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Ward Six

Funding a dark, thought provoking literary feature film adaptation.

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Ward Six

Ward Six

Ward Six

Ward Six

Ward Six

Funding a dark, thought provoking literary feature film adaptation.

Funding a dark, thought provoking literary feature film adaptation.

Funding a dark, thought provoking literary feature film adaptation.

Funding a dark, thought provoking literary feature film adaptation.

Scott Brand
Scott Brand
Scott Brand
Scott Brand
1 Campaign |
Aarau, Switzerland
$1,919 USD $1,919 USD 13 backers
4% of $45,411 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Ward Six is a feature film adaptation of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's 1892 novella Ward No. 6. This piece has not only been highly influential in history, but it also discusses many topics that are of importance today - some of them sadly growing more and more so. Given this relevance, our ambition is to create a movie that is worthy of its source material and manages to transport these timeless topics in a manner accessible to the modern world. While we therefore hope to reach as many people as possible with our production, it is mainly aimed at a festival and arthouse audience.



In an unspecified authoritarian country, asylum Doctor Andrew Rae, risks everything to continue to engage with the one young man in town, who equals him intellectually and emotionally. However,  this man, Owen Grimes, has  been recently incarcerated for killing two people and is thought to be insane.

The middle-aged Doctor's upstart assistant Irene Hobart sees the unusual relationship between the doctor and his charge unfolding in Ward Six, as a chance to fulfil her own ambitions. To this end, she cunningly plays on the prejudices and weaknesses of the local elite and the asylum board.

Doctor Andrew, though, still has a firm protector in his housekeeper Magdalena. But, can she save the Doctor from the  downward spiral engulfing Ward Six?



We are proud that we were able to secure a script written by Simon O'Corra. The multiple award-winning British screen writer applied his immense talent and experience to adapt Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's short story "Ward No. 6" for a modern age, medium and audience.

If you need further persuasion on the qualities of the script, we gladly refer you to the following quote by the internationally acclaimed actor Michael Hillberg:

"Simon's writing in "Ward Six" is outstanding! The story line is thought provoking and interesting and makes you want to read the whole script without putting it down. Captivating from the first sentence to the very last. I can't wait to see the finished product!"

Just to be on the safe side, Simon tested the festival waters after our latest changes made to the script. And it keeps finding approval:



Our team of Swiss film makers has worked together on multiple films before - both feature and short movies. As a reference, we would like to introduce you to our shared project that got published first:



"Ward Six" will be a character driven, atmospheric film. The score plays a central part in creating such a movie. Accordingly, we are both very happy and proud, that South African composer eLJe has agreed to create the score for our film:



As introduced to you in our weekly updates, this is the incredible cast of Ward Six:



We will post weekly campaign updates, as well as additional ones, once stretch goals have been reached. As this project is "Ward Six" our stretch goals will be linked to the number six. Thus, the next of these updates will follow when 3600 CHF worth of pledges and contributions have been reached. As previously mentioned, very campaign follower and backer will get our updates automatically. So, please, sign up, contribute or get a perk for additional information.

What have our updates discussed before:

First Weekly Update: Our International Inspiration - On Costumes, Score and Script

600 CHF Stretch Goal Update: Why Chekhov and why now?

Second Weekly Update: Directions on Directors

Third Weekly Update: Second Teaser Trailer, First Lead Actor

Fourth Weekly Update: Second Lead Actor, Further Cast and Crew

Fifth Weekly Update: Complete Cast

Sixth Weekly Update: Looking forward

Seventh Update: February Discount

For the rest of the campaing discounts will apply, once your cart reaches a certain amount of pledges:

Final Weekly Update: Change Management




We are a team of independent filmmakers that are taking on an ambitious and prestigious project. This means we are handling a larger budget than in our previous films. This campaign plays an important role in defining our financial means, as it not only directly aids us, but also influences other funding options, both regarding their success and the amount of money that will be made available to us (which usually is based on the amount of money one can provide oneself).

