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Welcome to the Brass Eagle: A Fantasy Audio Drama

A 10 episode Fantasy Audio Drama about the strange and dangerous travels of a teleporting tavern

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Welcome to the Brass Eagle: A Fantasy Audio Drama

Welcome to the Brass Eagle: A Fantasy Audio Drama

Welcome to the Brass Eagle: A Fantasy Audio Drama

Welcome to the Brass Eagle: A Fantasy Audio Drama

Welcome to the Brass Eagle: A Fantasy Audio Drama

A 10 episode Fantasy Audio Drama about the strange and dangerous travels of a teleporting tavern

A 10 episode Fantasy Audio Drama about the strange and dangerous travels of a teleporting tavern

A 10 episode Fantasy Audio Drama about the strange and dangerous travels of a teleporting tavern

A 10 episode Fantasy Audio Drama about the strange and dangerous travels of a teleporting tavern

Connor Bushoven
Connor Bushoven
Connor Bushoven
Connor Bushoven
1 Campaign |
Haledon, United States
$5,208 USD 61 backers
26% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

What is Welcome to the Brass Eagle?

Welcome to the Brass Eagle is a ten episode fantasy fiction audio drama written and directed by Connor Bushoven and produced by Michael DeMauro.  Featuring a full cast and narrated by the brilliant Mike LeBeau, (The Magnus Archives, Tiny Terrors) the show follows the Brass Eagle Tavern, a mysterious establishment said to appear somewhere new with each passing day.

Starring E.R. Hollands as Amara, a bard who unwittingly finds herself swept up in the tavern's magic, and Maddi Albregts as Ellis, a youth on the run after developing strange magical powers.

Whenever the clock strikes midnight, the tavern and everyone in it warps someplace new.  Each episode follows its travels, with every day bringing excitement, danger, and--more often than not--magic.  As the story develops, a deeper mystery is revealed.  What exactly is the Brass Eagle Tavern, and just who is its Keeper?

Inspired by shows like The Magnus Archives, The Adventure Zone, Tales of the Echowood and more, Welcome to the Brass Eagle is a romp through a perilous and colorful world filled with all types of people, and all manner of dangers.  Join us as we delve into the brine-soaked caves of a rocky coast, scale the highest of the frozen mountains, trespass in a scared forest, and learn the true reason why the gods of this world have vanished.

Interested in hearing more?  Episode 1 is out now, and can be found on YouTube or on our show feed!


Apple Podcasts:


Meet the Team

Our team is filled with passionate and dedicated creative people from across the entertainment field.  Members of our crew have worked for clients such as Disney, Marvel, AMC, Blumhouse and Nickelodeon.  Our cast features alumni from shows such as The Magnus Archives, The Sheridan Tapes, The Strata, Feminist Fairytales, and more.  The team will continue to grow for Episode 2 and beyond!


Wanderer - $5

For only $5 you can support the show on your many travels through the realm. You'll have our thanks, and you'll be listed on our supporter page at the end of the campaign. You will also receive an invite to the Welcome to the Brass Eagle Discord server, where we'll share updates and you can chat with the crew!

  • Discord Server Invite
  • Listed on Supporter Page

Tavern-goer - $15

As a Tavern-goer, you'll be given a set of two digital wallpapers to use on desktop and mobile. These delightful artworks were painted by artists Brent Hollowell (@brenthollowellart) and @Ppomibe, and show the tavern in some of its many locations. You will also be listed on the supporter page and receive our Discord invite!

  • All previous rewards
  • Digital Wallpaper Pack (2 wallpapers, each formatted for Desktop and Mobile)

Bard  - $35

As a talented Bard, you'll be sent everything from our previous tiers as well as a digital download (.WAV and .MP3) of both our show theme song, "A New Form" by Polina Faustova and "Living the Dream" by the Dread Halla Tavern (@dreadhallatavern). You will also be sent three HD ttrpg maps inspired by the show you can use in your own game!

