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Vero Revolutionary Headphone Cable

The Vero Headphone Cabling System works together to bring out the best in your music and headphones.

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Vero Revolutionary Headphone Cable

Vero Revolutionary Headphone Cable

Vero Revolutionary Headphone Cable

Vero Revolutionary Headphone Cable

Vero Revolutionary Headphone Cable

The Vero Headphone Cabling System works together to bring out the best in your music and headphones.

The Vero Headphone Cabling System works together to bring out the best in your music and headphones.

The Vero Headphone Cabling System works together to bring out the best in your music and headphones.

The Vero Headphone Cabling System works together to bring out the best in your music and headphones.

Kim Kaplan
Kim Kaplan
Kim Kaplan
Kim Kaplan
6 Campaigns |
Rocklin, United States
$85,000 USD by 631 backers
$68,081 USD by 466 backers on May 24, 2015
Mountain Filled 6 Projects Mountain Filled 6 Projects


We couldn't be more thrilled! Everyone here at MIT appreciates all of our backers support and those that helped spread the word on our campaign! 
Please see the latest update posted for more information on the campaign as we move into Indiegogo's InDemand Program. 
Again, thank you so much! 

Thank you to all of our backers and supporters! Just in case you missed it, be sure to read the Headphone.Guru review on the Vero Cable System, including the Vero Reference Cable, the Full Range and the Bass Dongle! 

Why do I need Vero? 

You've already invested in a great pair of headphones and music source. Why not get the best sound out of them? Vero is for music lovers, for those who get lost in the different nuances of sound that makes you a music lover in the first place.

With Vero you will hear pieces of the music you never knew were there, bringing the performance right in front of you and making it more lifelike.

Some of our backers came by our booth at the SoCal's what they had to say about Vero!

The Vero Headphone Cabling System

Vero Full Range Cable 

The Vero Full Range Cable utilizes MIT Cables patented Multipole™ Technology, which is a parallel and passive network that helps maintain the quality of the signal as it passes from source to headphones. The Vero Full Range Cable has 12 Poles of Articulation strategically placed across the full audible spectrum (20hz-20khz) and is designed to work with specific headphones (i.e., Audeze LCD Series, Mr. Speaker Alpha Series, etc.).    MSRP: $499

"MIT NAILED it with the VERO Reference. It's such a magnificent pairing with my beloved Audeze LCD-2s that I forget about my inner-geek and focus on the music! Tip of the hat... It's now one of my top reference headphone cables." 

                                                                                       ~ Mike Mercer,

Vero Reference Cable 

The Vero Reference Cable can be terminated to your headphones like the Vero Full Range Cable. The Vero Reference Cable houses the same technology that the Vero Full Range Cable has, and includes 21 Poles of Articulation. The difference in what you hear is based on the larger number of Articulation Poles. MIT’s Poles of Articulation synergistically work together to transport the audio signal with a more even, or flatter response than just a single cable. With the additional 9-Articulation Poles, the bass is more controlled, the mid-range is smoother with more extended highs. The noise floor has been dramatically dropped once again.  MSRP: $899

Vero Standard Universal Dongle 

The Vero Standard Universal Dongle also utilizes MIT Cables patented Multipole™ Technology, and like the Vero Full Range Cable, has 12 Poles of Articulation. All Vero Dongles can be used with any stock headphone cable or fixed cable headphone and are not limited to specific manufacturers, models or types. The Standard  Universal Dongle  was developed as a way to integrate the same Multipole™ Technology as the Vero Full Range Cable, but with headphones that have non-detachable cables and to better enhance other aftermarket cables. The Vero Standard Universal Dongle can perform at about 70%-80% of the Vero Full Range Cable depending on the combination of headphones and cables used.  MSRP: $299

Vero Bass Dongle

The Vero Bass Dongle also utilizes Multipole™ Technology by containing the 10 Poles of Articulation within the last 3 lower octaves, producing a much fuller and natural sounding bass and enhancing the lower frequency articulation.. The Vero Bass Dongle is a great companian to the Vero Full Range Cable and Vero Standard Universal Dongle, and really compliments the Vero Reference Cable as well as other manufacturer cables. MSRP $350

Vero Adapter Dongle 

The Vero “Adapter” Dongle looks just like the other Vero Dongles, but will instead house one of the technologies that has been used in MIT’s Reference Category of Products for years. This technology reduces all forms of extraneous noise generated by such things as your digitizer, amplifier or passive elements found within your audio or headphone systems. The MIT Technology that will be included within the Vero “Adapter” Dongle will reduce the noise floor and increase the low level detail. Listeners often refer to this as creating a “blacker” background. With the noise removed, timbres and textures are more accurately heard, while sound staging and images within the sound stage are also enhanced. The term ‘Holographic’ is often used to describe what the listener hears. MSRP $299 

What is Multipole™ Technology?

