What if your favorite fantasy characters came to life as every day people you may see on the street? Would you ever dreamed of catching up with the real Peter Pan o The Little Mermaid? Who would they be? What job would they have? The Mad Hatter, Medusa, Venus, Robin Hood... Would they be funny, interesting, mad, charming, mysterious, easy-going as we always dreamed about them?
We're All made of Stars tries to answer to these questions through a Series of Video Portraits depicting everyday people as if they were these Fantasy Characters!
CHARACTERS PIECES. 4-6 minute long. Reality and fantasy are mixed together to build legendary characters.
ACTUAL PEOPLE playing themselves and blending into famous fictional characters.
THE WEB PLATFORM. is an original online experience, the stage where feature the episodes and showcase any kind of series’ contents (spin off web-series, extras, behind the scenes, pics, community forum, online contests, merchandising, SNS, fan base, etc.).
STYLIZED VISUAL APPROACH. E.g. low contrast photography, soft pastels color palettes, silky smooth skin tones, and very soft blacks in order to create a revisited vintage look.
SURREAL STORYTELLING. Each episode is an original scripted content that will shed a new light on what makes a fairy tale character memorable in our imagination.
INTENDED AUDIENCE. Mixed. Men and women who expect to be surprised with edgy new content that teases their imagination.
In this realistic transposition of one of the best-known characters from Carroll’s novel, Nick Fouquet plays himself: an American hatter. The backdrop changes from Wonderland into Venice Beach – California. The “madness” of its protagonist changes as he tells his own story, that of his ethics, his work, his lifestyle and his inspiration in an interview where his off-screen voice unleashes a maelstrom of thoughts. Ladies and gentleman, The Mad hatter is alive and kicking!