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Toxxscan for a toxin free world

Toxxscan helps you find or produce consumer products that are free from known chemical health risks.

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Toxxscan for a toxin free world

Toxxscan for a toxin free world

Toxxscan for a toxin free world

Toxxscan for a toxin free world

Toxxscan for a toxin free world

Toxxscan helps you find or produce consumer products that are free from known chemical health risks.

Toxxscan helps you find or produce consumer products that are free from known chemical health risks.

Toxxscan helps you find or produce consumer products that are free from known chemical health risks.

Toxxscan helps you find or produce consumer products that are free from known chemical health risks.

Toxxscan Team
Toxxscan Team
Toxxscan Team
Toxxscan Team
1 Campaign |
Falun, Sweden
$1,060 USD $1,060 USD 37 backers
1% of $53,854 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

What is Toxxscan?

Toxxscan takes the ”chemical guessing” out of your shopping. It's a database with a service that color codes product data so you can check out chemicals, and ultimately barcodes and be able to avoid chemical health risks in production or when you shop.

Imagine if children could grow up without being a receptacle for the thousands of small chemical substances that are in our environment today. That they could avoid being exposed to chemicals that disrupt their hormones (EDC's) and others that cause weight gain and health problems like cancer.
That they could be free to be children.

It's time to say NO to exposure to chemical health risks. We need practical tools that help us steer clear of the risks. That's why we created Toxxscan – the easy way to find the safest products. 

Toxxscan's service is based on a database.
The database will contain product ingredients, bar codes and chemicals linked to world research on health risks. Building a database like this costs money. We have the strategy, method and algorithms ready to go.

Consumers can check the chemical hazards on the internet and get easy to read, color-coded information that helps you protect yourself and those you love.

Producers of goods, apps, websites get access to unique software with a license to access Toxxscans information and review product ingredients en masse. This reduces use of chemicals with known health risks in production or sales.

You shouldn’t have to be a scientist in order to decipher a label.

Toxxscan started out just like anything else. We had a problem and that problem needed to be solved. In this case it started with chemicals that have a negative influence on our health and lives. For instance phthalates – endocrine disrupting chemicals or EDCs that can be found in most perfumed goods, your evening meal that has been microwaved in plastic or sunscreens that cover your body. By disrupting the endocrine system, these chemicals can be related to numerous health problems affecting reproduction, endocrine-related cancers, obesity and diabetes.  


The scary part is that phthalates are only one example among hundreds and hundreds of chemical compounds that can pose a risk to your health.

Freedom of choice is a birth-right but when it comes to the complex labelling of chemical ingredients its hard to exercise that freedom.  It’s high time to ask ourselves why these dangerous chemicals continue to be used and why it’s so difficult to discover and avoid them?  

To contributions

If all you want to know is if a product is safe or not – that's easy. 

The Toxxscan database and service provide these answers by linking to international chemical ingredient data from well known universities and research institutes around the globe.

As a consumer you access the Toxxscan database online. Just write in a chemical ingredient and you have easy access to known chemical health risks. 

Once the database is complete we want to make an app. If you want to scan a barcode and get the ingredients in an app or scanner, your food chain or producer needs to allow access to product barcodes and ingredients. An app or scanner can then dispaly thumbs up or a questionmark depending on the results from the database algorithm. Toxxscan makes ingredients easier to read and health risks understandable.

As a food store owener who takes pride in your range of products, wouldn't you also like to check out possible chemical health risks before taking in new products? You can use the Toxxscan software to check barcodes if all the ingredients are digitally connected to the barcode. This also enables natural advertising of your products giving you a unique edge in the marketplace because your store invites your customers to get full ingredient transparency.

As a producer who needs to know about product safety – we've got your back! Toxxscan's database and software let you run a product ingredient check right in your office – linking you straight to international research.  You can even check your packing ingredients – a common source of EDCs. The software makes it easy to understand and if needed, helps you to find alternative ingredients or packaging. And when you upload your products on the database, Toxxscan gives your company a unique transparency-edge on your competitors.

As a purchaser of food and other articles for preschools, the elderly and healthcare industry, we have the tool that ensures chemical safety in everything you buy. Just run your orders through Toxxscan and find out which products are risk-free. Couldn’t be more simple!

But there is a catch.

The service needed for this product to hit the market is dependant on a huge open source database. 

