Update 11.2.14
Today YPDR returned to Guiwanon Elementary School where we got right to work repairing roofs, fixing hand-washing stations, and teaching classes on hygiene. We have also nearly finished the homes for our friends Hanah and Divina. A big thanks to the 24 Foundation for sponsoring this special project. Stay tuned to hear about our first round of combining joint medical mission and hygiene classes tomorrow.
Update 10.2.14
In the past couple days YPDR has been able to complete one of the two houses for Divina and Hanah Mae Cabrera Sevilla. Not only has the crew been able to complete one of the houses but YPDR has also finished the frame and half of the roof on the second house. YPDR continued the second day of school damage assessments. Today alone we were able to survey 7 schools! Along with having a crew surveying the schools we had a team we had a team head up to Sungko & Kabangbang to assess the homes that have been completed. While in the barangays the team handed out 800 bars of soap to the local community. YPDR also loaned shovels and wheel barrows to the supervisors during their visit to Sungko and Kabandgbang. A special thanks to the 24 foundation @The24Foundation for their generous support to build Hanah & Divinas new homes!
Update 8.2.14
Some of us having a technical day,YPDR learns the ins and outs of water testing with some professionals from OXFAM. This training will give our team the ability to assess and identify contaminated wells and water supply's, enabling us to take the appropriate action to repair and restore the water to a safe and acceptable state. One of many invaluable skills I've learnt here. Never a dull day at YPDR so help us and join the rise to a better future for the people of Bantayan island. Donate and see life's change.
Update 6.2.14
YPDR has been on the ground on Bantayan Island for two months. In that time, we have distributed materials for 600 homes with Polish Humanitarian Action, built model homes in 5 barangays, trained local carpenters, torn down condemned classrooms, replaced damaged roofing on several classrooms, wired classrooms for electricity, made 21 school latrines operational, cleared hundreds of truckloads of debris, provided medical treatment to hundreds of patients with the medical professionals from SAMU, distributed food, tents, and hygiene kits to over 1500 families with Malteser International, performed an educational puppet show for over 3500 children, run multiple beach cleanups, and put on an arts program for kids with 24 Foundation. Looking at the work of the past two months, YPDR has had some massive accomplishments but there is still so much work to be done.
Update 5.2.14
We’ve had a big past few days here at YPDR! Yesterday, we helped Malteser International to deliver a truckload of school supplies, 45 tents, and 25 temporary shelter kits. Today, our school crew headed out to Guiwanon to work on rehabilitating classrooms, painting a mural, and running educational programs with the kids. We nearly finished construction on a home for Divina and Hannah, two employees and friends of YPDR who lost their home to Typhoon Yolanda. Our survey crew finished damage assessments of homes on 98 homes in Barangay Suba with our partners Polish Humanitarian Action. Last, but certainly not least, the YPDR/SAMU joint medical mission treated 200 children on an islet off the coast of Bantayan!
Update 4.2.14
Today we helped Malteser International deliver a truckload of school supplies, 45 tents, and 25 temporary shelters. Our school crew headed out to Guiwanon to work on rehabilitating classrooms, painting a mural, and repairing hand washing stations. Our survey crew finished assessments on 98 homes in Barangay Suba with our partners Polish Humanitarian Action. Last but certainly not least, the YPDR/SAMU joint medical mission treated 200 children on an island off the coast of Bantayan.
Update 3.2.14
Monitoring the progress of our housing project in Barangay Baigad with our partners Polish Humanitarian Action. It's truly amazing to see all of these beautiful new homes.
Update 2.2.14
YPDR continued building a house for the local families that take care of us. Thanks to the 24 Foundation for their sponsorship of this community project!
Update 28.01.14
Today, YPDR distributed materials for 90 homes in Barangay Kang-Kaibe and conducted surveys of the existing homes of 60 families who will receive homes with our partners Polish Humanitarian Action
Update 24.01.14
Big news today!!! YPDR got the toilets operational at Santa Fe High School today! The school has had no restroom facilities since Typhoon Yolanda hit, creating a great inconvenience for the students and staff. Support our ongoing work at Santa Fe High School. YPDR/ SAMU were at it again today continuing the joint medical missions. Yesterday, SAMU's medical professionals treated a staggering 212 patients located by YPDR in Barangay Kabangbang! Today, SAMU continues the work of treating patients in Sillon, another barangay where YPDR has built homes with Polish Humanitarian Action.
SAMU's motto is "We love saving lives" and they have proven it by doing great work providing free medical care to people here on Bantayan. Many people on the island still have injuries and illnesses that have been left untreated since Typhoon Yolanda. SAMU is looking for qualified doctors and nurses to join their team. Visit www.samu.es for more information if you are a medical professional looking to volunteer. Don't forget to like SAMU's Facebook page, Fundación SAMU.
