileges = Saving €15 + You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
5 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Special troops

Currency Conversion $99 USD
€95 EUR
Get €110 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. Perk Privileges = Saving €15 + You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Elite trooper

Currency Conversion $177 USD
€170 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €200 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
6 out of 10 of claimed


Currency Conversion $255 USD
€245 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €300 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
2 out of 4 of claimed


Currency Conversion $261 USD
€250 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €300 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 10 of claimed


Currency Conversion $266 USD
€255 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €300 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

High Priest

Currency Conversion $370 USD
€355 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €430 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 7 of claimed

High Priest

Currency Conversion $375 USD
€360 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €430 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 10 of claimed

High Priest

Currency Conversion $381 USD
€365 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €430 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 12 of claimed

High Priest

Currency Conversion $386 USD
€370 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €430 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 15 of claimed

High Priest

Currency Conversion $391 USD
€375 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €430 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $506 USD
€485 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €600 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
2 out of 7 of claimed


Currency Conversion $511 USD
€490 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €600 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 9 of claimed


Currency Conversion $516 USD
€495 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €600 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 12 of claimed


Currency Conversion $521 USD
€500 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €600 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 15 of claimed


Currency Conversion $527 USD
€505 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €600 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $761 USD
€730 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €950 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 3 of claimed


Currency Conversion $772 USD
€740 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €950 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 4 of claimed


Currency Conversion $782 USD
€750 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €950 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 5 of claimed


Currency Conversion $787 USD
€755 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €950 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $1,022 USD
€980 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €1400 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 3 of claimed


Currency Conversion $1,032 USD
€990 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €1400 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 4 of claimed


Currency Conversion $1,043 USD
€1,000 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €1400 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 5 of claimed


Currency Conversion $1,053 USD
€1,010 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €1400 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $1,522 USD
€1,460 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €2000 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 1 of claimed


Currency Conversion $1,527 USD
€1,465 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €2000 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 2 of claimed


Currency Conversion $1,538 USD
€1,475 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €2000 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures +Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 3 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $1,559 USD
€1,495 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide Get €2000 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $1,574 USD
€1,510 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide +Get €2000 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures + Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $2,033 USD
€1,950 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €2700 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 1 of claimed


Currency Conversion $2,044 USD
€1,960 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €2700 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 2 of claimed


Currency Conversion $2,054 USD
€1,970 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €2700 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 3 of claimed


Currency Conversion $2,064 USD
€1,980 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €2700 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 4 of claimed


Currency Conversion $2,075 USD
€1,990 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €2700 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 out of 5 of claimed


Currency Conversion $2,085 USD
€2,000 EUR
Free Shipping worldwide + Get €2700 worth of our Undying Dynasties unlocked miniatures. Perk Privileges = You will get a 10% discount + You will be added to our wall of backers + Invitation to live calls.
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

Special troops

Currency Conversion $83 USD
€80 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out

Special troops

Currency Conversion $89 USD
€85 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
Only -1 left
Ships worldwide.
sold out

Elite trooper

Currency Conversion $156 USD
€150 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Elite trooper

Currency Conversion $162 USD
€155 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
2 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Elite trooper

Currency Conversion $167 USD
€160 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
3 out of 3 of claimed
sold out

Elite trooper

Currency Conversion $172 USD
€165 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
Only -2 left
sold out


Currency Conversion $240 USD
€230 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out


Currency Conversion $245 USD
€235 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
2 out of 2 of claimed
sold out


Currency Conversion $250 USD
€240 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
Only -1 left
sold out

High Priest

Currency Conversion $365 USD
€350 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
Only -1 left
sold out


Currency Conversion $500 USD
€480 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
Only -1 left
sold out


Currency Conversion $740 USD
€710 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out


Currency Conversion $751 USD
€720 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
2 out of 2 of claimed
sold out


Currency Conversion $1,001 USD
€960 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
1 out of 1 of claimed
sold out


Currency Conversion $1,011 USD
€970 EUR
Estimated Shipping
December 2016
2 out of 2 of claimed
Tags for this project

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