Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my campaign!
My name's Tom Hughes, and I'm the founder of Ritual Video, a South Wales-based production company that specialises in genre films. My first film 'You Killed Us' is currently on the festival circuit, and my second, a classic ghost story entitled 'Wargrave House' is set for production this August.
Which is where YOU come in; I'm asking for your help to raise the funds needed to produce the film.
Your contributions will mean I can buy the props and rent the costumes I need; hire a great cast and crew, and then work with an editor, composer and sound designer to complete the film; and eventually enter Wargrave House into film festivals, so we can watch it on the big screen with other horror fanatics!
I'm passionate about Horror, and have been since I first convinced my dad to let me rent Evil Dead from the local Video Shop as a teen; I've spent countless hours watching and analysing what makes horror movies tick, and will be applying that knowledge to every moment of this short film.....And it's not just a short film; it's the beginning of a larger story, one that I hope will allow me to fulfil my dream of making feature films through my production company, Ritual Video.
So, with your help I'll film Wargrave House this August, edit it by October, do the sound by December, then grade it by Jan 2020, and once the film is completed, enter it into festivals worldwide and screen it locally. Then, with two short films to illustrate my directing style I'll create a proof of concept that will hopefully lead to me being able to shoot my first feature!
The film centres around Helen Fraser, a driven doctor that works late at her surgery one night, only to be haunted by the ghost of a woman that died there. It's filled with tense, creepy set pieces that build an atmosphere of dread around Helen, until she must make a decision that could change her life forever.
Stylistically the film will sit somewhere between the slow suspense of The Changeling & The Others, and the more modern thrills of The Conjuring & The Haunting of Hill House. Expect creaking doors, smoke filled rooms, dark basements, winding staircases, and terrifying scares when Wargrave House is completed in early 2020.
Tom Hughes : Writer/Director.
I have worked as a Camera Assistant on productions for Ffilm Cymru, BBC, Fine Rolling Media, CBS, Broadside Films & Northbank Entertainment. After spending a few years writing and directing shorts, I decided to start Ritual Video to create fresh content for other genre fans like myself. I grew up on renting vhs from smoke-filled shops in small Welsh towns, and have dedicated my filmmaking career to recreating the magic feeling I had when I popped Evil Dead into my video player for the first time...
Mei Lewis : Director Of Photography.
Mei Lewis has worked in the creative industries in Wales for the last 15 years, initially writing and photographing for a number of Cardiff-based and national magazines before moving into television and film as a Director of Photography, drone operator and colourist. Photography/film clients include S4C, BBC, Film Agency Wales, Screen Academy Wales, Sony, Arriva, The Times and BAFTA.
Emma Stacey : Helen Fraser.
Emma is a passionate Film & Theatre actress, writer, and stunt performer based in South Wales. Her TV & Feature credits include the BBC's 'Warren' & Channel 4's 'The State', 'Bundy & The Green River Killer'. and 'Late December'. In Wargrave House, she plays our protagonist, Helen Fraser.
To fund this project to completion I need your help in raising £2,500. This would allow me to pay each crew member for their production or post-production role, have a budget for film festival entries, buy the props I need and hire any kit.
In return, I've come up with a list of perks that are exclusive to this campaign. They'll be delivered on completion of the film, which is projected for Feb 2020.
If we raise more than the budget I'll not only do a little jig for joy, I'll also use the money to hire extra crew! Like a script supervisor, caterers, runners and a poster artist.
Here's what the £2,500 budget will cover:
- Fees for hiring cast and crew.
- Transport costs for unit moves and getting cast to location.
- Food budget for on-set catering.
- Props and costume hire.
- Kit Hire.
Post - Production
- An Editor to do an Assembly Cut before my Final Cut.
- A Sound Designer.
- A Composer to create an original score for the film.
- Funds to submit to larger horror festivals than I can currently afford, e.g. Frightfest, Monster Fest, Celluloid Screams, Fractured Visions, HorrorHaus, Terror In The Bay.
Wargrave House is an act of faith, on your part and mine. I have spent six months writing this film, and by shooting in August would have spent four months on Pre-Production, all without any guarantee that the film will get made; but I believe in this film, and I believe that if I put in the hours and prepare the shoot to be successful, then it will be.
If we don't hit our targets and raise the money budgeted for, I'll trim the budget and scale back costs until we can still make the film.
During production this means I'll drive cast to location, cook the meals and clap the slate myself; In Post I'll edit the film, grade it, sound design it and then photograph and design the posters if that's what it takes; so every contribution really does make a difference, not only to the overall quality of the finished film, but to my heart rate!
If you can't contribute monetarily no worries! There's still plenty of ways you can help us make Wargrave House!
Here's a few: