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We Believe In Dinosaurs

A documentary film about creationism, Noah's Ark, and America's troubled relationship with science.

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We Believe In Dinosaurs

We Believe In Dinosaurs

We Believe In Dinosaurs

We Believe In Dinosaurs

We Believe In Dinosaurs

A documentary film about creationism, Noah's Ark, and America's troubled relationship with science.

A documentary film about creationism, Noah's Ark, and America's troubled relationship with science.

A documentary film about creationism, Noah's Ark, and America's troubled relationship with science.

A documentary film about creationism, Noah's Ark, and America's troubled relationship with science.

137 Films
137 Films
137 Films
137 Films
1 Campaign |
Chicago, United States
$61,182 USD by 406 backers
$60,586 USD by 393 backers on Jan 18, 2017
Creationists have built a $100 million, 510-foot Noah’s Ark in rural Kentucky with the express purpose of debunking evolution. Shot over the course of three years, We Believe In Dinosaurs follows the designers and builders of the Ark from blue prints to opening day and tells the story of the unsettling, yet uniquely American, conflict between science and religion.

WOW! You did it!

Thanks to you we have

reached our initial goal of $50,000!

But there's more work to do in the final stretch of our campaign. In order to make a film that helps shape a national conversation about science, we need artful sound design, a compelling original score and professional color correction.

In addition to our regular perks, check the updates for our referral contest with REXTACULAR rewards!

Creationists believe in dinosaurs. They believe that dinosaurs were created by God 6,000 years ago on the sixth and last 24-hour day of creation. They believe that dinosaurs lived among humans and that, except for those that survived on Noah's Ark, they were destroyed just over 4,000 years ago in the worldwide flood described in Genesis. 

But in recent years, believing has not been enough for creationists. Determined to prove that the Bible is historically and scientifically accurate, they have begun building museums based on creation science. Their goal is to debunk evolution and to do that they are starting to think big. 

This past summer in Williamstown, Kentucky, The Ark Encounter, a “life-size” reproduction of Noah’s Ark, opened to the public. News media swarmed and curious visitors lined up by the thousands to get a peek inside. With its museum-quality displays and meticulously crafted models of animals (including dinosaurs), The Ark Encounter became the newest and most sophisticated addition to the roster of creation museums located all around the country.

Shot over the course of three years, We Believe in Dinosaurs follows the Ark Encounter from its groundbreaking to its opening day; from the designing and building of the Ark, to growing protests from scientists, Freethinkers, and even a Kentucky pastor. By telling the fascinating story of the Ark Encounter, We Believe in Dinosaurs will also tell the story of the unsettling and uniquely American battle between science and religion. 

We've had extraordinary access to Ark Encounter leaders like Ken Ham as well as to national science figures such as Bill Nye. However, we believe the story is told most compellingly through the experiences of three people whose lives are intertwined with the Ark. 

David mowed lawns to help raise money for the Creation Museum in his youth. Now he accepts evolution and writes blog posts and op-eds to help mainstream scientists understand the creationist worldview. 

Doug is the lead designer for the Ark Encounter exhibits. With love and meticulous craft he and his team race against the opening day deadline to finish the strange and beautiful animal models that will go on the Ark.

A state geologist and president of the Kentucky Paleontological Society, Dan is passionate about science. He fights creationism for the sake of science and science education in his beloved home state. 

A comparison of 34 industrialized countries finds that the United States ranks near the bottom when it comes to public acceptance of evolution. Only Turkey ranks lower. And during the recent election, candidates for local and national offices openly criticized evolution.

As creationism moves into the White House, it remains one of the most polarizing forces in the United States.

(Video: Mike Pence criticizes Theory of Evolution)

We Believe In You!

In order to help shape a national conversation about science, we have to make a film that can play in theaters across the country. That means editing, sound design and music talented professionals who know how to build a film with high production value. With your help, we can finish this film and get it onto screens big and small where it can make a difference. 

And your help has been tremendous! We've reached the initial goal to fund the editing of the film! Now it's on to stretch goals for sound design and musical score (see top)!

We have an assortment of fantastic perks for those who join our team. What's more, because our film company is a not-for-profit, to the extent allowable, your contribution is tax deductible! Take a look at the Image Gallery for more photos and information!