  • All previous rewards
  • Show-themed TTRPG maps (x3)
  • Digital Download (.wav/mp3) of A New Form by Polina Faustova
  • Digital Download (.wav/mp3) of Living the Dream by the Dread Halla Tavern

Alchemist - $60

They say that Alchemists are are you! At this level, you will be sent 6 3-inch holographic stickers (2 of each design) featuring the Brass Eagle, Amara's guitar, and some of the many drinks available in the Brass Eagle Tavern. You will also receive a thank you letter on parchment, stamped and signed by the Keeper!

  • All previous rewards
  • 6 stickers (2 of each design)
  • Stamped and signed letter from the Keeper

Mage - $135

As a gifted and powerful mage, you will be sent all of the previous rewards. You will also receive a glossy 12x18 poster of the Brass Eagle and the three main characters! Additionally, you will receive an exclusive show t-shirt! The back features designs inspired by magic and tarot cards, and artwork hinting at the events of all 10 episodes!

  • All previous rewards
  • 12x18 show poster
  • Brass Eagle t-shirt

Primordial Titan - $400

As a Titan, you are a pillar of creation itself. You will receive every previous reward, and an etched Brass Eagle Tavern pint glass! You will also receive an original 8.5x11 artwork by show creator and artist Connor Bushoven, custom to your request!

  • All previous rewards
  • Brass Eagle Tavern pint glass
  • Custom 8.5x11 drawing

God of the Realm - $1,000

At this level you are among the mightiest of gods! You will receive all previous rewards and have the opportunity to name a speaking character on the show (subject to approval)! You will also be listed as Executive Producer in the credits of every episode!

  • All previous rewards
  • Executive Producer credit on every episode
  • Name a speaking character (subject to approval)!

Add-On Perks

Our physical rewards are also available as Add-on perks at any level!  You can select these at checkout if you'd like an additional t-shirt, poster, etc!  (Please note that we are only able to offer shipping to the US, UK, and Canada.)

  • 3-inch holographic sticker (x1) - $4
  • Brass Eagle Tavern pint glass - $25
  • 12x18 show poster - $25 
  • Brass Eagle T-shirt - $35

Budget Breakdown

How much do we need to raise?

Our total show budget is $20,000 USD, accounting for voice acting, sound design, Indiegogo's platform fees, and the estimated cost of merch, shipping, etc.  Additionally, a percentage of funds raised will be used to compensate our amazing sound team more fairly for their work on Episode 1.

The full series won't be able to be made until we meet our goal, but if we hit the following goals we can begin recording and editing the following episodes!

  • $8,500: Episodes 2-5 are able to be produced!
  • $13,500: Episodes 2-7 are able to be produced!
  • $20,000: Episodes 2-10 can be produced in full!

Stretch Goals

If we exceed our goal, we’ll continue funding to hit the following stretch goals!

  • $23,000: An original 10-song soundtrack will be produced for the show by The Dread Halla Tavern, the artist behind Living the Dream from Episode 1!  This will be made publicly available once the show has aired.  You can find the animated lyric video featuring Living the Dream here:


  • $26,000: Five more mini episodes will be produced alongside the main series!  These will include events and characters not seen in the main story!
  • $28,000: We will produce a Making of the Brass Eagle video!  This will be a documentary-style compilation of behind-the-scenes footage including recording sessions, cast interviews, outtakes, and more!

How else can I help?

If you aren't able to pledge but still want to support us,  you can help us out in the following ways!

  • You can post about the show and share our crowdfunding link (, and use #brasseaglepod!  Raising awareness is super important for us at this stage.
  • Share the show with a friend!  Word of mouth is always the best type of recommendation.
  • You can find us on all socials @brasseaglepod!

Want to Get in Touch?

If you have additional questions or concerns, we'd love to hear from you!  You can reach us at, or @brasseaglepod on Instagram and Twitter.


Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk



$5 USD
For only $5 you can support the show on your many travels through the realm. You'll have our thanks, and you'll be listed on our supporter page at the end of the campaign. You will also receive an invite to the Welcome to the Brass Eagle Discord server, where we'll share updates and you can chat with the crew!
Included Items
  • Discord Server Invite
Estimated Shipping
December 2024
12 claimed


$15 USD
As a Tavern-goer, you'll be given a set of two digital wallpapers to use on desktop and mobile. These delightful artworks were painted by artists Brent Hollowell (@brenthollowellart) and @Ppomibe, and show the tavern in some of its many locations. You will also be listed on the supporter page and receive our Discord invite!
Included Items
  • Discord Server Invite
  • Digital Wallpaper Pack
Estimated Shipping
December 2024
9 claimed


$35 USD
As a talented Bard, you'll be sent everything from our previous tiers as well as a digital download (.WAV and .MP3) of both our show theme song, "A New Form" by Polina Faustova and "Living the Dream" by the Dread Halla Tavern (@dreadhallatavern). You will also be sent three HD ttrpg maps inspired by the show you can use in your own game!
Included Items
  • Discord Server Invite
  • Digital Wallpaper Pack
  • Show-themed TTRPG maps (x3)
  • Theme Song & Living the Dream
10 claimed


$60 USD
They say that Alchemists are are you! At this level, you will be sent 6 3-inch holographic stickers (2 of each design) featuring the Brass Eagle, Amara's guitar, and some of the many drinks available in the Brass Eagle Tavern. You will also receive a thank you letter on parchment, stamped and signed by the Keeper!
Included Items
  • Discord Server Invite
  • Digital Wallpaper Pack
  • Show-themed TTRPG maps (x3)
  • Theme Song & Living the Dream
  • 6 Stickers + Stamped Letter
Estimated Shipping
December 2024
11 claimed
Ships to United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom


$135 USD
As a gifted and powerful mage, you will be sent all of the previous rewards. You will also receive a glossy 12x18 poster of the Brass Eagle and the three main characters! Additionally, you will receive an exclusive show t-shirt! The back features designs inspired by magic and tarot cards, and artwork hinting at the events of all 10 epoisodes!
Included Items
  • Discord Server Invite
  • Digital Wallpaper Pack
  • Show-themed TTRPG maps (x3)
  • Theme Song & Living the Dream
  • 6 Stickers + Stamped Letter
  • 12x18 Show Poster
  • Brass Eagle T-shirt
Estimated Shipping
December 2024
5 claimed
Ships to United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom
Primordial Titan

Primordial Titan

$400 USD
As a Titan, you are a pillar of creation itself. You will receive every previous reward, and an etched Brass Eagle Tavern pint glass! You will also receive an original 8.5x11 artwork by show creator and artist Connor Bushoven, custom to your request!
Included Items
  • Discord Server Invite
  • Digital Wallpaper Pack
  • Show-themed TTRPG maps (x3)
  • Theme Song & Living the Dream
  • 6 Stickers + Stamped Letter
  • 12x18 Show Poster
  • Brass Eagle T-shirt
  • Brass Eagle Tavern pint glass
  • Custom 8.5x11 drawing
Estimated Shipping
December 2024
2 claimed
Ships to United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom
God of the Realm

God of the Realm

$1,000 USD
At this level you are among the mightiest of gods! You will receive all previous rewards and have the opportunity to name a speaking character on the show (subject to approval)! You will also be listed as Executive Producer in the credits of every episode!
Included Items
  • Discord Server Invite
  • Digital Wallpaper Pack
  • Show-themed TTRPG maps (x3)
  • Theme Song & Living the Dream
  • 6 Stickers + Stamped Letter
  • 12x18 Show Poster
  • Brass Eagle T-shirt
  • Brass Eagle Tavern pint glass
  • Custom 8.5x11 drawing
  • EP Credit + Name A Character!
Estimated Shipping
December 2024
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom

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