Short Summary
The family of Tuatha Dea prides itself on defying musical genre. Thus the ever changing and unique description of Appalachian Celtic Tribal Rock that has been bestowed on us by others. Anyone who has followed us over the last decade knows about our integration of conventional and non conventional instrumentation. As we continue to evolve our promise is to continue creating music that is at once unique as well as familiar. It's been three years since we released music but we've not been stagnate in creating while staying true to this promise. Our genre defying approach does have a downside. As independent artists we work without a label and therefore have no financial buffer. Our fans are our co-producers and over the last ten years have made it possible to establish the amazing musical track record we are so proud of today, you are the driving force that moves us forward. From video projects like " Long Black Curl" and "Get Along Home" to creating high quality albums like "Kilts and Corsets" you have been our co-producers without whom these projects would have never been achieved. The message of the band has always been unity and acceptance and nothing achieves these goals more than music. We exist together we create together. If you don't know us we urge you to look at our website ( to see what you have helped us create through your support and love. On this anniversary of our ten year existence we want to bring you the very best we have to offer and give back in music the love and respect we've been gifted!
What We Need & What You Get
Financing a quality album is expensive. Particularly for independent artists whose resources are limited. Recording, engineering, mastering, graphics and production are all part of the process. While we work diligently to be frugal there is simply no way to create the quality product you deserve without paying the piper (or in this case the studio engineers and production crew). We remain an independent working band. We view our contributors as co-producers and know that we can't do this alone. In the past with the help of our contributors we have been able to write, construct, create and produce quality music in complete production for a fraction of what produced bands pay. From experience we know that our projects have ranged from $7,000.00 to $11,000.00. We've done the math and in an effort to split the difference know our minimal goal to bring you this project falls in the $8,000.00 to $9,000.00 range. All contributions go directly and only to the purpose of making this the finest product we can afford. Anything achieved beyond this will go to expanding upon the project and creating musical audio and video additions to complement "Project X". After ten years we believe we are at our creative pinnacle and are better than ever. Please consider being a part in making this celebratory album a reality and achievement to be proud of. We've never asked for something for nothing so please read on to discover just how far our perks will go to give back to our co-producers, fans and supporters.
The Impact
Simply put we need your help. We're puttin in the time, blood, sweat and tears and ready to pour our hearts out note by note and bar by bar to bring our best your listening pleasure. We're proud of our track record consisting of individual projects like "Kilts and Corsets" and "Tufa Tales" as well as our compilation projects such as "The Tribe" and "The Green Album" which we produced with 13 other amazing artists to help save a little piece of the planet! (Over 10,000 acres of Rainforest saved to date on Green Album sales!) BUT none of it would have been possible without your backing, support and love! This one goes out to everyone who believed in us and stood beside us and behind us over the past 10 years and to those just finding us who will be the driving force to propel us forward and into the next Decade! We're bringing our A game to Project X! Please consider helping us make it a musical menagerie for your minds!
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand that everyone may not be able to contribute. After all circumstances and life has a way of getting in the way. BUT you can still help support us by spreading the word and Sharing the campaign far and wide! Be sure to use the Indiegogo SHARE tools available and all your media forums to get the word out! From the Family of Tuatha Dea, all our love and gratitude!