VoCore2 is an open-sourced smart router runs OpenWrt/LEDE based on Linux, target to make wireless life easier.
It has 300Mbps WIFI, ETHERNET, USB 2.0 Host, UART, SD, SPI, I2C, 40+ GPIOs but size is only one square inch(25.4mm). You can use it as a portable router or write code for it in C, Java, Python, Ruby, Javascript and more. It has various of docks and thousands of softwares to enhance its functions.
1. Setup Development Environment
For beginners, you can use it as a portable router and discovery its fun step by step.
For advanced makers, you can simply setup it for wireless speaker, wireless camera and make a lot of wireless things.
For skilled geeks, you can write code and control inside its core, make your own gadgets.
For expert users, you can mount it into your project freely, boost your product.
For hackers, it is a powerful tool to debug or sniffing wireless networks.
Still think it is hard to use? Check our youtube channel later, every tutorial in video, follow its steps, much easier than read a book :)
We will public our video tutorials, all open source, include:
1. Control LED
2. Light Sensor
3. Temperature Sensor
4. VPN Router(OpenVPN/Tor)
5. File Share Server
6. MP3 Player
7. Wireless Camera
8. Remote Digit Camera Control
9. Wireless Printer
10. DOSBOX "GameBoy" for old dos games with SPI screen
11. Digital Photo Frame
12. Remote control robot/toycar
Already on youtube:
1. PPPoE, use VoCore2 as a normal wireless router
2. use VoCore2 play music(airplay)
For a geek, we should use it like this :)
PS: after around 20seconds, you will find VoCore2 on your computer wireless list :)
You will not only get the VoCore but also its full hardware design including schematic, circuit diagram(PCB); full source code including bootloader, system, applications. You are able to control EVERY BIT of your VoCore.
This is for beginner or the people just want to use it as a wireless router. You do not need any hardware skill, a few clicks on the web interface from your computer/mobile browser, the wireless music/camera/file share will be ready, just like magic.
It exports VoCore2's microSD port, ethernet port and USB2.0 port, and has four channels of AD converter and one channel of DA converter able to connect to various of sensors, we also added an onboard driver-free serial port to USB for the developers.
For me, I use one as a file server to share pictures&videos with my family; one connect to a webcam, to keep secure the door and windows; one plug into a microphone, voice control my smart household appliances; and now I am using it as a VPN router secure me across The Great Firewall and write down words in indiegogo and facebook. :)
It is powered by a microUSB phone charger, no need any special skill everybody can use it. Benefit to its low power consume, even a small power bank(9800mAh) is able to support it work over four days.
Ultimate Version include a shell.
The Ultimate dock is still too big for you? This one is even smaller. We designed it specially for music. The music transfer though WiFi is 100% pure without any noise, much better than bluetooth.
It is designed to connect to the device support DLNA or Airplay protocol.
This one is for the geeks develop internet of things, only 25.4 x 25.4 x 2.8mm, easy to assemble on any PCB board. It is small but complete, runs Linux, and able to code in python/ruby/nodejs/javascript/... directly, super easy.
PS: in fact, you can not feel how small it is until you hold it in your hand :)
Our new family member. It is not that powerful as VoCore2 but it has a low price, good for students study and use it for experiment. With castle holes(half-hole) at border it is easy to mount on your customized board.
Note: one account limited to get two, we will not refund postage if you get more.
Please visit our store at vocore.io, or blog at vonger.cn, facebook or our former version indiegogo project page, you will find the full story of VoCore and its docks.
Thank you for your time and have a nice day. :)