We have made a new moodteaser for you. Please see it here and share with your friends on social media.
Our friends at emerchendise has now designed the t-shirts for the campaign. They have used Boris Kiselicki drawings and made 2 exclusive t-shirts. Buy it in the perk selection.
Stian Hafstad and Christer Larsen met when they studied film and TV-production at the university of Bergen. They started the Youtube-channel Pistolshrimps back in 2008. In the beginning they edited themselves into scenes from Harry Potter and Lord of the rings, and that`s when it started. Instantly, millions of youtube watchers wanted to see more, and they produced several short clips every now and then. Today they have a new video every thursday, and every so often the clips contain original content.
Pistolshrimps have over 330 000 subscribers from all over the world, and over 120 million views in total. They also have 25 000 followers on facebook and a big fanbase on twitter. Durring the 8 years they have worked together the script and directing duo have build a solid network.
For the comedy in this movie to work, it’s essential that it does not become goofy or slapstick. We intend to direct the film using stylistic devices from the horror and action genre. The scarier the viking vampires seem the funnier their interactions with the modern world will be. The concept of ’viking vampires’ is in itself a rather exaggerated concept, and therefore a goofy/broad comedy approach would make it too far over the top to work. For us comedy is always best when treated seriously.
A lot of the comedy in the film will come from the contrast between the film’s content and the serious style in which it’s directed. Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and, Attack the Block are all great examples of movies that are funny, but directed in a serious way.
WHY VIKING VAMPIRES.We were sitting in the office one day, talking about what Norway is known
for out there in the world, and the Viking era kept returning to the top of the
list. The Vikings was feared all over the world, but what would be more
dangerous than a Viking?
Then it popped into our brains – what if they were vampires? VIKING
VAMPIRES! We have a long dark winter and Vikings are best known for
killing and dying without fear. A perfect enviroment for vampires! None of us
had ever seen this combination, and after one hour of googleing the word “Viking”
and “vampire”, we were sure that we had something 100% original. So we started
developing the story about the Viking Vampires Eirik Bloodtooth and his brother
Håkon the Enormous.
Filmkompaniet Madmonkey is a company based in Bergen Norway, and owned by producer Einar Loftesnes, director Kjersti Steinsbø and scriptwriter Kjersti Helen Rasmussen. Together they have produced and made films in over 15 years. The company started up in 2012 and have focus on genre feature films.
Yesbox Productions is an independent feature film and commercial production company based in Norway, owned and co-founded by director Aleksander Nordaas and producer Bendik Heggen Strønstad. Since the beginning back in 2005 we’ve produced three features, as well as several short films and commercials. Latest isThale that have world wide release.
The same day as the Indiegogo campaign started, we co-hosted a VIKING INVASION party in Cannes! We are part of the Nordic Genre Invasion.
In the year 1012 several kings
fought for the throne of Norway. Olav the Holy had the church on his side, and was
sure to win the throne. Eirik Bloodtooth hated the church and made a blood pact
with a sami shaman from the north who transformed him and his army into
vampires, as strong as 10.000 men! But Eirik was betrayed by his brother Håkon,
and trapped in a Christian grave for eternity.
Then the story starts in present time, with a Viking ship sailing down a
beautiful fjord in Norway, where we meet LIV (27) an unemployed archeologist
taking part in a Viking teambuilding trip to Valhalla Spa Resort. Her half sister
TUVA (33) is the boss, and she has given Liv a job to help here out, but forces
her to spy on the team from the inside. The sisters are very different, and
have a troubled relationship. At the resort Liv can’t resist the urge to dig up
an old runestone, and accidently wakes up Eirik Bloodtooth and his two squires,
Sigurd and Magnus.
The Viking King Eirik Bloodtooth wakes up confused, pissed off and
hungry! His brother Håkon betrayed him 1000 years ago, and are living
amongst us today. When Håkon realize that his brother Eirik has risen from the
grave, he has to stop him before he wakes up the army and takes over the world.
Do you want to see the Viking vampires raid the modern world? We do too!
want to see what happens when real Vikings meet our world. They are vampires
with a Viking attitude! Imagine meeting them in your backyard or on your way to
Welcome to the Viking Vampires Universe!
We aim to make both
games and comic books, in addition to the films about the vindictive Viking
Vampires. Here are some picks on the first game and the comic book.
Viking Vampires – the games
The first game
“Viking Vampires Throw” is in beta mode, while the two others “Viking Vampires
Rap Battle” and “Viking Vampires Raid” is in development. They are developt
together with Turbo Tape Games in Bergen.
In “Viking Vampires
Throw” the Viking vampires bite the tourist before you throw him
towards the Viking ships. If you don’t fill the boats, they burn and sink. If
you manage to fill all the boats, they will sail and pillage the world.
In “Viking Vampires
Rap Battle” you have two Vikings trying to insult each other the most, and the
one with the roughest mouth wins. This is actually a game that Vikings used to
play in the old days!
In “Viking Vampires
Raid” you raid the world from a Viking ship, stealing treasure all over the
world that you have to get back to Norway. There are many places to go, many
different treasure to steal and many dangers involved in securing the treasures
all the way back home.
“Viking Vampires - The Saga” comic book
The comic book will
feature the backstory of the brothers Eirik and Håkon, and show how they became
vampires just at the breaking point where Norway became Christianized by Olav
the Holy and his alliance with the church. The pagan Vikings did not all
welcome this new religion, and Eirik in particularly opposed them to the bitter
end, while Håkon understood how powerful the church was and betrayed his
brother. It was an epic battle that history forgot. In collaboration with artist Kim Holm.
We are currently writing the script and starting pre-production with the
hilarious directors from PistolShrimps. Check them out here; PistolShrimps
We can’t promise you entry to Valhalla, but we can promise to make a kickass, bloodstained and funny Viking film! With your help we can make a
film that Vikings would be proud of!
If you don’t support this project, we will pillage and burn your village. Thank you for your support!
Artwork by Boris Kiselicki
Links to articles about the project:
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