Who are we?
Daring Woman is a social impact organization that harnesses the power of media to help women find their voice and become unstoppable.
Daring Woman was created in December 2017 by Tracey Osborne as a social impact organization that harnesses the power of media to help women find their voice and become unstoppable.
Tracey is a rape and domestic abuse survivor and she is on a mission to empower women on a global scale. No longer a silent victim, Tracey is using her voice to make an impact and encourage others to do the same.
At Daring Woman, we are a community of action-takers and we are not afraid to step out of our comfort zone. We cheer each other on and lend a hand when someone is down. We laugh together and we cry together. We celebrate what it means to be a woman and our confidence is contagious.
We will use funds from our crowdsourcing campaign to fund the growth of our new magazine, Today's Daring Woman. This exciting new magazine is all about Courage. We are different because we are not afraid to stand up and speak our mind. We don't coddle and we don't promote victimhood. We are about getting off your butt and gettin' the job done!
Everyone has struggle and challenge in their lives, but if we stand together, share our stories, and support one another, we can help all women find their courage and speak their voice.
Join us as we launch the newest women's empowerment magazine - Today's Daring Woman.
We are Bold. We are Daring. We are Unstoppable.
How will we use the funding?
- Our initial funding goal of $5,000 will be used to fund costs associated with the successful launch of Today's Daring Woman magazine
- We will launch additional crowdfunding campaigns to assist with the other projects described in Tracey's video, including The Daring Woman Project and The Daring Woman Conference
- Costs will including funding part-time staff to assist with Daring Woman's social media program, magazine layout and editing and miscellaneous marketing campaigns
- Costs to pay for content contributors
- Costs associatd with rewards fullfillment
- Indiegogo fees and applicable taxes
Daring Woman Goals:
- The first and most important goal is to have a successful Indiegogo program so that we can continue to grow our business
- After we successfully launch Today's Daring Woman magazine, we will focus on two key initiatives including The Daring Woman Conference and The Daring Woman Project
- The Daring Woman Conference titled "Dare to Dream" is expected to launch in 2019 with a two-day event focused on women's empowerment and relationship building. We will launch a new and separate crowdfunding campaign in the future for this project. Watch for more details as it promises to be a very powerful event.
- The Daring Woman Project is a the non-profit side of our business whose mission is to provide a safe haven for women to gather and share their stories of inspiration, heartache, love, wisdom and expeirence with others. Our goal is to provide shelter for woman who have experienced rape, domestic abuse and/or homelessness. Our community will be a place where women can come and get advice, knowledge and the guidance they need to become the Daring Woman they were born to be! Watch for more details, coming soon!
Risks and Challenges:
We are a startup organization. We bootstrap everything and with a very small staff, we are the worker bees (no high paid consultants here). We are not afraid to roll up our sleeves and pitch in to get things done.
But, as with any new startup, there are growing pains and cashflow challenges that can sometimes delay projects. We have planned for this crowdfunding campaign for a long time, so we are confident that the time is right.
The inaugural issue of Today's Daring Woman magazine is already at the layout/planning stages and we expect to publish our first issue in late August/early September. Thereafter, the magazine expects to publish on a monthly basis, but if cashflow becomes a problem, we may readdress the timing and roll to a bi-monthly magazine until growth generates sufficient cash to accomodoate a monthly publishing schedule.
But, the good news is, we are a hardworking, driven stafff and we have every expectation that we will meet our stated goals.
We look forward to partnering with you on this endeavor. Be Bold. Be Daring. Be Unstoppable.