MIT Cables’ core audio cable technology is our exclusive Poles of Articulation, named after the fact that every audio cable has a single point where it is most efficient at storing and transporting energy. At this point in the audio frequency spectrum, the cable will articulate best, and represents the cables’ particular Articulation Pole.

 If you could use three different cables at the same  time... and each had an Articulation Pole to connect two audio components, you would have an interface with three Articulation Poles; one for the highs, one for the mids, and one for the lows. Together, they would work to transport the audio signal from component to component with more articulation. 

Vero First Impressions

Once you choose your perk, we will contact you for specifics! 

As a backer, your input will be necessary in building your headphone cable. Once you back your Vero Perks, there are a few ways you can help us to customize your preferences. For a list of all the different terminations, please see our Vero Headphone Termination/Configuration Guide below. 
We will contact you and provide you with a Vero Backer Survey which will help us to determine your Vero Cable configurations.

Vero Adapter Dongle Input/Output Options

Input/Output Options UPDATED 5/13/15

3.5mm (M) to 4 pin XLR (F) Adapter 
1/4"  (M) to 4 pin XLR (F) Adapter
3.5mm (M) to 1/4" (F) Adapter

Shipping Costs

For international shipping:  All International backers will be contacted personally and will be provided their shipping costs. Due to the fact that we have many countries participating in our campaign, and we require specific protocol (insurance and/or signature required shipping), we feel it would be unfair to provide one rate for all international shipments based on the fact that they vary greatly between countries. 

For all U.S. shipments, please add $11 for shipping. This includes combined shipments (multiple perks). 

MIT Cable's Kent Loughlin talks about why Vero is an important asset to your headphones. 

Vero Is Ready For Your Headphones! 

At this time we have completed the following in terms of the production phases of our Vero Headphone Cabling System: 
  • Complete R&D and First Prototype Manufacturing of the Vero Full Range Headphone Cable, The Vero Standard Dongle & The Vero Bass Dongle.
  • Successful Field Testing & Public Demo Testing (RMAF 2014) 
  • Trouble-Shooting/Improvements
  • Complete R&D and Second Prototype Development of the Vero Full Range Headphone Cable. 
  • Continued Field Testing and Public Demo Testing (SoCal CanJam 2015) 

Why We Need...YOU!

When we first started this project, it was clear that we had a winning product for any headphone, providing an experience that headphone users would not only appreciate, but would be like no other. Whether you're a music lover, recording engineer, DJ or gamer, Vero will take you to a whole other level. We mean it when we say, "you really don't know how great your headphones are, until you pair them with Vero". 

We are ready to turn the Vero Headphone Cable into a reality, and in order to do that, it's important that we determine the needs of our backers. You will help us provide research into the most wanted configurations. We are very familiar with the more popular brands of headphones and how Vero will accommodate specific connections, but we would also like to know whether our Vero Dongle, another prototype that we have designed, is a potential player in our Vero line. Your input and support will not only help us to bring the Vero Headphone Cabling System to headphone users everywhere, but it will also determine how we finish this product. We need your input! 

MIT Cables in the Press

Indiegogo's Referral Program Incentives

We want to give you Vero Headphone Cables for free! Take a few seconds to share our campaign with friends and earn a chance to get referral rewards!

If someone pledges to our campaign, we credit you like this:




For an added bonus, if you get $7500 in referrals, we’ll give you an additional $500 in CASH! 

All you have to do is refer people by sharing your unique URL online/around the web and earn FREE VERO CABLES and CASH!


Simply log in to Indiegogo if you have not already, or create an account by signing up here. Be sure to use the same account you used when you claimed your VERO! Then, visit the VERO Indiegogo Page and use the links next to the video to share.

Risks & Challenges

There are always risks involved with any crowdfunding campaign, but all of us here working on the Vero Headphone Cable Project are extremely confident that we will be successful in developing the very best headphone cable we could possibly imagine. This is what we do. We make the best audio interfaces in the world. Now we will strive to make the best headphone cable ever manufactured. It's not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. 

Based on how far we have come before even offering the Vero Cable as a viable product, we are certain that our backers will receive their Vero Headphone Cable in a timely manner. We do not foresee any complications to our product development or manufacturing capabilities. Our factory here in Rocklin, California is ready to roll out Vero! Of course, there is always a chance that Mother Nature can wreak havoc on any of our preparations, but we do not expect this or any other unforeseen acts of God or others to hinder our production schedule. 

