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Truth and Lies in American Education Documentary

Exposing government school lies and schemes and advocating parental and local control of education.

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Truth and Lies in American Education Documentary

Truth and Lies in American Education Documentary

Truth and Lies in American Education Documentary

Truth and Lies in American Education Documentary

Truth and Lies in American Education Documentary

Exposing government school lies and schemes and advocating parental and local control of education.

Exposing government school lies and schemes and advocating parental and local control of education.

Exposing government school lies and schemes and advocating parental and local control of education.

Exposing government school lies and schemes and advocating parental and local control of education.

Sheri Few
Sheri Few
Sheri Few
Sheri Few
1 Campaign |
Lugoff, United States
$18,216 USD 116 backers
18% of $100,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Truth & Lies In American Education



A Timely Partnership Opportunity

United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) is a nonprofit nationwide coalition of state leaders focused on returning control of education to parents and local communities by eradicating federal intrusion.  USPIE is producing a documentary film to inform parents, taxpayers and elected officials about the scheme behind the workforce development model of education and liberal indoctrination of children in government schools.

The time is right.  Serious conversations are happening throughout the country about the legitimate and effective role of the federal government in education. Many on both sides of the political aisle agree the federal government has become unreasonably intrusive and ineffective in education policy and practice.

State leaders from around the country fed up with being ignored on education policy, have joined forces to abolish the US Department of Education (USED) and put an end to all federal education mandates. It is the goal of USPIE to return America's education to its proper local roots and restore parental authority over their children's education.

USPIE is currently seeking funding partners for this urgent and important project.

This film will seek to inform Americans of the lies and schemes being taught in government schools and to build a grassroots army that will influence Congress to end the funding of propaganda that harms children and threatens our very freedom.


Project Overview

April Few, the young mother of a preschooler, takes us through her eye-opening experience of setting out to learn about government schools and  her discovery of the alarming answers to questions such as:

  • What are the benefits of  whole-word versus phonics reading instruction?
  • Are standardized tests being used for data collection?
  • Why is the study of history so often anti-American and anti-Christian?
  • Are teachers using children for political activism?
  • What is the real aim of comprehensive sex education?
  • How much transgender influence is there in the government schools?
  • What about Common Core?
  • Is there a federal education scheme to control the nation’s economy?

April meets the authors of some of the books that guided her journey and develops a helpful timeline beginning with the age-old debate of whether government or families should direct the education of their children. In the end, April discovers her new mission—to educate parents of school-aged children about the schemes behind the workforce development model of education and expose liberal indoctrination in schools.

Emphasis in the film’s timeline will be placed on three federal laws passed in 1994. Linking facts to local implementation, these laws are shown to have created workforce development-focused education, and a data collection scheme intended to control the American economy.

April’s story will also seek to motivate a grassroots uprising across the nation to influence Congress to return to parental and local control of education.

In the conclusion of this compelling film, viewers will be encouraged to connect with others to support efforts of a state chapter affiliated with United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE). There are currently 15 active state chapters and USPIE plans to establish chapters in every state by 2022. This massive grassroots network will provide the influence necessary to achieve the goal of returning control of education to parents and local communities.



Film Thesis

Government schools are creating socialists and communists out of America’s children with your tax dollars as they pigeonhole children into jobs to fill industry demands and call it education. American education has been stolen from parents and local communities and turned over to big government and corporate America.

American education has been repurposed into a workforce development system with an attempt by the government to control the economy. 

Children in today's federally-controlled government schools are lied to in so many ways and are receiving destructive indoctrination; from gender neutrality to revisionist history, children are taught value systems that go against many parents’ beliefs. They are not being taught patriotism and about America's contributions to the world. Instead, America is portrayed as an evil oppressor while communist countries’ are viewed as superior.  It is time for the truth to be exposed and for an army of activists to rise up to stop the indoctrination and manipulation of America’s children.