We are so grateful that you took the time to look at our Indiegogo site and consider a contribution. There are other ways that you can help, as well! Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Probably the biggest thing you can do is share this campaign with others. Let them know why this project speaks to you. We want to do more than just raise money, we want to build a community of people interested in creating a culture supportive of science and scientists. When you share this project, you help us reach the people who want to be part of that community. 

When will We Believe In Dinosaurs be released?

We hope to have the film in festivals in April and May of 2017 with a national release by the fall of 2017. But you can be among the first to see it once it's completed if you support us at the Triceratops level!

When will I receive my Perk?

We have estimated delivery dates listed in the Perk descriptions. We'll be sure to update you should those change.

How will you know my t-shirt size?

If you support us at the Hadrosaurus level and above, we'll be in touch with you about your t-shirt size towards the end of the campaign. We can't wait to see your selfies in our awesome Ts!

What else can I do to help?

Plenty! Sharing the campaign with your friends on Facebook and Twitter are fantastic ways to support. It's easy and helpful--use the share buttons at the top of this page (right by our campaign video). We need to get the word out about We Believe In Dinosaurs and up the national conversation about science. So, share, share, share!

Thank you! We are so grateful for your support!



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Choose your Perk



$100 USD
A big thank-you for all the world to see in the FILM'S CREDITS. Bragging rights confirmed when you take your friends and family to a screening or hit pause on the thank-yous in the closing credits. It’s hard to beat that little thrill at seeing your name at the end of a great movie. Comes with Hadrosaurus and below!
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
85 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$10 USD
Small but mighty! A hearty SHOUT OUT on our Twitter and Facebook pages and monthly EMAIL UPDATES letting you know our progress and giving you access to behind-the-scenes stories and photos.
22 claimed


$15 USD
Your very own MINI-DINOSAUR to love and cherish. You will receive a hand-picked dinosaur from our mini-dino sanctuary along with an official We Believe In Dinosaurs ADOPTION CERTIFICATE so that you can proudly display your support of mini-dinos and independent film. Comes with Velociraptor!
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
24 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$20 USD
A funky VINYL DINOSAUR DECAL for placement anywhere you need some dino flair. Our vinyl dino can take a bite out of your laptop's logo or become a member of your family on the rear window of your car. Comes with Adopt-A-Dino and below.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
9 claimed
Ships to United States of America


$25 USD
Be the first to STREAM We Believe in Dinosaurs via a special link sent straight to you before the film goes public. Comes with Stegosaurus and below!
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
83 claimed


$40 USD
Exclusive to our Indiegogo supporters! A Charlie Harper inspired ALLOSAURUS PRINT designed for us by the creator of the super viral Star Wars travel posters, Justin Van Gendren! Your 6" x 9" Allosaurus will be printed on archival matte paper and is suitable for framing. Check out Justin’s work here:! Comes with Triceratops and below.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
19 claimed
Ships to United States of America


$50 USD
A DVD PACKAGE OF THE FILM designed exclusively for our Indiegogo supporters. Includes director’s commentary, film outtakes and all sorts of info on filming, issues surrounding the Ark and a “where are they now.” The ultimate insider’s companion! Includes Allosaurus and below. (For Blu-Ray add $10 more.)
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
54 claimed
Ships to United States of America


$60 USD
Wear your support of indie film on your sleeve with the official We Believe In Dinosaurs T-SHIRT! Designed by Justin Van Gendren, the amazing designer from the Allosaurus level. Comes with everything Pteranodon and below.
Estimated Shipping
March 2017
30 claimed
Ships to United States of America


$125 USD
Everybody always needs another MUG. Especially one with a film logo so cool you can’t help but cradle the mug in your hands and lean casually against the doorjamb at work imagining you’re in the latest nerd-style fashion spread. And if said mug happens to support an awesome independent film, all’s the better. Comes with Brontosaurus and below!
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
12 claimed
Ships to United States of America


$150 USD
A FOSSIL BRACHIOPOD from the Ordovician period procured especially for our campaign by geologist and film participant Dan Phelps. While the brachiopod is not a dinosaur, it *is* an amazing little bivalve that looks like a clam but is actually quite different. Your brachiopod will come packaged in a specially designed box and will include information on its time period and a tiny map of the area where it was found. Brontosaurus included!
Estimated Shipping
March 2017
10 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Brachiopod Plus