Share the Love! 

We completely understand if Vero is not on your list of "Must Haves" but we would really appreciate any support you can offer! And remember, you don't need to be a backer to earn referral rewards! Vero would also make a great gift for any music lover, audio geek, DJ or Gamer who uses headphones. Just use the links next to our main video at the top of the page and share! We appreciate any effort you take to help us spread the word about Vero! Thank you so much!!  


Sonically speaking, what is the difference between the Vero "Standard" Dongle, the Vero "Bass" Dongle, and the Vero Full Range Cable?

A:  All of the Vero products utilize MIT Cables patented Multipole™ Technology, which is a parallel and passive network that helps maintain the quality of signal as it passes from source to headphones.

Both the “Vero Full Range Cable” and “Vero Universal Dongle” have 12 Poles of Articulation strategically placed across the full audible spectrum (20hz-20khz). The “Vero Universal Dongle” was developed as a way to integrate Multipole™  Technology with headphones that have non detachable cables and to enhance other aftermarket cables. We have estimated that the “Standard Universal Dongle” can perform at about 70%-80% of the “Vero Full Range Cable” depending on the combination of headphones and cables used.

The “Vero Bass Dongle” also utilizes Multipole™  Technology by containing the 10 Poles of Articulation within the last 3 lower octaves, producing a much fuller and natural sounding bass.

Is combining the various dongles with the Full Range Cable advised? Will it have a noticeable benefit, or will it detract from or otherwise distort the sound I hear?

A: Yes, the “Bass Dongle” was developed to work in line with either the “Full Range Cable” or “Standard Universal Dongle”. Combining the “Standard Dongle” with the “Bass Dongle” can yield an estimated 70%-80% performance when compared to the “Full Range Cable” and “Bass Dongle”.

What about chaining multiple dongles together? (Say, two Standard dongles, or two Bass Dongles, or two of each kind of Dongle (4 or more in a row)?

A: Yes, the “Bass Dongle” was developed to work in line with either the “Full Range Cable” or the “Standard Dongle”. Combining the “Standard Dongle” with  the “Bass Dongle” can yield an estimated 70%-80% performance when compared to the “Full Range Cable” and “Bass Dongle”. Although we do not recommend “chaining” multiple “like” cables/dongles for SQ reasons, you are more than welcomed to try it out. We at MIT cannot guarantee an increase or decrease in performance in that case.

Will combining the Standard Dongle with the Bass Dongle improve the quality of sound from my fixed-cable headphones?

A: Yes, it will. Combining  the “Vero Full Range Dongle” with the “Bass Dongle” and your factory or aftermarket headphone cables, will give you an estimated 70%-80% performance compared to a “Vero Full Range Cable” and “Bass Dongle”. The ideal combination for performance will be a “Vero Full Range Cable” and “Vero Bass Dongle”.

Technically speaking, how does the impact of the Standard Dongle and the Bass Dongle compare to the articulation poles found in the Full Range Cable?

A: The “Full Range Cable” and “Standard Universal Dongle” have identical networks with Poles of Articulation spread across the audible audio spectrum. The difference between the two is the “Full Range Cable” is designed to work with specific headphones (i.e. Audeze LCD series, Mr. Speakers Alpha series, etc.), whereas the “Standard Universal Dongle” is designed to work with any headphone as long as the connectors are specified correctly. We have estimated that the “Standard Dongle” can perform at 70%-80% of the "Vero Full Range Cable”.

The “Vero Bass Dongle” was designed solely for the purpose of enhancing the bass region. The Poles of Articulation in the “Bass Dongle” network are placed on “bass” frequencies providing the listener with tight and natural bass. 

What is the difference betweent the Vero Reference Cable and the Vero Full Range Cable? 

A: The Vero Reference Cable has almost double the number of MIT's patented Multipole Technology, with 21 'Poles of Articulation' compared with the 12 Poles of Articulation that is included in the Vero Full Range Cable. With the additional 9-Articulation Poles, the bass is more controlled, the mid-range is smoother with more extended highs and the noise floor is lowered even more dramitically. 

Now that you have added the Vero Reference Cable, is the Bass Dongle obsolete? 

A: Not at all. The Vero Bass Dongle is an exceptional addition to all of the Vero Line of Cables and even works when paired with the Vero Standard Universal Dongle. 

Why is the Vero Adapter called a "Dongle" and what is the difference between it and other "adapters"? What does it look like? 

