We want to give you the best cheese experience possible!
I'm Bruce Younger, owner and Head Cheese at Wholly Cheeses. After 2 years selling cheese at the Rochester Public Market as a year-round pop-up venue in all kinds of weather, we are getting ready to build out a permanent home inside the new Market Hall! We're really excited about this for a number of reasons:
No more moving around – you'll always know where to find us!
Weather won't matter! A more comfortable shopping environment for you... and us!
More variety than ever – we'll be able to bring in more delicate products because...
REFRIGERATION! Plus storage and display. And this is where YOU can help.
Here's our plan:
We need to raise $7500. Here's the breakdown:
- Refrigerated deli case: $3000
- Double door refrigeration: 1800
- Stainless steel prep table: $300
- Materials for built-in counters and cabinets: $700
- Storage cabinet: $150
- Incidental equipment (floor mats, sanitizer dispensers, display trays): $350
- New signage: $250
- Construction labor: $950
- Contributors will receive some awesome rewards (detailed to the right) including product, discounts, swag, special events... even a signed art print!
- ALL FUNDS will go to improving the customer experience, either in new or better equipment or – if we exceed our goal – into NEW & DIFFERENT product.
Wholly Cheeses is all about the CUSTOMER
Cheese is not just a product we sell, it's a passion. In some ways, cheese is even more varied and nuanced than wine (our favorite thing to pair with). And all of our customers know that we LOVE to talk about cheese. Whether it's the point of origin, how it's made, the various flavor profiles, how to pair it or how to use it in recipes, we enjoy sharing the information.
By contributing to our build-out, you'll be helping us with our mission to bring you the freshest, best overall variety of cheese at affordable prices and excellent customer service.
Updated Perk: Limited Edition Art Print by Bruce Younger!
Drawing on his background (pun intended) in Fine Arts and Graphic Design, Bruce has created this special art print as part of the fundraising campaign that all contributors receive above the $15 level.
Can't Invest? You Can Still Help!
Maybe you can't afford to invest in us right now, but that doesn't mean you can't help! Share this campaign with your friends on social media, or patronize us at the Public Market. Every purchase gets us closer to our goal, and your support means a lot to us!