UPDATE: Thanks hugely to all of you who have helped to crowdfund the industry award winning new game - TREBUCHET to the next level!
We now have a new stretch goal of $35,000 to take TREBUCHET game Global! including the addition of Multiplayer, Leaderboards, Tournaments for the game and much - much more!
Although our campaign is drawing to a close, you can still continue to contribute via paypal and help iconical Ltd. take the game to the next level via our website www.trebuchetgame.net with selected perks still available on request to mail@iconicalcreative.com!
Please don't forget to share, tweet and talk about TREBUCHET game or follow us on twitter @ www.twitter.com/_iconical - we look forward to bringing you lots - lots more going forward!
Thankyou for your support!
The iconical team.
Who are we?
iconical Ltd. (
www.iconicalcreative.com) are an English start-up company based in
London, passionate about new ideas, the digital world, and bringing new, exciting and original products to market. Founded in 2009 by one hugely passionate - award winning designer with international awards for product design and over 10 years experience in the digital market,
iconicals first major venture into the digital gaming world and has hit the scene with a bang!
What is TREBUCHET game?
"A Digital Original!" "Hits the spot!" : Sunday Times Paper 01/14
TREBUCHET game is an all original new strategy game, that is incredibly easy to play, and designed for all ages, skill levels and abilities. It is currently available on IOS, Android, on Amazon and on PC - with Mac, Linux and Steam support soon to come!
The principle is simple - each player starts with a set of pieces and a set of balls (cannon balls) positioned at opposite corners of the board. The objective is to strategically move your pieces across the board and roll (fire) your cannon balls to align to and kill (knock out) opposing pieces - with the ultimate objective of either killing the opposing king with your cannon balls - or reaching the opposing kings corner with your king - first!
"TREBUCHET is a brand new game that started its life as a product concept in 1985 - was resolved and proven as a successful digital game over the course of three years development and testing from 2011-2014, and now has rekindled ambitions as a viable product alongside an expanded digital version. You can help make that happen!"
Website: http://www.trebuchetgame.net
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.iconical.trebuchet&hl=en_GB
IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/trebuchet-game/id778844793?mt=8
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/iconical-TREBUCHET/dp/B00HF3WCJM/ref=sr_1_8?s=mobile-apps&ie=UTF8&qid=1392688141&sr=1-8&keywords=trebuchet+game
PC: http://www.amazon.com/iconical-TREBUCHET-Download/dp/B00HK6GCMM/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1392688251&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=trebuchet+game+pc
Why help TREBUCHET game?
Everybody knows the educational value of chess. Research shows that those who play
competitive social strategy games like chess perform better academically, become better thinkers, have more cognitive flexibility and have better memories – and the benefits don’t stop there. According to Chess.com – competitive social strategy games like chess improve social skills, mental health, raise IQ, increase creativity, verbal, reading and numerical skills, improve concentration, prevent alzeimers and dramatically improve planning, reasoning and both analytical and problem solving ability – games like chess make people smarter - and the long term benefits prove endless.
While all these benefits remain evident, research also shows that fewer and fewer of us are playing these sorts of games anymore, and that chess club membership is at record lows. According to world chess grandmaster,
“Chess could disappear from the face of the earth... I think everybody connected with chess understands that if we allow chess to continue for another four years in its presented terrible state, it will simply disappear from the face of the earth. Tournaments are shrinking in size, and disappearing altogether from the calendar – this is a huge problem.“S:
http://en.chessbase.com/post/karpov-che-could-disappear-from-the-face-of-the-earth-This may be largely to do with the huge distractions of the digital age and attention spans being somewhat lower than they used to be, the longer working week and people not having as much free time as they used to. It may also be due to the significant
decrease in exposure for games of this sort , the disappearance of games like chess from mainstream TV and the aggressive advertising of modern day ‘shootemups’ such as GTA, Call of Duty and other AAA titles flooding the market. There is equally, however, a strong case to argue for many who like strategy, who are otherwise simply turned off by the sheer number of rules, the complexity and the length of time it takes to fully learn, teach, get into or otherwise play games like chess, along with the addition of the well-worn social stigma that comes with these sort of games and the people who play them – i.e. that chess is ‘
boring’ ,
‘slow’ – or otherwise
‘just for geeks' - a social stigma that continues to affect player uptake and retention.
