Trump's Space Force is a high octane, kinetic thrill ride blending over-the-top science fiction adventure with political satire and humor. With the announcement of the real-life Space Force becoming a reality and the current state of the comics industry catering to a one-sided ideology, the team behind Trump's Space Force wants to deliver a quality book that tells a great story, captures the current zeitgeist, and entertains with dynamic art.
*Stretch Goals Unlocked*
Thanks to your support, these are the stretch goals that have not only been unlocked but are applicable to ALL tiers of support:
$35,000: Graham Nolan Back Cover
$39,000: Robert Harkin Postcard Assortment
$46,500: Space Trump Trading Card
$55,000: 48 Page Extension
Locked: $66,000: Square Bound, Cardstock Finish
Make Perks Great Again!
The $15,000 goal will cover our kind sponsors, general overhead, and pay the creative team for the work put into this book. The book is more than 1/3 of the way completed, meaning that backers should be seeing the finished product by fall of this year should we meet our goals.
- Each tier comes with a Space Force Flight Patch, exclusive to this campaign!
$25 gets a Timothy Lim signed book, plus a flight patch
$50: signed book, patch, and a Make Space Great Again hat
$125: all of the above, and your name printed in the book in the Inaugural Space Force Roster!
$250: signed book, patch, hat, and a numbered, limited to 100 George Peter Gatsis Space Trump statue!
$250: signed book, patch, hat, Roster printing, and one limited to 20 Dave Dorman canvas print!
$1,000: signed book, patch, hat, Roster printing, and the articulated Jin Saotome custom Space Trump!
$1,000: signed book, patch, hat, Roster printing, and be drawn into the book!
$8,000: signed book, patch, hat, Roster printing, and OWN the original Dorman cover art!