$175 USD
Appeals to both sides of your brain--an actual paleontological artifact and paleontological art! A fossil BRACHIOPOD (see Brachiopod level above) and TWO beautiful dino art prints--our Stegosaurus and Pteranodon--designed by Justin Van Genderen. The brachiopod comes in a custom box with an explanation and map; the dinos come printed on 9" x 6" art matte paper ready for framing (see Image Gallery beneath the campaign video). Includes Brontosaurus and below.
Estimated Shipping
March 2017
1 out of 25 of claimed
Ships to European Union, United Kingdom, United States of America

Filmmakers' Bundle

$200 USD
The entire 137 FILMS FILMOGRAPHY plus our famous 137 Man T-SHIRT. You'll get the award-winning films The Atom Smashers, The Believers, and our charming short This Has Been To Space about middle-schoolers launching a weather balloon to the outer edges of earth's atmosphere. Choose DVD or Blu-Ray and hunker down with friends or significant others for your own mini-film fest! Comes with Brontosaurus and below.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
14 claimed
Ships to United States of America


$250 USD
An art-print quality FILM POSTER signed by the film's directors and producer Morgan Spurlock, and designed by the amazing Justin Van Gendren (as you know from checking out the Allosaurus Level, the master designer behind the hugely viral Star Wars travel posters). A unique piece of art/science decor! Includes every thing from Brontosaurus below!
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
15 out of 50 of claimed
Ships to United States of America


$300 USD
Admission for two to a SNEAK-PEAK SCREENING and VIP AFTER PARTY for We Believe In Dinosaurs in Chicago! Your name will be checked and your hand will be shaken! Watch the awesome film that you helped get made and party with the film's directors and fellow fans of film and science! (Accommodations and travel to Chicago not included.) Comes with Brontosaurus and below.
Estimated Shipping
June 2017
14 out of 100 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

The Ark Encounter-Encounter

$400 USD
A full day We Believe In Dinosaurs experience: TOUR THE ARK ENCOUNTER with film participant David MacMillan in the morning and SEARCH FOR FOSSILS with expert Dan Phelps in the afternoon! A truly one-of-kind experience that takes you into the heart of our film's story. Includes admission to the Ark Encounter and lunch while there. (Travel and accommodation not included.) Comes with Brontosaurus and below.
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Warrior Poets Pitch Session

$500 USD
A PITCH SESSION with a Warrior Poets creative executive! You'll have fifteen minutes to pitch your television or film idea and receive feedback from an executive at Morgan Spurlock's production company, Warrior Poets, our amazing producing partner. Sharpen your story and hone your craft with a member of the team that produced such films as The Greatest Story Ever Sold and Eagle Huntress. Includes Brontosaurus and below.
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
0 out of 4 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Tyrannosaurus Rex - Flash Sale

$1,500 USD
The King/Queen of the dinos! Coffee and a stroll at the American Museum of Natural History in NYC for an hour with WBID film producer and uber documentary filmmaker MORGAN SPURLOCK. Sip a hot cup of joe and enjoy scintillating conversation about the state of the world and how it got that way. (Travel and accommodation not included). Bring your WBID mug and prep your questions with the insider info you will get with the Troodon level and below!
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
1 out of 4 of claimed


$5,000 USD
A big dinosaur for a big level! Help get this film made in a big way and become an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER. Not only will your name appear in the film’s opening credits, you will be invited to an in-progress screening of a cut of the film in either Chicago or NYC AND you will receive EVERYTHING from the perk levels Diplodocus and below. Most important, you will be instrumental in getting this film made. There's nothing bigger! (Travel and accommodation not included.)
2 out of 5 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
sold out

Daily Fossil: Jurassic Mayfly

$175 USD
Estimated Shipping
March 2017
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
sold out

Instant Paleontologist #1

$400 USD
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
sold out

Instant Paleontologist #2

$400 USD
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships to United States of America
sold out

Instant Paleontologist #3

$400 USD
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
Only -1 left
Ships to United States of America
sold out

Instant Paleontologist #4

$400 USD
Estimated Shipping
February 2017
1 out of 1 of claimed
Ships to United States of America

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