'Trauma' is a short film tackling the issue of knife crime and peer pressure. It is Spirit Productions' debut project.
More and more children and young adults are getting involved in crime every day, often due to peer pressure and feeling like they 'need' to. I hope that 'Trauma' shows how the smallest decisions can have life changing consequences.
Jack is a 16 year old boy who has always felt as though he doesn't belong anywhere, he wants to feel a part of something instead of feeling useless. Jack becomes involved with Leo, a 17 year old boy, who loves to be in control of anyone or anything, seeing Jack as a great opportunity to win a pathetic argument, he preys on his weaknesses and recruits him. Jack is led to an 'initiation' which goes horribly wrong leaving the once kind and caring boy to now be a criminal on the run.
'Trauma' is from the point of view of the attacker instead of the victim, it is raw and gritty, my goal is to have at least one person, watch, sit back and think 'this is real'.
Trauma is a way of showing how deep someone can get incredibly quickly, showing that you never have to go along with what someone says because then you will 'fit in', as the consequences of trying to please someone else, especially people like Leo, can ruin any future that you could have hoped for.
I am looking for funds for the crew's expenses, any extra will be given to the cast to cover their expenses also.