However, the success of this campaign will not decide, if "Ward Six" will be made or not. We already have invested a lot of time and our own money into the project. Plus, its central message is important to us. The creation of this movie is a passion project and will proceed! However, the means we have at our disposal do influence the quality of the final movie and allow us to fulfill every aspect of our vision.

In order for this campaign to be successful we need it to reach as many potential backers as possible. So, please, help us get the word out and share this with everybody who might be interested in backing this project - even if you can't do so yourself! Thank you!

Also, if anybody has additional funding ideas or wishes to invest into our project in a different manner, please, feel free to contact us.

In-Production Poster

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Choose your Perk

Shout Out!

Shout Out!

Currency Conversion $28 USD
Fr 25 CHF
If you don't tell us, to not do so, we will at least give you a shout out on Instagramm and Threads. Our followers should know how grateful we are to you for your help!
Included Items
  • Social Media Shout Out
2 claimed
Ward Six Sticker Set

Ward Six Sticker Set

Currency Conversion $28 USD
Fr 25 CHF
Besides being grateful for your aid, we'll send you six stickers (two sets of three different motives, none violent) related to our project.
Included Items
  • 6 Stickers Related to Ward Six
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Digital Behind the Scenes Pix

Digital Behind the Scenes Pix

Currency Conversion $57 USD
Fr 50 CHF
You will receive our thanks for your generosity on our social media channels (Insta and Threads) and also get a set of digital behind the scenes photographies.
Included Items
  • Social Media Shout Out
  • Digital Behind the Scenes Pix
Estimated Shipping
December 2025
1 claimed
Ward Six Beanie

Ward Six Beanie

Currency Conversion $57 USD
Fr 50 CHF
Get a black Beanie with the Ward Six Logo (final design may vary slightly from what is on picture).
Included Items
  • Ward Six Beanie
Estimated Shipping
December 2025
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Ward Six T-Shirt

Ward Six T-Shirt

Currency Conversion $85 USD
Fr 75 CHF
Get a black T-Shirt with the Ward Six Logo (final design may vary slightly from the picture). Various sizes available, will inquire your size after campaign.
Included Items
  • Ward Six T-Shirt
Estimated Shipping
December 2025
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Thank You Credits

Thank You Credits

Currency Conversion $114 USD
Fr 100 CHF
We will not only express our gratitude on our social media channels (Insta and Threads), but also give you named credits on IMDB and at the end of our film. Of course, you also get a set of digital behind the scenes photographies.
Included Items
  • Social Media Shout Out
  • Digital Behind the Scenes Pix
  • Thank You Credit on IMDB
  • Named Thank You in End Credits
Estimated Shipping
December 2025
2 claimed
Digital Bundle

Digital Bundle

Currency Conversion $227 USD
Fr 200 CHF
Receive digital copies of the poster, behind the scenes pictures and the script once the film has been published.
Included Items
  • Digital Behind the Scenes Pix
  • Digital poster
  • Digital copy of script
0 claimed
Signed Poster

Signed Poster

Currency Conversion $284 USD
Fr 250 CHF
Receive a physical poster of our movie signed by the producer, director and some of the actors.
Included Items
  • Signed Movie Poster
Estimated Shipping
December 2025
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Physical Bundle

Physical Bundle

Currency Conversion $397 USD
Fr 350 CHF
Get a poster signed by those of the cast and crew who are willing and available, plus both the Ward Six Beanie and T-Shirt, as well as our sticker sets. For the T-Shirt various sizes available, will inquire your size after campaign.
Included Items
  • Signed Movie Poster
  • 6 Stickers Related to Ward Six
  • Ward Six Beanie
  • Ward Six T-Shirt
Estimated Shipping
December 2025
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Online-Chat with the Producer

Online-Chat with the Producer

Currency Conversion $568 USD
Fr 500 CHF
We will not only thank you on social media (Insta and Threads), as well as on IMDB and at the end of our film, but will also send you a set of digital behind the scenes photographies. You can also get to chat with Scott Brand online about the film, his experience infront of and behind the camera, or whatever else interests you.
Included Items
  • Social Media Shout Out
  • Digital Behind the Scenes Pix
  • Thank You Credit on IMDB
  • Named Thank You in End Credits
  • Online-Chat with the Producer
Estimated Shipping
December 2025
1 claimed
Be an Extra!