Whatever the reasons, the facts remain that the current and future generations are not playing enough educational - social games like chess, and that there is a distinct lack of alternatives when it comes to finding similar games that take less time to learn, are faster and more fun to play while still providing all the same long term social and educational benefits.
That’s why in the 21st Century, there is a real market for a new social strategy game designed for all ages, skill levels and abilities that is both quick to learn and easy, fast and fun to play while offering all the same educational benefits.
TREBUCHET – the modern social strategy game - introduces social strategy game play the fast, fun and easy way – being
quicker and easier to learn and play than
Checkers, while combining all the
‘Real strategic depth’ : Sunday Times and educational value of
Chess with all the
fast paced kinetic fun and excitement of classic games such as
labyrinth and
“People love that primal moment ‘when stuff moves and explodes’, and TREBUCHET has that addictive element of kinetic fun, sound and surprise people of all ages fall in love with, and that games like Chess, Draughts Othello or Go, lack.” Tom Whittaker CEO iconicalWith its
all original kinetic twist on an otherwise
“classic gameplay experience” : EA/Chillingo , TREBUCHET injects the
‘cool factor’ into the classic by bringing something entirely unique and exciting to the table - introducing an unforgettably fun, rewarding and addictive kinetic addition to strategy gameplay that entices new players in - encourages repeated - voluntary participation in an all original - educational new game that promotes very real transferrable life skills, and keeps players of all ages, backgrounds and abilities coming back for more -
brain training social gaming. ![]()
TREBUCHET’s very simple rule set and unique - true to life in-game principles set it apart from other strategy games in its class – namely the principle of progressing in the game through removing your opponents pieces/blocks from the board by very literally hitting them with enough balls – a concept that as well as providing endless fun and surprise - is easy for even young children to understand and get to grips with
quickly and
enjoyably through their early interactions with the real world
- the concept that if you hit something enough times – it can be destroyed! ![]()
“Although TREBUCHET is game for ages and skill levels, we’ve been surprised by how many children who wouldn’t otherwise play a game like chess, have picked up TREBUCHET, figured it out by themselves and repeatedly kept coming back for more. When we first trialed TREBUCHET on a 9 year old before it’s release, she worked it out by herself and played it for 3 hours in complete silence, and after being asked to stop playing for dinner it was the first things she asked to go back and play once she’d finished. We more recently had a reviewer post that after playing a dozen games with his 6 year old son over one weekend, it was the first thing his son asked to do with him when he got home the next day. Both, we were told – loved the new kinetic addition to the strategy gameplay experience”. Tom Whittaker: Director/CEO iconical
“Just to say that, as predicted, my son (and wife) love the game. We had a dozen games over the weekend and it was the first thing he asked me to do when I got home today. He gets really annoyed when I beat him!... He loves the tilting! ” email feedback: Tom Lingard. 18/11/14
“ These are pretty special responses for a game of this sort – from children this young and from both sexes, who have never played an educational strategy game in their life. You wouldn’t readily get that kind of enthusiasm with chess in a regular household. Equally, we’ve had 45 year olds from both sexes and all backgrounds tell us it’s the best game they’ve ever played. We really have had wonderful feedback ‘across the board’ (so to speak), which makes us believe we really do have a game for all generations and “something great here”: IndieCade 2014” – we just need to take the game to the next level and promote the game in the right places.“TREBUCHET has had huge success and feedback as a social strategy game in its first year alone – having won industry awards for Best Social Game and Game of the year 2014, despite having not yet implementing
WIFI play or
“Sadly, that’s going to take some time as we currently lack the funds or resources to promote it where it needs to be promoted, or take it to the level where it really is a viable social and educational game for all. That’s why we’re asking for some help and support from our audience, but we’ve been so busy working on getting the product bug free and right for everyone that we haven’t had a chance to build much of an audience, so if crowdfunding doesn’t work we will inevitably have to seek support and investment elsewhere. "
Tom Whittaker Director/ CEO, iconical Ltd.![]()
In the age of the dwindling chess club membership and ubiquitous mind-numbing ‘shootemup’,
“a rare game” Indiecade 2014 designed for a new - fast paced, short on time and attention generation seeking an educational - classic game play experience with more fast-paced fun, excitement and quick reward - less barriers to entry, and long lasting value for all.
