Please use your BackerKit Survey link, or click here to update your address.
Reward fulfillment is being managed by our support team at Backerkit. Backers should have received an email with survey details earlier this year with important information regarding claiming of your rewards. You can continue to update your mailing address, and receive tracking and other info through that original survey link.
NOTE: For those of you that selected multiple perks, you will be required to complete a survey for each perk. If you are having trouble locating the additional surveys, or believe that they are missing, please contact BackerKit support here.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine first aired in January, 1993 well over a year after the death of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. When compared to The Original Series and The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine was written off as too “dark,” “edgy,” and “the black sheep” of the Star Trek family, a show that did not fit Roddenberry’s vision of the future. But someone was still watching as the show lasted seven seasons. Now, over twenty years later, fans all over the world are rediscovering Deep Space Nine and embracing the show with an enthusiasm rivaling the affection they feel for any other Star Trek series. Critics are even calling the show the Jewel in the Crown and the best of the Star Trek franchise. A devoted sci-fi fan might rightly ask themselves; “What the hell happened?”
Our documentary film, What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, will take a detailed look at this historic series and consider the reasons Deep Space Nine went from a family outcast to a Star Trek mainstay. The film will also contain a “what if” segment in which the original writers brainstorm a theoretical 8th season of the show.
Spearheaded by original show-runner Ira Steven Behr, directed by Adam Nimoy (For the Love of Spock), and with a handful of key interviews already 'in the bag,' the #DS9Doc now needs YOUR HELP to reach completion by finishing filming, editing, and post-production.
You couldn't make a Deep Space Nine documentary without talking to a few of the actors. So we spoke to a few, then a few more, and a few more after that. We have been fortunate to have wonderful participation across the board from principle cast members to the people that brought our favorite reoccurring roles to life.
Also involved... 5 of the DS9 series writers put pen to paper, to map out the first episode of a mythical season 8. We will reveal more about the writers room as the campaign progresses.
Behind the camera, this documentary will be produced by the team from For the Love of Spock, including director Adam Nimoy, producers David Zappone, Joseph Kornbrodt, Kai De Mello-Folsom, and editor Luke Snailham.
The bulk of the money we raise will be going into the key elements of what it takes to make a film like this one. We have been actively filming interviews over the past few years with many of the people involved in the series, so a good part of production is already complete... but our work is far from done.
As we hone the story with Ira and the team, there are still some important key interviews we will need to capture with creatives and talent situated in various places around the globe. Your contributions can help to make that, and the rest of the process, happen.
After the interviews, comes the Post-Production side of movie-making. This includes editing, music, animation, color-correction, sound mixing. Then there is the biggie... licensing. We are required to license from CBS Studios any Star Trek images or footage that we feature in the film, which means the more we can raise on Indiegogo, the more great DS9 moments we can get into the film.
As early and loyal supporters of the film, we're happy to offer IndieGoGo backers with rewards and perks not available anywhere else.
PLEASE NOTE: Most rewards and bundles were made available exclusively to backers during our live campaign (February 9th - March 10th, 2017). While certain items are being offered for an extended period through Indiegogo's InDemand option, these do not necessarily include all items from the original run. For clarification, check out the 'ITEMS INCLUDED' list at the bottom of each reward.
Our Online Library (originally offered in most bundles $5 and up) will include access to production videos, interviews, early animation tests, outtakes and other content updated monthly as we work through post-production and give you an exclusive-look into the creation of the film.
For higher rewards, you can also receive an Early Digital Stream of the finished film, Blu-Ray/DVD Combo Pack (with IndieGoGo-exclusive, licensed artwork & packaging!) and Your Name In The Credits!
Lapel Crew Pin Collection
All Star Trek merchandise is officially licensed through CBS Studios.
Final Artwork is subject to change.
Plus, if you're really itching for a limited collectable item, check out our higher-tier rewards for autographed memorabilia, VIP screening access and MORE!
VIC FONTANE'S ONE-NIGHT SPECIAL... now with Terry Farrell!
As an independent film team without the same resources of a large movie studio, we are counting on the support of fellow DS9 fans to take part and show their interest by helping to complete and release the film, and receiving valuable perks and rewards in return. Filmmaking is an expensive venture, and while many of our team members and cast have already generously offered much of their own time (and money!) into the filming of the documentary, the post-production phase is a lengthy and technical process involving many aspects which we simply don't have the ability to fund without outside help.
Our goal of (just under) $150,000 is the minimum we've calculated necessary to complete post-production, license all necessary music and footage, and release a high-caliber film. However, further funding will allow us to do more with the film and release more exclusive rewards just for you, the backers (see details in our STRETCH GOALS section, at the top of the page).
- The team at 455 Films have successfully produced many Star Trek-related documentaries, including The Captains, Chaos on the Bridge, and this year's For the Love of Spock, which premiered in 2016 at the Tribeca Film Festival.
Does CBS know about this project?
Yes! We have discussed the project at length with CBS Studios and have their permission to proceed with this campaign. In addition, all of our Star Trek merchandise is officially licensed through CBS Studios and their providers.
Will the DVD/Blu-Ray Bundles play internationally?
Yes! The What We Left Behind DVD/Blu-Ray combo pack provided to Indiegogo backers will be REGION FREE and should be playable anywhere (in some cases, PAL TVs may need to be NTSC equipped).
I didn't select a perk, will I still receive the rewards for that contribution level?
Short answer: NO. Be sure to select your intended reward level when checking out. As our system is automated (and, many of the rewards are limited) it's necessary for you to SELECT your perk before checking out.
Do you have specific size information for the t-shirts?
Yes, please see the graphic below for more detailed information.
We understand that not everyone has the financial ability to contribute, but that certainly doesn't mean you can't help in other ways.
- FOLLOW us on Facebook & Twitter and join the discussion!
- SHARING the project with others on Facebook, Twitter and other social media and encouraging others to join the campaign is JUST as important and helpful! Be sure to tag @DS9Doc or #DS9Doc and send friends to to learn more!
- Thinking of buying the DVD/Blu-Ray in the future? Your support NOW at $35 or up ensures that the film will be completed, and gets you the a great physical copy with dual-disk exclusive packaging (not guaranteed to be available commercially later on)!
- By contributing as little as $1, you'll gain access to our exclusive news and updates on the project, and access to discussions with the film team.
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