![40 Years Ago, A Legacy Began]()
In the late 1970s, a burgeoning collective of men started following in the footsteps of women who had already been leading the movement for gender justice for decades. As the pro-feminist men’s movement took shape, scholars and activists like Paul Kivel and Michael Kaufman began to tell its story.
Voice Male Magazine started in 1983 as a print newsletter from the Men’s Resource Centre, one of the first antisexist and antiviolence men’s centers in North America. Since then, it’s become the magazine of record of men working to end violence against women, and a searchlight for future generations.
Rob Okun, the founder and editor of Voice Male Magazine, is retiring.
In a world where voices of anti-feminist male influencers like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson grow increasingly loud, the pro-feminist men’s movement can’t afford to lose the chronicle of who we are, what we’ve done, and how far we’ve come.
This is our collective history, and we’re not ready to give it up.
We need Voice Male Magazine to continue elevating and spotlighting all the impactful work engaging men and boys in gender justice across North America and beyond.
This work cannot be retired. This searchlight cannot be snuffed.
![Help Us Take Up the Torch]()
By continuing a decades-old chronicle that has told the story of men’s involvement in the feminist movement since the 1980s, we can show young people today that they are not alone.
However, our goal is not to just keep the lights on. We want to grow the intensity and reach of the spotlight.
The principles of justice and equity may have stayed the same since Voice Male's inception, but the look and feel of the magazine have changed over time—and we aim to take it to the next level.
Help us showcase this work with a refreshed and modern look to not only inspire conversation but also spread the word so that we can help shine a light on the everyday leaders of this movement and support them in making the difference that this world so desperately needs.
Join us in not only saving the chronicle of the men’s movement in feminism but growing it.
Next Gen Men is a small-but-mighty nonprofit working towards a future where men and boys feel less pain and cause less harm. For almost a decade, we’ve dedicated ourselves towards transforming the way the world sees, thinks and acts about masculinity—not by trying to fix the world ourselves, but by empowering grassroots leaders within their own communities to be holders of hope and champions for change.
In 2020, we started telling these stories ourselves by crowdfunding and delivering an indie print publication called the Future of Masculinity Zine.
Now, we’re ready to inherit the legacy of Voice Male Magazine.
Believe in our mission? Step up by sharing this crowdfunding campaign with five friends, subscribing to the Future of Masculinity newsletter, volunteering with Next Gen Men or attending an upcoming event. Get in touch to find out more!