TV One Life: Season 4
If you are like us, you see the next generation growing up and you are concerned. Daily they are deluged with media that is corrupting their hearts and with leaders that are drawing them away from God. Our nation is going in the wrong direction. The percentage of young people who don't believe in God has doubled in the last ten years. But there's something we can do about it. We know that 77% of people who become Christians do so by age 21. They are ready; they just need to hear the message! We would like you to partner with us to minister to this generation. The Bible says, “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:14-15). You can send us!
TV One Life is reaching students with the life-changing message of Jesus. This cutting-edge television program is striking a chord with hundreds of thousands of young people around the world each week. One viewer, Ryan, wrote, “I have been watching your programs on God TV. It's really inspiring. I live in India, and we don't have many things for youth in India, but seeing you put the gospel in really simple language is inspiring. Thank you!” TV One Life can be seen internationally on most Christian networks, such as God TV, JCTV, NRB Network, Cornerstone Television, TBN Russia, Australian Christian Channel, UCB (UK), Miracle Channel (Canada), Shine TV (New Zealand), U Channel (Indonesia), Family 7 (Netherlands) and more. We are in over 200 countries and in the homes of over 2 billion people!
Since 2007, TV One Life has been changing lives. In every episode we give the viewers an opportunity to make Jesus their Lord. Each week people are getting saved. Jeremy wrote, “I prayed to receive Christ as my Lord, and Savior. Thank you. I became born-again.” Although the harvest is plentiful, the need is great. Young people don't have the resources to reach their own generation. They need you. Please partner with us by supporting TV One Life both in prayer and financially. What a difference we can make together!
Why $40,000?
You might think that $40,000 doesn't seem like enough to produce a whole season of a TV show. You're right; it's not. Our total budget for the show is $152,000.
Season 4 is already in production, and through the generous donations of faithful supporters and other fundraising opportunities, we've made it into the final stretch. The networks are anxiously waiting for this next season, and we're hoping to give it to them before the end of this year. However, we need your help to reach this final goal!
We love the idea of Indiegogo because it gets so many people involved. You, our partner, will be with us as we reach our season 4 goals and deadlines, and we'll keep you updated along the way!
Behind the scenes of one of our season 4 skits
Spread the word!
If you can't help us financially, help us by spreading the word! Share this project on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. Email all your friends. Keep up with what's going on by checking back for updates and visiting our website. The more people who know about this project, the better chance we have of meeting our goal.
There are young people all over the world who need to hear about Jesus. Together, let's bring this message to them!
![TV One Life Crew]()
Thanks so much, everyone!