Asides from the endless
brain benefits that come from playing competitive social strategy games like chess as previously listed,
TREBUCHET is an original new game for the public and social good that brings something entirely unique and fun to the table that all ages both respond - and keep coming back to for more. By helping to crowdfund
TREBUCHET game you can be part of bringing an exciting new educational classic to the world that will be around forever, that has the ability to bring households, schools, clubs , communities and players of all ages, skill levels and abilities together in an educational and socially rewarding environment, while helping players young and old to develop very real - long lasting transferable skills that help support their continued learning, development and successes through life in a way your average single player point and click or ‘shootemup’ wouldn't.
“There’s only so much we can learn from continuing to splat zombies hundreds of times over and not much to take away from it - at least not much useful or educational until the apocalypse. We should all have an interest in trying to promote new, new educational social games with a very real difference, that offer real life benefits for the next generation”
“Ultimately TREBUCHET it is not a game you help fund once, complete in a day and then put on a shelf to collect dust until the sequel comes along. By helping to crowdfund TREBUCHET game to the next stage people can put their name towards and be part of helping to bring a unique educational new game into households around the world, one that will be around forever and will provide long lasting enjoyment, educational and social value for cultures and generations young and old still to come, and ultimately we hope these are enough reasons for people to get involved and help us make it happen.” Tom Whittaker Director/CEO iconical Ltd.
The Press and the Players:
TREBUCHET game was launched as a Digital App in December 2013 to 5 star reviews across all major app stores and has received hugely positive feedback and support from leading UK papers such as The Sunday Times, the attention of leading games publisher - Electronic Arts/Chillingo, and has received endless enthusiasm and support from players across the Steam, Google Play, IOS and Amazon network since its launch.
In September 2014 TREBUCHET game was featured by IndieCade - the international festival of independent games in the Unites States, as one of the best independent game releases of 2014. It was later featured at the very top of indieCades twitter page and currently remains pride of place at the very top of indiecades facebook page (live link below):
In October 2014, TREBUCHET was nominated Game Of The Year and Best Social Game alongside hit games from Sony Entertainment - by the trade association representing the entire UK gaming industry - the largest gaming industry in Europe (see gallery) - Its future is in your hands.
The Industry:
The Press:
"A Classic Gameplay Experience!" "Really Cool!"
"A Digital Original" "Real Strategic Depth" "Hits The Spot!" "Great Game!"
"A Rare Game'' "Immensely pleasurable!" "A wonderful Design Job!" "I Can Almost Feel The Board Underneath My Fingertips!" "You've got something great here!"