This is where we need your help.

We need to make the data available for everyone. To do this we need to complete the database. We have a top notch technical team ready to start work. So once we have all gathered the €50 000 needed for this job it should take about 6 months to complete and test.

This is not a lot of money considering what is involved. So we are reaching out to you, the world wide web, to join forces with us. We need to become an unstoppable force, a rolling thunder, a powerful voice that reaches everyone, everywhere. 

And we say everyone,because everyone has the right to know.

Chemical ingredients should not be something that can be hidden, and certainly not something you as a consumer or company should be unable to access. 
Please help us fund the tool that we all need.

So what do you want? Thumbs up? Or thumbs down?

To contributions

Thanks to our research and development team the database design is solid. It is designed by Dr Robert Verkerk, from the Alliance for Natural Health International, Dr Fiorella Belpoggi and Dr Daniele Mandrioli, from the Ramazzini Institute, Italy and produced by EnvirohealthMatters and the Toxxscan team as an incubator start-up at UIC, Uppsala Innovation Centre.

To contributions

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Thanks for your support

Currency Conversion $1 USD
€1 EUR
Thank you for supporting Toxxscan and making the world a cleaner place for us all to live in!
1 out of 10 of claimed

Thank you!

Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
Thank you for supporting Toxxscan!
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
6 out of 1000 of claimed

Shopping check

Currency Conversion $16 USD
€15 EUR
Check the contents of your grocery bag on skype with one of the team.
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Thank you!

Currency Conversion $16 USD
€15 EUR
Thank you for supporting Toxxscan! We will keep you in touch with how Toxxscan develops by putting your name on our mailing - unless you choose not to.
9 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Rishab's laugh

Currency Conversion $22 USD
€20 EUR
MP3 of Rishab's laugh – use it to signal a new sms or as your morning alarm! Nothing like Rishab's laugh to set you up for the day!
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
5 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

20 min food talk

Currency Conversion $32 USD
€30 EUR
An opportunity to talk about food with Ingrid Franzon via skype. You pick what you want to talk about. For instance: allergies, chemicals, healthy food choices. Ingrid has a masters in clinical nutrition and close to 30 years of clinical experience.
2 out of 4 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Food shopping with Elina

Currency Conversion $108 USD
€100 EUR
Elina takes you on a virtual shopping trip to her local food store. She points out the healthiest foods and some that present a challenge. A great gift that be given any time, to be redeemed omline early in 2016 by agreement with Elina.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
1 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Dinner with Ingrid

Currency Conversion $108 USD
€100 EUR
Have a virtual dinner at Ingrids home. Ingrid is a cordon bleu cook and expert at inventing tasty meals even if you have food allergies. A golden opportunity and great gift that can be redeemed after agreement with Ingrid early in 2016.
Estimated Shipping
December 2015
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Producer special

Currency Conversion $1,077 USD
€1,000 EUR
A producer is responsible for product safety – but we've got your back! The Toxxscan service checks and assesses health risks for a whole list of chemicals at a time. This makes it easy to select the environmentally safe and healthy products that your company likes. You can even check packing ingredients. You are invited to share your specific database needs and test and access the colour coded results with Toxxscan for a year – right in your own office.
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Food store special

Currency Conversion $1,077 USD
€1,000 EUR
Foods stores order many products at a time. So assessing possible health risks is a challenge and time consuming. With the Toxxscan service a whole list of product ingredients can be checked and assessed together. This makes it possible to assess risks en masse and select the environmentally safe and healthy products your store prides in. You are invited to discuss your specific database needs with the team during production and test Toxxscan for one year in one store.
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Purchaser's special

Currency Conversion $1,077 USD
€1,000 EUR
As a purchaser of goods for daycare, schools or care for the elderly a check of health risks in products before ordering supplies is probably only a dream you long for. Well with Toxxscan you will be able to do just that! This donation allows you to take part in final database development and to test Toxxscan in your office for a year.
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Angel donation

Currency Conversion $53,854 USD
€50,000 EUR
We know you're there! You are the angel who longs to live in a toxin free society... You long to check out that Toxxscan database... And you long for a world where children are no longer exposed to carcinogens or EDCs (endocrine disrupting chemicals). You are what makes the world a better place. We long to get to know you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making Toxxscan a reality!
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

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