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Universal Storytelling System: Revised

Roleplaying Simplified - Revised

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Universal Storytelling System: Revised

Universal Storytelling System: Revised

Universal Storytelling System: Revised

Universal Storytelling System: Revised

Universal Storytelling System: Revised

Roleplaying Simplified - Revised

Roleplaying Simplified - Revised

Roleplaying Simplified - Revised

Roleplaying Simplified - Revised

Derek Knutsen
Derek Knutsen
Derek Knutsen
Derek Knutsen
3 Campaigns |
Camby, United States
$343 USD 11 backers
9% of $3,600 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Universal Storytelling System: Roleplaying Simplified

The Universal Storytelling System is all about facilitating you and your friends' interactive stories.  It provides a framework and a means for the environment to affect the characters as they tell of their heroics.  A slick spot on the road that trips up the private investigator lets the criminal get away, a mistimed jump onto the train, or a lucky grab of a rope as the treasure hunter falls into a ravine.

As a podcast host, I saw a need for a system that could appeal to a broad audience (not just fantasy fans) and be accessible to people who were new to the hobby.  Yet simplified, the system has much to offer to veteran role players as well.  I also wanted to emphasize story over strategic combat; and facilitate the back story of the characters.  Thus Universal Storytelling System was born.

In short the design criteria followed:

  • The mechanic tool (cards in this case) had to be readily available and recognizable by non-gamers.
  • Combat had to be quick and not interrupt the flow of the narrative
  • Background had to be at the forefront of the character sheet
  • All characters have flaws
  • Relationships matter to a character's background even if none appear in the story line
  • The rule book be digest size for easy travel

How It is Played:

The system can be run with a story master and a player up to as many players as you wish.  Although it is recommended to keep the number of players between 3 and 8.  If you have more than 8 players, additional story masters (who collaborate on the overarching story) should be added.

The mechanics of the system uses a standard 54 card deck (includes the jokers).  Whenever a character tries something that has any chance of failure, the player draws cards from the deck and counts how many 8,9,10,J,Q,K appear (called successes).  If an ace appears, then it takes away a success.  The number of cards drawn depends on the situation as determined by the player's character sheet and the story master.  If the task is easy, then only one success is needed.  Harder tasks would require more successes.

Jokers are considered a success, but also have a special role.  Once all the card draws are drawn and a joker is pulled because of that card draw, an additional card is drawn.  If the card is an ace, then subtract four successes.  If the card is neither an ace or a success, then nothing else happens.  If the card is a success, then add three successes.  If the card is a joker, then add seven successes.

Nearly everything in the system is driven by skills.  Your fighting, social, physical, intellectual abilities all revolve around skills.  And they can be anything the player and story master agree fit the character and setting.

The Story Master

The story master plays a central role.  In other systems this person would be a dungeon master or a game master.  They arbitrate the rules, play all the supporting and antagonist characters, and develop the overarching story.  It is up to the story master to develop the general idea of the plot, meaning starting point, population of the world, main antagonists, and any environmental affects.  The players fill the details.
As an example I tell the players, who are officers on a spaceship, that they are on a mission to investigate a black hole.  I know that there is an enemy fleet using that black hole as cover.  But I will reveal that to the players' characters as they play through the story.  
I know the start, some important events mid way, and the goal.  Everything else is directed by what the players do.  If one of the players fails a mechanic draw and breaks the life support system.  A session (typically 3-4 hours) could be spent fixing that issue.  If the player's characters traffic with space pirates, then a session or more can be spent handling the fallout from that interaction.

For Those who are New to the Hobby

There are resources out there to help you.  Podcasts, like Fear the Boot, are great resources.  Other good resources are local gaming conventions.  Check out Fear the Con if you can be in the St. Louis, MO area the second weekend in June.  They are small and can be less intimidating than Gen Con or Origins.  This is a pretty good search tool to find a local convention:  Don't be afraid to join a game (hopefully they are running my system ;) ) and let the table know you are new.  By and large new players are readily welcomed.  It is the only way the hobby continues and grows.

Who I am:

My name is Derek Knutsen, owner of Palegain Press LLC.  I published the first version of this system in June of last year.  I am also a host on THE ESTABLiSHED FACTS, a podcast about all things gaming.  We have been recording since 2011.  Also in 2011, I started a yearly charity event called Fear the Charity that I run to this day.  Before that I wrote five scenarios for Living Greyhawk, the Dungeons and Dragons living campaign for 3.5 edition.  Otherwise I am the primary game master for my group.
Outside gaming I am a SQL developer using Oracle and SQL Server.  I also am one of the leaders for my Asatru kindred.  And am getting my second masters.

Current Situation

The first run of the system was done last year in June.  It was the first time I tried to publish anything myself, so there were some mistakes (like one of the artists' last name - no joke. I had to do a temporary fix with a sticker.).  Through the year, I also noticed some clarifications that need to be made and I need to modify the advantage/flaw system.  Some necessary changes only show themselves when put into players hands outside the controls of a play-test environment.  I have those changes done as errata, but printing is expensive.  The cost per item goes down with the more I print, but that is still more than this one-man shop can afford.

Additionally I learned through talking with other exhibitors, that supporting products get people to the table.  So I have created custom cards, play mats, and starting skill sheets (ex. a starting wild west sheriff can have the following skills).  But creating these also takes money.

So I come to you, the community, for help financing the creation of these products that I can take to Origins where I will have a booth.

Custom Card Back


Perk Notes

You can add additional decks of cards to any physical perk for $6 each plus $2 US shipping.  