The Players:
"One of the best games I have ever played. Do not even hesitate - buy it!" RFielding; Amazon+Facebook
"Great for some quiet times with the kids too!" RFielding: Amazon
"An Instant Classic. Played it with my 6-year-old son and it was the first thing he asked me to do when he got home from school the next day" Tom Lingard : IOS App Store
"EPIC!" : Samuel Shank 24 Apr @10:39 :Steam
"Great game, nice idea, I'm loving this addictive game!" : Morpice Mage 01/14; Google Play
"Simple, while leaving room for complex strategy... i like the idea - A LOT!" : Exile 29 Dec ; Steam
"Thanks for the great game of you!" : email feedback to iconical : 04/14
"Awesome! ***** Great Game! Original and fun!: : Misterjmon 03/14 - IOS App Store USA
"Already Forgotten Tetris:)" : Bufalo 25 Feb @ 3:51pm, Steam
"Old School=Great Class" : Dari 21 Dec, 2013 @ 5:48pm : Steam
"Such games make simple fun..." Lord Rob 23/13 @ 8:24pm Steam
"Great game, definitely worth it!" ***** : IOS App Store USA
"Super game!" : Azwraith 22 Dec, 2013 @ 5:05am : Steam
"Multiplayers gonna be goood!" : Rezza 12/13 :Steam
"Why not make it a full board game?" - SpikeyTaco 12/13 1:49am Steam
Other Accolades:
* Top Paid App in UK and Germany! - Google Play!
* Top 10 New Game! - IOS App Store!
* Top Featured game! - indieCade 2014 (www.indiecade.com)
The Tip of the iceberg: TREBUCHET ICEBERG (Bears n Penguins battle it out!)
See Gallery for more screenshots!
Where it all began?
TREBUCHET game started its life as 'product prototype' back in 1985, and has been realized, designed and developed as a digital product by iconical Ltd. The digital project has
taken almost 3 years and tens of thousands of hours of hard work, design, development, testing and investment to
fully realize the game from it's original product prototype into a fully fledged digital product complete with its own fully-comprehensive set of rules and irregularities, its own - unique artificial intelligence complete with three levels of difficulty, and available for download on IOS, Android and PC - with Mac, Linux and Steam support soon to come!
The Original Prototype (the inspiration):
(Above) In Game: Get out of this one! A Mind Crunching Scenario!
(Above) Chaos: Watch out for those cannon balls!
Following the endless enthusiastic feedback and overwhelming demand from public, press and players since it's launch, iconical Ltd. now need further funding to expand the game and take TREBUCHET to 'the next level'. This will include (among other things), the development of Local Network and WIFI Play for the digital game - to enable players, family, friends and schools all around the world to play and compete seriously, the development of a Multiplayer Matchmaking Environment for the game complete with Leaderboards and prize Tournaments so players from around the world can come together, play and compete, new design assets, re-skins and animations for the digital game, the development of TREBUCHET game online and on facebook, as well as the development of a World Class Artificial Intelligence for the game in order to enable ultra-comepetitive solo play anywhere and everywhere for the truly hardcore TREBUCHET game players!
What else?
Should there be enough enthusiasm and support for the physical board game , and should enough funding come forward, iconical Ltd. will develop TREBUCHET game into a physical product for pre-order, sale and purchase off the shelves - or otherwise (investment depending) - the production of limited addition versions of the game for priority distribution to our investors.
Early CAD drawings for production copies of the product game (Rhino 3D):
How can you help?
Our Goal of $8,000
Enables Us To:
- Add Cross Platform Local Network (WIFI) Play so family, friends, schools, children and communities can play each other on their own devices, seamlessly - across any worldwide network.
Stretch Goal #3 of $35,000 Enables Us To:
Do ALL the above - PLUS:
- Add Leaderboards feature for bragging rights!
- Add Personalisation features to the game!
Add Graphic Design Updates, re-skins and Improvements.
Stretch Goal #4 of $40,000 Enables Us To:
- Add fun in-game chat and brag service!
- Add detailed in-game statistics and game feedback.
- Add TREBUCHET iceberg - A Tuft-War between Bears and Penguins!
- Add other Graphical Re-Skins and animations.
Stretch Goal #5 of $50,000 Enables Us To:
Extend Promotions!
Stretch Goal #6 of $80,000 Enables Us To:
- Add World Class Artificial Intelligence!
- Add bigger boards and more complex gameplay!
- Add 4 Player TREBUCHET feature - family play!
Stretch Goal #7 of $100,000-$150,000 Enables Us To:
- Develop the physical board game as a real product!
