Short Summary
Our productions company What Did She Say LLC. is seeking contributors with a desire to assist in making a film happen that's impact far reaches beyond the screen. Our company has a 501c3 fiscal sponsor and we are developing this project with the aim of in benefiting organizations such as SelahFreedom, Polaris Project, and others who are fighting Human Trafficking locally and worldwide with a percentage of the profits of the film upon release.
Translator (aka What Did She Say) is endorsed by 13 coalitions fighting against Human Trafficking, rescuing victims, and helping survivors to regain their lives back through different means. Please feel free to check out our website or our IMDB page to see all details about the film.
We are currently seeking your investment to be able to secure our talent and complete the final phase we need to begin production.
What We Need
We need in order to achieve our goal we need to raise at least $6,000 US.
The Impact
When the film is complete and with the backing of our coalitions, positive relationship, and reputation that Past Lives Productions Inc. and Odette Blanch have built, we are able to create and present a story within the greater context of lives in turmoil and experience the possibility of the heroine's escape from a life that is known to few and feared by many women who travel to other countries on the promise of a better life. This film will raise the consciousness of this timely issue in a way that will be commercially viable to a mass audience.