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U.S. Patented Vacation Spin Board game - Unique!

Travel to 8 Exotic destinations, with varying prices simulating real variables of travel.

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U.S. Patented Vacation Spin Board game - Unique!

U.S. Patented Vacation Spin Board game - Unique!

U.S. Patented Vacation Spin Board game - Unique!

U.S. Patented Vacation Spin Board game - Unique!

U.S. Patented Vacation Spin Board game - Unique!

Travel to 8 Exotic destinations, with varying prices simulating real variables of travel.

Travel to 8 Exotic destinations, with varying prices simulating real variables of travel.

Travel to 8 Exotic destinations, with varying prices simulating real variables of travel.

Travel to 8 Exotic destinations, with varying prices simulating real variables of travel.

Betty Deitch
Betty Deitch
Betty Deitch
Betty Deitch
1 Campaign |
SAN FRANCISCO, United States
$0 USD 0 backers
0% of $22,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

If you enjoyed playing the board game of Monopoly, you will love playing the fast-dealing, fast-paced Travel Board Game of VACATION SPIN.  

I'm Betty Deitch, Inventor of 2 U.S. Patented board games.  Vacation Spin, travel to 8 exotic destinations, with varying prices simulating real variables of travel.  Award winning Wall Street Spin game with varying prices, simulating ups and downs of the stock market.  My games have no dice, and spinner rotating around game board offers varying prices.  This is what is Unique!

My Passion is to travel.  My Dream is to make my Unique and Novel game become reality.  So as many people as possible can have fun playing this game of strategy with family and friends.  To encourage people to travel, or travel from home. You will be Spearheading this effort!

What We Need and What I will do next
Goal of $22,000 to manufacture 500 Unique and Novel games.  So you can have your Limited First edition!

When I reach my goal, I will have a new launch of my sold out Wall Street Spin Board game, which plays very differently.

The Impact

You would help bring my game come to Life!  I have worked long and hard on this.  Obtaining a U.S. Patent took a long time and was very expensive. Even Monopoly TM doesn't have a Patent.

Testimonial:  "Vacation Spin was a pleasure to play with friends. I loved that it gave me the feeling of going to different places in the world through my imagination.  I would choose to play this game again over Monopoly!" Rebecca K. on

Testimonial: "I liked that the game provided competition and entertainment at the same time.  I think this game can also help bridge the generation gap."  Ron D.

Risks & Challenges

I have a manufactured prototype of Vacation Spin board game, so this is ready to be manufactured by an expert company in China.  They specialize in board games.  Takes about 45 days to manufacture, because this is their busy season.

I've previously manufactured and sold 3,000 Wall Street Spin board games.

Only challenge is the freight forwarding costs from China to U.S., which are Increasing.  I do have monies to take care of this, if costs exceed my fundraising. Takes about 60 days to ship here.  I've allowed for extra time, so these should be delivered as Holiday gifts to you and friends!

Other Ways You Can Help

  • You can help a lot to share my campaign by emailing friends and post on social media. Please use the Indiegogo share tools!



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Support without Perk

$20 USD $25 USD (20% off)
Support without perk, to help bring this game to life! Because this project speaks to me.
Included Items
  • Thank you for your support
Estimated Shipping
December 2021
0 claimed
Limited First Edition game

Limited First Edition game

$29 USD $34 USD (14% off)
Limited First Edition game- Fun and Unique! Excellent Holiday gifts! + Shipping. Can drop ship.
Included Items
  • U.S. Patented Vacation Spin
Estimated Shipping
December 2021
0 out of 500 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
Honor Roll on Website 5  games

Honor Roll on Website 5 games

$195 USD $220 USD (11% off)
Vacation Spin Board Game - Fun and Unique! 5 Limited First edition. Free shipping! Can drop ship. Honor Roll on as a Major backer! Extremely grateful.
Included Items
  • U.S. Patented Vacation Spin
Estimated Shipping
December 2021
0 out of 100 of claimed

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