Be an Extra!

Currency Conversion $1,703 USD
Fr 1,500 CHF
Besides receiving our thanks on the socials, on IMDB and in the credits, you will also receive some digital bts-pictures, be invited to visit our set in Switzerland ) and appear in the film as an extra (on a day between 15.10.2025 and 11.11.2025). The costs for travelling and accomodation are not covered for these perks.
Included Items
  • Social Media Shout Out
  • Digital Behind the Scenes Pix
  • Thank You Credit on IMDB
  • Named Thank You in End Credits
  • Visit the Set
  • Appear in the Film as an Extra
0 claimed
Associated Producer

Associated Producer

Currency Conversion $2,838 USD
Fr 2,500 CHF
Besides being thanked on socials, you will also receive digital bts-pictures, can chat to our producer, visit our set in Switzerland and appear in the film as an extra (15.10.-11.11.2025). The costs for travelling and accomodation are not covered. You will also be credited as an Associate Producer on both IMDB and in our end credits.
Included Items
  • Social Media Shout Out
  • Digital Behind the Scenes Pix
  • Online-Chat with the Producer
  • Visit the Set
  • Appear in the Film as an Extra
  • Assoc. Producer Credit on IMDB
  • Assoc. Producer End Credit
Estimated Shipping
December 2025
0 out of 8 of claimed
Commission short film script

Commission short film script

Currency Conversion $5,109 USD
Fr 4,500 CHF
Award-winning scriptwriter Simon O'Corra will write a short film script (25 pages max.) for you - with a special discount in support of our film! So, if you have ideas or want to adapt something, this is your chance to launch your own project! This offer includes upto three drafts of the script.
Included Items
  • Commission a short script
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $5,676 USD
Fr 5,000 CHF
Besides most of the perks described in the previous tiers, you can visit our set in Switzerland and appear in the film as an extra (a day between 15.10.-11.11.25). The costs for travelling and accomodation are not covered for these perks. Instead of the thank you credits, you will be credited as an Co-Producer on both IMDB and in our end credits.
Included Items
  • Social Media Shout Out
  • Digital Behind the Scenes Pix
  • Online-Chat with the Producer
  • Visit the Set
  • Appear in the Film as an Extra
  • Co-Producer Credit on IMDB
  • Co-Producer End Credit
Estimated Shipping
December 2025
0 out of 4 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Executive Producer

Executive Producer

Currency Conversion $11,353 USD
Fr 10,000 CHF
Besides most of the perks described in the previous tiers, you can visit our set in Switzerland and appear in the film as an extra (15.10.-11.11.25). The costs for travelling and accomodation are not covered for these perks. Instead of the thank you credits, you will be credited as an Executive Producer on both IMDB and in our end credits.
Included Items
  • Social Media Shout Out
  • Digital Behind the Scenes Pix
  • Online-Chat with the Producer
  • Visit the Set
  • Appear in the Film as an Extra
  • Executive Producer IMDB credit
  • Executive Producer end credit
  • Option to buy residuals
Estimated Shipping
December 2025
0 out of 4 of claimed
Commission feature film script

Commission feature film script

Currency Conversion $20,435 USD
Fr 18,000 CHF
Award-winning scriptwriter Simon O'Corra will write a feature film script for you - with a special discount in support of our film! So, if you have ideas or want to adapt something, this is your chance to launch your own project! This offer includes upto three drafts of the script.
Included Items
  • Commission feature film script
0 claimed

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