Message from the Director
“I grew up watching horror and grew up writing horror and although I have written all my life, I struggled to get recognized for my storytelling due to my dyslexia. It was when I met our director of photography, David Woo, that things began to change. Together, we made our first feature film, Poster of a Girl, in just 3 days using my credit card and some fantastic volunteers. That movie was a huge challenge but through dedication, passion and hard work we got it made and it will be released this year. With this project, we want to use a larger cast with tense unique set pieces which is why we need your help. Help get this film made and I promise you will take pride in being a part of something new and exciting.”
Neill R Bell-Shaw
Director's Reel
Governments and international bodies are straining under the weight of a medical emergency – a mutated form of rabies nicknamed dog flu. DR BOULANGER and PhD student JULIANNE, arrive at Musashi Nursing and Medical College in Tokyo having received vague tests showing a patient may be immune. There, nurse TATEYAMA has maintained the hospital assisted by the last remaining staff: nurses YUYA and MIE. But while the hospital contains a potential cure, it also houses INFECTED - people far enough along in the disease to become violent, irrational and homicidal. When Dr Boulanger sees the patient, YURIKA, she knows there may be a chance to create a vaccine but before the UN can pick them up everything goes wrong. Now she must overcome her inability to manage people in order to keep everyone alive and get Yurika out of the hospital. WE WHICH REMAIN is a suspense which mixes horror with disaster movie tropes to create something new and will leave you asking, what would I do to survive?
About the Movie
After the success of his short movie, An Honest Witness Does Not Deceive, writer/director, Neill R Bell-Shaw, is making a feature film set in the same world. The high-concept thriller will see him reunite with actor Christiane Brew (Shin Godzilla, Death Stranding) who is again playing Dr. Boulanger.
This campaign is really important to us as we believe we have a good script with an excellent cast and crew ready to make it.
But to get this made, we need your help. By contributing to this project, you will help us make a unique suspense movie that seeks to reinvigorate the zombie movie genre and give us new, strong female characters who don’t need guns to solve problems.
Help Us Pay Our Cast and Crew
The people working on this project are all providing their own equipment or crafting DIY solutions, so the money raised will not be wasted on unnecessary and expensive equipment rentals. Instead, we will use the money you contribute to pay our cast and crew, provide food and travel, as well as make bespoke props and costumes for the movie.
Speaking of costumes, how about owning your own hazmat suit used in the film? That’s one of our perks. Are you looking to learn more about filmmaking? We have a perk specially designed for you which includes in-depth feedback on your script. But no matter how big or small your contribution, we will repay you with an awesome movie.
The Rest of the Team
Christin Schlothauer - Producer
She most recently oversaw the production of Japanese action epic DEEP LOGIC (2020). She uses her in-depth knowledge of Japanese culture, language, and the film industry in her capacity as a producer. This enables her to get movies done in a Japanese media environment notoriously difficult for foreigners to navigate. Her notable works include: Alice in Deadly School – agitato (2017), Zomeki no Kuni (2019) and recently, she also turned screenwriter for the short film Jizo (2019).
Deep Logic
Alice in Deadly School – agitato
David Woo - Director of Photography
David worked as an in-house videographer, editor, & colorist for several years in Tokyo, Japan before finding his own voice. He has an extensive background in documentary-style visual storytelling, first as a photojournalist, then later on as a cinematographer for documentaries and brand journalism. In his career, he has worked with brands such as Toyota, Sony, LO’real, Green Peace, as well as hard-working, family-owned brands. He has worked on films and television programs that have been distributed on HBO & Netflix as well as in select theaters as well as working on POSTER OF A GIRL (2020) with Neill R Bell-Shaw.
Please share this and help any way you can
Another way you can help us is by sharing this project on any social media you have. If you have a blog or podcast, get in touch as we’d love to do interviews. Any way to get the word out about this project is vital.
脚本・監督 ニール・R・ベルシャウ (Neill R. Bell-Shaw)
脚本家を目指して、まず自分で作品を撮って知名度を上げる目的で映画監督として活動開始。2018年に脚本・監督としての初作品「An Honest Witness Does Not Deceive」(短編)を経て、初長編映画「Poster of a Girl」(2020年公開予定) を書き、1ロケーション・役者2名・3日間、というハードな条件で完成。
2019年に「Honest Witness」が世界中の映画祭でノミネートや受賞。続編「We Which Remain」の制作が決定。
「Honest Witness」はウィルスのせいで全世界で社会が破綻した時に、主人公が相手にしないといけない人物は...罪のない人たちを犠牲にしてアンチウィルスを作った医者ボレンジャー(Christiane Brew出演)だった。この複雑な人物ボレンジャーがずっと頭に残り、どうしてもこの人物の話をもっと深めたくて、長編を執筆。
ボレンジャー役: クリスティアン・ブルー(Christiane Brew)
イギリス出身の女優&コメディアン。東京でTokyo Comedy Storeやパイレーツ・オブ・東京湾等で活躍する舞台役者。Perfect Liars Club Tokyoのホスト
プロデューサー: クリスティン・シュロトハワー (Christin Schlothauer)
撮影監督: デイビッド・ウー(David Woo)
アメリカ出身のDoP。日本で数年マーケティング会社で撮影・編集・カラリストとして勤めてからロスアンゼルスで撮影専門の会社を設立。再び日本に戻り、ドキュメンタリー、映画やCM(Toyota、SONY、L'Oreal、Green Peace等)等を撮影。
過去作品:「Poster of a Girl」
Supply Rations
A Breakthrough!
All You Need for the End
Last Clean T-Shirt
Final Loot Pack
!!!!「Honest Witness」受賞キャンペーン!!!! A Witness to it All
・エンドロール&IMDbに「アソシエイト・プロデューサー」(Associate Producer)として載せる
A Name in the Darkness
A Familiar Face
+デジタル試写会の視聴権又は東京でのプレス試写会への招待券2枚 ※プレミアより前に映画がご覧になれます。
Survival Instincts!
+映画で使われた化学防護服(Hazmat suit) ※本当の化学防護服ではないので、コロナウイルス等から防護しません。
Develop a Vaccine