You can add playmats to any physical perk for $14 each plus $10 US shipping.  Up to three additional playmats can be added to the Base Set perk for $14 each without additional shipping.  

Additional books can be added to any physical perk for $5 each plus $2 shipping.

International backers, please contact me for any physical perks you are interested in.  


These numbers include fees, taxes, and shipping.
Here is what I am looking for:
 Base Set ($3,600):
  • 250 Perfect Bound Revised rule books
  • 25 playmats of one piece of art (chosen by the backers near the end of the campaign)
  • 250 Playing Cards with clear boxes
  • 250 Skill Sheets (Three genres, fantasy, sci-fi, and western of six example character skills each)
Plus All Playmats ($4,600): 
  • Base Set 
  • All four playmats will be produced
Plus Custom front of cards ($7,500):
  • Base Set
  • All four playmats
  • Artwork will be commissioned for each card (A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K,Joker)
The Full Package ($9,500):
  • Base Set
  • All four playmats
  • Artwork will be commissioned for each card (A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K,Joker)
  • A print run of 250 hard cover books
Side Quest (per $150 above each package level): I will add another genre of starting skill sets.
Any additional money will go to support the superhero campaign setting for this system and modules.  The modules have been written, but need to be laid out.  So they will come out after Origins.

Risks & Challenges

There are several risks, but I will give weekly updates on progress: 

  • Incorporating the errata into the book.  This will get done by the 22nd of April. 
  • The skill sheets need to be done and laid out.  This will also be done by the 22nd of April.  
  • Printing - This is a tight turnaround, but I am confident in the printers I have chosen to get it done on time.  The rulebook and the skill sheet are being printed by the same people I used last year.  The cards are being printed by DriveThruCards.  And the playmats will be produced by Inked Playmats.

Other Ways You Can Help

Aside from contributions:

  • Please get the word out and ask your friends to get the word out.  The best way crowd funding works is through word of mouth.

Thank you for looking at my project.  It has been a work of passion for the past several years and I am dedicated to see it succeed.
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Choose your Perk

I Support This

$1 USD
A personal thank you email from me.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 claimed

The Digital Book

$5 USD
Normally sold for $7 plus tax, you can get a PDF version of the book sent directly to you.
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
0 claimed

The Physical Book

$8 USD
It will arrive signed and with a special embossing for IndiGoGo supporters. If the hardcover version is unlocked, then either the soft cover or hard cover can be chosen. The soft cover physical book will have a suggested retail of $7 plus tax. The hard cover is $12. US shipping is included.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
2 claimed

Physical Book plus Cards

$18 USD
Everything in the Physical Book pack plus a deck of cards. US shipping is included.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
1 claimed

Base Set

$35 USD
This includes everything in the Physical Book plus Cards perk and a playmat. If multiple versions of the playmat is created, then you can choose which playmat you want. US shipping is included.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
8 claimed

The Physical Book - Game Store

$50 USD
Includes ten copies of the soft cover physical book. Please let me know how many to emboss. US shipping is included.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

USS Origins Game Table 1

$100 USD
I will run a four hour session (group to determine time) using USS. Rules will be taught and character creation will be done at the table as well. The genre and general story line will be determined by the group. If children are present, then the story will need to be kid friendly. Includes the Physical Book perk, but the book will be given to you at the convention and personally signed. Travel and convention costs not included.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 out of 8 of claimed

USS Origins Game Table 2

$100 USD
I will run a four hour session (group to determine time) using USS. Rules will be taught and character creation will be done at the table as well. The genre and general story line will be determined by the group. If children are present, then the story will need to be kid friendly. Includes the Physical Book perk, but the book will be given to you at the convention and personally signed. Travel and convention costs not included.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 out of 8 of claimed

Gen Con USS Game Table 1

$100 USD
I will run a four hour session (group to determine time) using USS. Rules will be taught and character creation will be done at the table as well. The genre and general story line will be determined by the group. If children are present, then the story will need to be kid friendly. Includes the Physical Book perk, but the book will be given to you at the convention and personally signed. Travel and convention costs not included.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 8 of claimed

Gen Con USS Game Table 2

$100 USD
I will run a four hour session (group to determine time) using USS. Rules will be taught and character creation will be done at the table as well. The genre and general story line will be determined by the group. If children are present, then the story will need to be kid friendly. Includes the Physical Book perk, but the book will be given to you at the convention and personally signed. Travel and convention costs not included.
Estimated Shipping
July 2015
0 out of 8 of claimed

USS Remote game

$300 USD
I will run a four hour session (group to determine time) using USS over Skype or Google Hangout for you and up to 7 of your friends after Gen Con. Rules will be taught and character creation will be done at the table as well. The genre and general story line will be determined by the group. If children are present, then the story will need to be kid friendly. Includes the Physical Book perk, which will be shipped in June. Domestic US shipping is included.
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
0 out of 3 of claimed


$500 USD
You will be able to come on the podcast to discuss any gaming topic with the approval of the hosts. We do run a clean, PG show. This will be done over Google Hangouts during a mutually approved time. You will also get everything in The Physical Book perk. US Shipping included.
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
0 out of 3 of claimed

The Gaming Experience

$3,000 USD
This is the same as the Remote USS Game perk, except for the following. Two decks and a playmat is included. I will fly out to a city near you (domestic US only), put myself up in a hotel, and run games for you all Saturday as long as I know or can quickly learn the system (we can discuss this after the campaign ends). I will also bring soda and snacks. Then fly out Sunday. At least two months notice is required.
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
0 out of 3 of claimed
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