Expert Interviewees

  • Sam Sorbo – Actress, talk radio host, homeschool activist, They’re Your Kids author
  • Alex Newman – International journalist, Crimes of the Educators co-author
  • Duke Pesta – Univ. of Wisconsin English professor, FreedomProject Academy Director
  • Donna Hearne – Former Reagan staff and The Constitutional Coalition Director
  • Peg Luksik – Founded on Truth Founder/Chair, Outcome Based Education co-author
  • Vicki AlgerFailure: The Federal Misedukation of America’s Children author
  • Joy Pullman – Heartland Institute Education Fellow & The Federalist Managing Editor
  • Ray Moore – Director, Exodus Mandate, Let My Children Go author
  • Karen England – Capitol Resource Institute Director
  • Mary Grabar, Ph.D.Debunking Howard Zinn: Exposing the Fake History That Turned a Generation Against America author
  • Jarrett StepmanThe War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America's Past author
  • Lily Tang Williams – Former Chinese lawyer/professor and liberty activist


Film Proposes Solutions

  • Eliminate all federal involvement in education
  • Return parental and local control of education policy and curriculum decisions
  • Join the Movement at to help restore quality American education
  • Homeschool and private alternatives


Film Distribution Strategy

For the distribution of Truth & Lies in American Education, a proven two-punch strategy successfully used for many independent films will be implemented.

1. Local screenings for advocacy and support groups, churches, and civic organizations will be coordinated and facilitated

2. The film will also be streamed using any number of the streaming channels available today such as Hulu, Kanopy, Redbox, Vudu, Amazon, Vimeo, Netflix, Dish and more. This will give USPIE access to tens of millions of viewers worldwide.

As reported in The Wall Street Journal, September 2, 2018, “The quantity and quality of documentaries have increased in recent years, thanks in part to the explosion of streaming services [which] have driven demand for content at the same time that new sources of financing for filmmakers have emerged.”


PR & Impact Campaign

A public relations firm will be retained to launch the release of the film with appearances on various TV and radio outlets, both national and regional with a message for the elimination of federal intervention in education and a return to parental and local control of education.

The film will be used in a nationally coordinated effort in partnership with other education policy organizations and motivated individuals to reach communities, families, policy makers, legislators, and the media with this message.

USPIE will also make available online unedited versions of expert interviews for those interested in gaining a deeper understanding of particular issues covered in the film.

A robust social media campaign will be deployed and managed under the leadership of April Few, who is not only the film’s protagonist but also USPIE’s communications director.


Project Challenges 

  • How to express urgency and concern without sounding extremist
  • How to reach inner-city parents, and liberal parents
  • How to convince States/local governments they do not need federal government money to have a robust educational system - become more educationally independent
  • How to properly fund the project for maximum impact


Plan for Addressing Challenges

  • Credentialed researchers, professors, authors and highly experienced individuals with first-hand knowledge are interviewed to shed light on the facts.
  • Focus groups will be implemented with inner-city and liberal parents to identify ways to reach their peers.
  • A cost/benefit analysis of federal education spending by state and used to dialogue with state legislatures about weaning themselves off the federal dole.
  • In addition to crowdfunding campaigns, USPIE is applying to small private foundations and seeking partnerships with like-minded organization.


Production Status

  1. DEVELOPMENT - COMPLETED - The filmmaker and Executive Producer have had numerous communications about their ideas for making this documentary film.
  2. PRE-PRODUCTION - IN PROGRESS - A crew has been assembled, the scope of the project is outlined, and hard drives have been purchased that store the first round of interviews. The film’s narrative outline will be scripted, more interviews will be coordinated and scheduled, and locations scouted and secured.
  3. PRODUCTION - IN PROGRESS - Eleven interviews have been conducted in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Missouri. Footage was captured of April meeting with experts, visiting a homeschool convention vendor hall, going to the SC State Capitol, and sharing the story of why she is interviewing them—which nicely sets up the film’s narrative. 
  4. POST-PRODUCTION - IN PROGRESS - Archival footage will be edited, graphics and animations will be created, music will be selected, color correction and sound design will be applied to the film, a narration will be written and recorded, and other post-production tasks will be performed. After a fair number of revisions are made, the film will be rendered and exported for distribution.
  5. DISTRIBUTION & MARKETING - JANUARY 2021 - Graphics, packaging, branding and marketing strategy, distribution coordination, public relations, special events, social media management, etc.