A:  The reason why we call our Vero "adapter" a "dongle" is because it IS a "Dongle" that can work like an adapter. Because MIT is known for their patented technologies, we decided that any "adapter" we designed would also provide additional purposes, and would work to compliment the Vero Headphone Cabling "System", by interacting with each other to bring out the best in the music that you listen to, as well as the headphones that you use. 

When will I receive my Vero Backer Survey and what will be on it? 

A: The Vero Backer Survey will be sent shortly after the Vero Campaign has ended on May 22nd. The Survey will be sent in small batches so that we can better accommodate backers questions and changes without being overwhelmed. We want to provide the best customer service possible, and sometimes that is easier to do in smaller groups than in larger ones! We promise to get the surveys out weekly, and do our best to facilitate our backers completed orders as quickly as possible. What you will find on the survey will be questions confirming your order, shipping address and contact information as well as the configuration choices for your cables. 

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


Cal Audio Show Special!

$1 USD
If you came by our Cal Audio Show Booth this weekend then you know what to do! This special is only good through Sunday, August 16th!
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Need To Add Shipping and Funds

$1 USD
Please use this Perk if you have not added your shipping charges and/or need to include additional funds to fulfill your SECRET PERK Choice.
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
162 claimed

Big Thank You!!

$5 USD
MIT Cables appreciates all the support our backers give us. With your $5 pledge, we will post a personal "Thank You" to you on our Vero webpage! Make sure you leave us your email so we can send you a personal note! And Thanks for the support!
Estimated Shipping
May 2015
7 claimed

Standard Dongle Early Bird

$149 USD
The Vero Universal Standard Dongle is perfect for all music lovers! It houses the same technology as the Vero Full Range Headphone Cable but can be used with any stock headphone cable or fixed cable headphones. You will be contacted by email within 5 days of your contribution to customize your preference based on our Dongle Configuration Chart. (MSRP $299) Thanks for the support! Please add $20 for shipping within the U.S. We will contact you for international shipping and/or combined shipping.
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
27 out of 200 of claimed

Vero Adapter Dongle

$149 USD
The Vero “Adapter” Dongle will house one of the technologies that has been used in MIT’s Reference Category of Products for years. This technology reduces all forms of extraneous noise generated by such things as your digitizer, amplifier or passive elements found within your audio or headphone systems and will reduce the noise floor and increase the low level detail. MSRP $299
2 claimed

Vero Bass Dongle Early Bird

$199 USD
It's all about that Bass with our Vero Bass Dongle! If you are looking for more bass out of your headphones, our Vero Bass Dongle performs without that "Boomy in the Bass" outcome and is a perfect partner to the Vero Full Range Cable. And like all our Vero cables, the Bass Dongle also houses MIT's patented Multipole™ Technology. (MSRP $350) Thanks for the support! Please add $11.15 for shipping within the U.S. We will contact you for international shipping and/or combined shipping.
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
6 out of 200 of claimed

Vero Reference Cable Upgrade

$200 USD
If you have already purchased the Vero Full Range Cable, you can upgrade to the Vero Reference Cable by using this Perk.
5 claimed

Vero Full Range Cable

$250 USD
The Vero Full Range Cable utilizes MIT Cables patented Multipole™ Technology, which is a parallel and passive network that helps maintain the quality of signal as it passes from source to headphones. The Vero Full Range Cable has 12 Poles of Articulation strategically placed across the full audible spectrum (20hz-20khz) and is can be configured to specific headphones (i.e., Audeze LCD Series, Mr. Speaker Alpha Series, etc.). MSRP: $499
Estimated Shipping
September 2015
2 claimed

Vero Full Range & Bass Dongle

$400 USD
This combo provides the Vero Bass Dongle as a great companion to the Vero Full Range Cable. The Full Range has 12 poles of Articulation and combined with the Bass Dongle, the additional 10 Poles of Articulation within the last three lower octaves, will produce a much fuller and natural sounding bass and enhances the lower frequency articulation.
1 claimed

Vero Reference Cable

$450 USD
The Vero Reference Cable can be terminated to your headphones using the same options offered for the Vero Full Range Cable. The Vero Reference Cable houses the same technology that the Vero Full Range Cable has, and includes 21 Poles of Articulation. With the additional 9-Articulation Poles, the Bass is more controlled, the Mid-Range is smoother and more extended highs. The noise floor has been dramatically dropped once again. MSRP: $899
0 claimed

Vero Complete Cabling System

$600 USD
Includes the Vero Full Range Cable, Vero Universal Full Range Dongle, Vero Bass Dongle and Vero Adapter Dongle.
1 claimed

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