Our Story
We are a group of five communication students from Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York, who have chosen to explore the culture and events surrounding the Occupy Wall Street protests in Manhattan. Our group consists of Ellen Kessel ('13), Christine Tampakis ('12), Will Chilcoat ('12), Holly Krezcko ('13) and Kelsey Greene ('12). Over the course of the past two months we have been traveling to New York City to follow protestors at Zuccotti Park to get their stories. We are politically neutral, non-profit, and looking to make a compelling 15-minute work that portrays a transparent image of the movement that you will not find in the mainstream media.
The Impact
This documentary will be presented to an audience at the end of the semester and will be evaluated by a team of judges at the Park School of Communications at Ithaca College. The finished work will then be uploaded online, distributed to contributors, and examined for film festival entry. Our goal is to make a documentary that will win awards at independent film festivals. There will be a finished product online within the next month, guaranteed.
What We Need & What You Get
We need $1,200 to cover the frequent travel down to the city. This includes gas, parking, meals, equipment, and various other expenditures that we have accumulated and will continue to accumulate. Any additional funds will help us submit the finished work to film festivals and finance travel to such events.
Other Ways You Can Help
The term "idiot" stems from the Greek "idiotes", which was used to describe a private citizen or one who did not take part in public political discourse. Discuss politics, stay informed, don't be an idiot.
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