What USPIE Needs & What You Get

  • The entire project is estimated to cost $150,000 and USPIE has already raised and spent one third of the cost. USPIE is seeking the final two thirds from the Indiegogo campaign.
  • Contributing to the project will enable you to receive many great perks! Click on the each perk to see what is included for each donor-level perk.
  • Every penny raised will go toward the completion and distribution of this important film.


Other Ways You Can Help

  • Get the word out and make some noise about the Truth & Lies campaign!
  • Remember to use the Indiegogo share tools!


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Choose your Perk

Pre-order Film

Pre-order Film

$13 USD $20 USD (35% off)
This important film will be a great tool for you to inform family, friends and your church about the atrocities happening in government schools with their tax dollars. By pre-ordering the film, you receive it at a discounted price and help fund the completion of the project.
Included Items
  • Film at a discounted price
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
3 out of 1000 of claimed
Ships to United States of America


$25 USD
Anyone who donates $25 will be named with special thanks on the TruthandLiesFilm.US website as a valued supporter of this critically important film. Anonymity will also be honored upon request.
Included Items
  • Named Supporter on Website
19 claimed
The Story-Killers Book Deal

The Story-Killers Book Deal

$61 USD
The first 25 people who donate $61 will receive a free copy of The Story-Killers. This excellent book exposes how classic literature has been removed and destroyed in government schools and the horrid effects it will have on a whole generation of children. Get your free copy TODAY and help USPIE complete and distribute this critical film!
Included Items
  • Donate $61 for Story-Killers
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships to United States of America


$100 USD
Anyone who donates $100 will be named on the film website as a supporter (with permission) and receive a private link to the film once it is complete.
Included Items
  • Named Supporter on Website
  • Private Link to Film
20 claimed
#1 FAN

#1 FAN

$500 USD
Anyone who donates $500 will be named a supporter on the website (anonymity honored), provided a private link to the film once its complete, and receive a video shout-out on social media thanking them for their support within 24 hours of their donation!
Included Items
  • Named Supporter on Website
  • Private Link to Film
  • Shout-out in Real-time on FB
0 claimed


$1,000 USD
Anyone who donates $1000 will be named a supporter on the website (anonymity honored), provided a private link to the film once its complete, receive a video shout-out on social media thanking them for their support within 24 hours of their donation, and be provided a 15-minute video-chat with one of the film stars!
Included Items
  • Name on website as Supporter
  • Private Link to Film
  • Shout-out in Real-time on FB
  • Video Chat with Film Star
2 claimed


$10,000 USD
Anyone who donates $10,000 will be named a supporter on the website (anonymity honored), provided a private link to the film, receive a video shout-out on social media thanking them within 24 hours of their donation, a 15-minute video-chat with film star, name in credits & film mention, and an invitation to an exclusive Wrap Party!
Included Items
  • Named Supporter on Website
  • Private Link to Film
  • Shout-out in Real-time on FB
  • Video Chat with Film Star
  • Name in Credits & Film Mention
  • Invite to Exclusive Wrap Party
1 claimed


$25,000 USD
An individual or organization who donates $25,000 to the campaign will be named "Executive Producer" in the credits and in all packaging and marketing materials. The Executive Producer will also receive all perks associated with this fundraiser and an exclusive signed script by the cast and crew!
Included Items
  • Named Supporter on Website
  • Private Link to Film
  • Shout-out in Real-time on FB
  • Video Chat with Film Star
  • Name in Credits & Film Mention
  • Invite to Exclusive Wrap Party
0 claimed

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