Update 23.01.14
Last night Angelica, Aliyah, Angela, and Camille of the YPDR Dance Team gave their first performance to the people of Barangay Sungko. Their adorable routine was met with wild applause from a very entertained audience. Great job girls!
On Christmas Day YPDR found out that our friends, Villacastin Resort’s Maintenance Manager Jimmy and his family, were sleeping under a destroyed roof that leaked water during the rain, allow such a great person to go without... help. The very next day, YPDR’s Construction Project Manager Timothy Simons went out to Jimmy’s home with a crew of local workers. We are proud to announce today that Jimmy and his family will be sleeping soundly under a brand new roof tonight! While we are elated to have helped Jimmy and his family, there are many more people on Bantayan Island whose homes have been destroyed by Typhoon Yolanda and are in desperate need of shelter. Help by donating to build a new home for a family in need and to support our shelter, school, and community outreach programs. Dedicated to the lovely people of the Villacastin Resort, thank you for your hospitality and support.
Update 22.01.14
Today YPDR continued to work on Santa Fe High School and Elementary School. The team removed debris, did some landscaping, and built trash bins and banners. Both schools are showing a night and day difference from the way they looked when the YPDR team arrived on Bantayan Island.
Update 21.01.14
It's a collaborative effort here on Bantayan Island! Today YPDR worked in conjunction with one of our partner organizations, SAMU, to provide medical treatment to 107 people in desperate need in Barangay Sungko. YPDR located patients for SAMU's medical professionals during surveys that we were conducting to review the progress of the homes we are building with Polish Humanitarian Action in the area. Patients were brought to the Barangay Hall where they were treated by doctors and nurses.
SAMU's motto is "We love saving lives" and they have proven it by doing great work providing free medical care to people here on Bantayan. Many people on the island still have injuries and illnesses that have been left untreated since Typhoon Yolanda. SAMU is looking for qualified doctors and nurses to join their team. Visit www.samu.es for more information if you are a medical professional looking to volunteer. Don't forget to like SAMU's Facebook page, Fundación SAMU.
Update 20.01.14
YPDR now has a puppeteer crew to help with our beach cleaning program. The team has been putting on shows to help teach the kids about keeping the environment clean. The puppet show involves a trash monster and fun songs about the environment that get the kids involved!
Update 18.01.14
Here's a look at some of the faces behind those that have been impacted by the housing project that YPDR, in conjunction with Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH), has been a part of. This
project is going strong; more families have roofs over their heads as each day passes and houses are completed.
Update 16.01.14
Sometimes it can seem overwhelming how much work our team has to still accomplish but today helped to reaffirm why we are here and that we will be here until we get the job done! We were overwhelmingly happy to be able to officially give the thumbs up on three classrooms at Santa Fe Central School, a school that we have been working on since day one. We think the kids were about as happy as we were to get back into their classrooms. It's moments like this that help us remember who we are helping and why we are here.
Update 15.01.14
YPDR had the chance to assess the damage caused to many different parts of Bantayan Island and surrounding areas today. A big thank you goes to HeliMission for making this possible for us.
This opportunity enabled our team to see how much work has been accomplished thus far, and is also still needed. Although the team has been busy chipping away at rebuilding a devastated island, there is plenty of work to be done; many homes and schools are still in need of repair.
Amid the devastation, we were also able to see how our work thus far has created a positive effect. In the picture below, you can see how the balays (permanent homes) facilitated by our team in partnership with the Polish Humanitarian Action are starting to replace tents for many residents.
Update 14.01.14
Another day of rain doesn't mean that the YPDR team stops working. Today was yet another busy day out on the job, particularly in Sillon Barangay where the construction of the model home was coming along quickly. Going from a foundation to a fully framed house was all in a days work for the local carpenters and the YPDR team. Keep tuned in to see the finished project, bringing another home to a family in need.
Update 11.01.14
Today YPDR began construction on the fourth generation of model homes in conjunction with our partner Polish Humanitarian Action in Sillon Baranguay. We worked to train local carpenters on structural improvements designed by YPDR team members and UK architects Sam and Ian.
Update 11.01.14
Today YPDR stepped in to help evacuate 300 people from a stranded ferry off the coast of Bantayan Island.
Update 10.01.14
It was a busy morning for YPDR! We finished distributing materials for 100 homes in Baigad Baranguay and also started a project to repair desks destroyed by Typhoon Yolanda before preparing all our jobs sites for the coming few days of very wet weather.
