Welcome to New Candler...
Welcome to New Candler, cultural epicenter of the United States. Visit Trudon Circle, an art mecca turned tourist trap where you can find musicals, massive neon billboards, street performers, and pickpockets. The bodega on 12th and Salt will sell you spells on the cheap if you know how to ask, but everyone knows they’re better quality on Root and Amsterdam. But if you’re a magic user -- or, as pretty much everyone nowadays says, a muse -- you’d better be wearing a Halo so your magic doesn’t make a ruckus or hurt anyone.
VALENCE is an urban fantasy audio drama that deals with themes of abuse, trauma, queer identity, marginalization, rebellion, found family, breaking cycles, and hope. Thematically, VALENCE is a realistic drama with the energy of an espionage-heavy political thriller, an 80’s John Hughes romance, and character-heavy Noah Baumbach indies. Think The Magicians handled with realism, or Mr. Robot handled with whimsy.
After being recruited by a new government agency, a depressive magic user must stop the unethical practices of his estranged family and the country’s most successful “medical” tech startup.
Season 1 of VALENCE will feature 7 primary actors, 4 secondary actors, and various other voice actors appearing in smaller roles. The first season will consist of 12 episodes featuring full sound design to help our listeners experience the world of VALENCE. The first episode is set to launch on January 11th, 2020, with a bi-weekly release schedule until Season 1 wraps in June 2020.
Who We Are
Hug House Productions is a podcast collective made up of three friends: Anne Baird, Katie Youmans, and Wil Williams. Hug House Productions is currently producing Scoring Magic, a documentary about the process of making an audio drama, and VALENCE, that very audio drama.
Scoring Magic
Scoring Magic is a podcast documentary that follows Anne, Katie, and Wil as they make their first audio drama: VALENCE. They’ll share tips, tricks, and resources, but also what it’s like to work on a massive creative project with friends. There’s going to be exciting highs, like the moment they decided to work together–but there’s also going to be some very honest lows along the way. And all of it will lead to an audio drama they hope you’re going to love. This audio drama, that we are asking your help to bring to life.
Who's Involved
Writing: Wil Williams and Katie Youmans
Creative Consultant and Marketing Manager: Anne Baird
Sound Design and Production: Julia Schifini
Voice Actors: TBA! At every 10% reached, we'll announce another member of the cast for VALENCE! The cast announcement will be made here on Indiegogo, on the Hug House Productions social media, and our website will be updated to show who's been announced.
We have a ton of fun perks in store for you in exchange for your monetary support of Season 1 of VALENCE.
Cantrip: At this tier you'll be listed as a supporter on the Support page of the Hug House Productions website.
Charm: At this tier you'll receive the previous reward, as well as your name read out in thanks in an episode of Season 1 of VALENCE.
Incantation: At this tier you'll receive all previous rewards, as well as a sticker pack and a postcard from one of the main characters of Season 1 of VALENCE.
Invocation: At this tier you'll receive all previous rewards, as well as one (1) secret. At the end of the campaign, we'll send you an NDA and upon signing will be able to ask the creators of VALENCE any one no-limits question about Season 1 of the show and it will be answered fully and truthfully.
Bewitchery: At this tier you'll receive all previous rewards, as well as a custom-designed magic sound from Sound Designer Julia Schifini. At the end of the campaign, we'll ask you a few simple questions that will help her to create your magic.
Abracadabra: At this tier you'll receive all previous rewards, as well as being listed as a producer for Season 1 of VALENCE. You will also receive a mystery package from tech startup Halo, Inc. in the mail just in time for the launch of the season.
Where Does Your Money Go?
For Season 1 of VALENCE, we are just looking to fund enough to pay the people involved in our production!
Of our initial goal of $4,000...
50% of that is going towards our Sound Designer ($2,000);
45% goes to our 11 Voice Actors ($1,800);
- and 5% accounts for Indiegogo fees ($200).
Once we reach our initial goal, our Sound Designer and Voice Actors will be paid additional percentages of any funds made so that we can pay them the money they deserve.
If we don't reach our goal, everyone will be paid out according to the percentages above and we will continue to pay them through funds raised from our Patreon and other forms of support, which can be found on our website, until we have hit the amounts listed above for the Indiegogo.
Risks & Challenges
The beauty of having a show that is a documentary following our progress in making the show we're asking you to help fund? You see every step, and you can see exactly where your money is going, what it is helping us accomplish, and what risks there are in the process.
This is our first audio fiction show, but we have already made a lot of progress in its creation. If we do not reach our goals, we will still be creating VALENCE. This show is a labor of love on the behalf of the Hug House, and we're committed to making it happen, even if we have to pay out of pocket to do it.
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand that monetary support is not an option for everyone. And that's ok! There are other ways to help us out that will cost you exactly zero dollars.
You can...
help us spread the word! A tweet, a recommendation to a friend, a few minutes talking us up to your mysteriously rich uncle...
listen to the show! (Once it's out, that is.) We participate in RadioPublic's Paid Listen program, so if you listen to VALENCE or Scoring Magic with the RadioPublic app, we get paid. We also host our shows on Pinecast, which has a built in Tip Jar function and will be listed on the Support page of our Hug House Productions website once the show goes live.
Or if you'd like to donate on a recurring basis instead of just once in this campaign, we have a Patreon! There, you'll be able to pick out different perks not available in this campaign, including access to our patron-only Discord server where you can chat with us and with fellow listeners. Y'know. If that's your thing.
And, before you go, thank you. We appreciate your time and hope you'll join us in New Candler for VALENCE on January 11th, 2020!