- Ongoing updates and improvements to TREBUCHET game - for life.
- Run Contests/Prize tournaments!
- Start Development if a Multiplayer 3D version of the game!
Get TREBUCHET into Schools!
The magnitude and impact of your contribution:
Your contribution will help us to expand and develop TREBUCHET to its full potential and deliver on all the overwhelming demands and requests we've had for the game since first launch. It will also allow you to have your say, input and ongoing recognition in a lifelong project that has recognized potential from official sources around the world going forward - including leading games press, publishers and the games industry itself.
Moreover, and by contributing to the TREBUCHET game project, it is a chance for you to be a recognized member of the team that brought the world an original, exciting and enduring new classic for everyone of all ages, skill levels and abilities, and for generations of game players young and old still to come!
What if we don't make enough?
No proceeds will be wasted. If we do not raise enough to develop the physical version of TREBUCHET, or otherwise meet initial investment targets for the expansion of the digital version of the game - any and all proceeds invested will go directly towards helping us to meet the funding goals above, necessary to help take TREBUCHET game to the next level, and in our ongoing campaign to make TREBUCHET game a brand new blockbuster success.
What You Will Get for Being a Part of TREBUCHET game:
All contributors will be rewarded with a plethora of perks including a prime position in the in-game digital and product credits, free copies of the game for both Desktop and Mobile, exclusive access to free updates, free subscriptions, mobile and desktop wallpapers, quality
TREBUCHET souvenirs including
BRONZE, solid
GOLD vermeil Necklaces or Keyrings hand made and hallmarked in Britain by a top UK Designer (Below), as well as the chance to receive the very first prototypes and limited addition versions of the original game. Should we receive enough to develop the game as a viable product, investors will receive the very first limited edition copies of the real game with name engraved, and have their name in both the product and digital game credits.
Should enough funding come forward we will also be running exciting and ongoing competitions and tournaments for players and fans alike, and look to get
TREBUCHET game into Schools as a real alternative to Chess and Draughts, Othello and Go!
Stay tuned for updates...![]()
Other Ways You Can Help
Whether you feel you can contribute to the project or not, everyone can help.
Besides downloading
TREBUCHET game from our website
www.trebuchetgame.net, from Google Play, Amazon or the iTunes App Store , please help us
get the word out and make some noise about
TREBUCHET game by sending
the share link to friends on
email or wherever you can, and using the
Indiegogo share tools.Thank you for all your support, encouragement and investment.
iconical Ltd. London, UK.
A last word from iconical Ltd.
We sincerely value your contribution, our customers and our reputation.iconical Ltd. is a serious company with serious ambitions for the future and a die hard, uncompromising passion and determination in what we do and to get the job done - and done well! Due to the nature of the game,
TREBUCHET is a game 'for life' - not just for 'kicks', and will therefore see ongoing updates, improvements, support and investment for our players and player community going forward regardless of further investment. Naturally, however, the more investment and enthusiasm we receive, the more fun and features we can provide.
As part of our portfolio, and as our flagship game which we truly believe has the potential to be the next big blockbuster,
TREBUCHET game is a lifelong, ongoing and serious long term investment and commitment by
iconical Ltd. , it is not just a game - but our reputation as a company. As a result we will do everything in our power and more to return the best value for money on any and all investment donated - to the best quality, and to every individual and contributor, as well as full-fill all our obligations as a Private Limited company to all the supporters and investors who have so far enabled us to continue doing what we love - Bring new and exciting products to the world!
In return for all your support and enthusiasm we hope to bring you lots more fun and games going forward!
TREBUCHET 1.0 is just the beginning - and you wouldn't believe whats yet to come...
iconical Ltd. team:Tom Whittaker:
Alistair Moore : PHD: Consultant
Martin McKenzie : Chief games tester, Strategist + Pocket Tactics Guru
Darrell: Games Tester + investor
Rob Darwin :
Game Mechanics + Consultant