Update 09.01.14
YPDR put in some hard work today clearing debris at Santa Fe High School with the help of a front loader. The school is shaping up nicely but there's lots more work to do on Bantayan.
Update 08.01.14
Meet ChaCha. On November 8, 2013, her home was ripped apart by Typhoon Yolanda. In less than two weeks, Young Pioneer Disaster Response have built ChaCha and her family this beautiful new home. While this is a great success, there are many more children on Bantayan Island who will be sleeping in the rain tonight because they too have lost their homes. Please, open your hearts and your wallets. If you fund it, we will build it!
Update 07.01.14
YPDR has received amazing news the last few days. Forming new allies, gaining valuable personnel and partnerships, along with a potential equipment wish list that will help our team reconstruct, not one, but multiple islands. The work never stops and we are here to do it right. Many organizations have come and gone but YPDR stands strong to continue our support for the people of Bantayan. We have started rebuilding in our fourth barangay (village), Baigad, setting up a model home for carpenters to replicate and improve on. The progress is moving along rapidly, many thanks to the work ethic and indomitable spirit of the Filipinos. It's a joy for us to work with such a great community. We are blessed to be here and wouldn't be here without all your support!
Update 03.01.14
Projects ramped up again today after experiencing heavy rain. With only a small handful of volunteers left after the new year, YPDR picked up their shovels and the cement mixer to pour the concrete floor for Aurora's house. The progress was interrupted by another downpour, but this did not stop our team from finishing the floor of Aurora's house before 2pm. Once finished, the team quickly headed over to the Santa Fe High School to continue clearing large amount of debris that had been left from the demolition of the 5 classroom buildings.
While in Kabangbang, the small 5 man crew, with Charlie leading the team, managed a group of Filipino workers to deliver construction materials to 30 families. Rain or shine, YPDR will continue to work harder than ever. Thank you for all the love you've shown us and to the people of Bantayan. ![]()
Update 02.01.14
Today YPDR is proud to release the latest video documenting our progress thus far. The end of 2013 saw our group demolishing several destroyed classrooms, teach local carpenters in three barangays to build sustainable homes, with over 50 being built so far, and delivering rice and sanitation kits to over 1500 families on Bantayan Island. This is only the beginning and we can't wait to see the success that 2014 will bring but we need your help.
Our Plan of Action
The Philippines just endured one of the worst storms on record. Typhoon Yolanda has absolutely devastated a vast area of the country. Young Pioneer Disaster Response is organizing a rebuilding effort to clean up and repair all five schools on Bantayan Island, starting with Santa Fe Public High School. The money we hope to raise, coupled with our ever growing volunteer base, should give us the means to complete our mission and rebuild this island. We also plan to rebuild parts of these schools in a permanent and sustainable fashion, with shipping containers that can withstand the most brutal of storms. We are also assisting in training local carpenters, managing a field hospital and providing food transportation to more remote, and untouched parts of the island.
In three weeks, our numbers have grown from just 6 YPDR employees to over 50 volunteers from all over the world! We are continuously crowdsourcing people to increase our impact and allow anyone who is willing to work hard to make a difference in this stricken region of the Philippines.
Young Pioneer Tours, or YPT, is a budget tour company that has been offering affordable tours to numerous destinations all over the world for the past 6 years. Young Pioneer Disaster Response (YPDR) has now grown as a separate entity from YPT and is now concerned with disaster response and making a difference in the world to those in need. We have the full support of the Young Pioneer Tours company and they have therefore offered us discounts on their tours based on your level of contribution. We care deeply about the Philippines and the people affected by the Typhoon, this is our first deployment.
We are raising money for a purely humanitarian effort. Your money will go towards:
Your donation will NOT go towards travel expenses or personal expenses. All YPDR employees and volunteers will pay their own way to the Philippines.
We are a small organization but we are determined to make as significant an impact as we can with the manpower we have.
What You Get
For your donation, besides the feeling of satisfaction you should receive from helping those who need it, you can get (depending on your level of support):
- Recognition on the YPT website for your contribution
- A photo set of the work we do.
- A framed before and after photo of the project.
- A YPT disaster relief t-shirt
- A 25% discount off a trip with YPT
We are not a major charity organization, which has its perks. We have no red tape or overhead. Every person going to the Philippines will pay their own way there, which means 100% of everything you give will go directly to help those affected by the Typhoon.
We have no way to know just how large an impact we will have, but we know it will be huge
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help:
- Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
- Share this campaign with the Indiegogo share tools on Facebook, Twitter, and even Google+, if you actually use that.
- If you have the time and the means, we would love for you to come join us in the Philippines for our relief efforts. If you are interested please contact marshall.mayer@ypdr.org or chris.white@ypdr.org