Wine & Dance 2015!
Wine & Dance is
an annual event founded in 2011, representing the Charlotte dance
community. Each year several local professional dance choreographers
are chosen to present work, who show an appreciation and dedication to engaging the greater community with art and dance in
innovative ways. These choreographers are re-selected each year, and
are placed in rotation (always a new mix of choreographers!!!).
The purpose of the
Wine & Dance event is to provide the audience with a
non-traditional dance concert, engaging their five senses, and to give a taste of what Charlotte has to offer through a selection
of local choreographers, dancers, and (of course) wine! Throughout
the evening, each dance is paired with a wine that is sampled by the
audience during the presentation of that specific work. Needless to
say, it is a very exciting, very artsy, and very satisfying event for
both the audience and performers!
This year we are
presenting works by the following choreographers/companies (click on company name to check-out their websites):
SHOW DATE/Location: January 9th and 10th 8:00pm @ The Chop Shop Noda.
What We Need & What You Get
We are looking to fundraise $2,000 to help cover the costs of
producing our show. This amount in no-way, fully funds this concert,
but it will help to balance out the extra expenses that tickets sales
will not be able to cover, such as theater rental costs and paying the technical crew.
The Impact
With the financial support from this campaign we will be able to
secure greater stability in ensuring that the costs of our production
are covered. If all expenses are paid upon the completion of our
show, we will be able to divide any additional funds between the
choreographers to help with the costs they put into producing their
In addition to funding the cost of
a full-evening length production, each choreographer puts in a great
deal of time and money into the creation of their individual pieces
(rehearsal space, dancers, etc.). We try our hardest to not only
fund production costs, but help fund some of individual company
costs with any excess balance we find in our budget.
Each year, with the support of Wine & Dance patrons and
avid supporters, we have been able to cover the costs of our show,
and provide a small amount of return for the participating companies
for their personal expenses. Without this support, we could not give
back to the community in the way that we do. Let's keep this going!
Risks & Challenges
Prices for facility rental, wine, and other expenses are higher
this year then they have been in previous years. In order to cover
the costs for this upcoming 2015 concert, we will greatly need the
help of outside support. The cost to produce this show is greater
then the amount we bring in with ticket sales. We need your help to
make this concert take place!
Other Ways You Can Help
We would love for everyone who sees this campaign to help spread
the word, even if you can't contribute financially. Here are some
ways you can do this!
Come to our concert! Mark your
calendars now and join us for a fun evening of dance/wine!
“Like” our Wine & Dance facebook site!
- Check out our Wine & Dance facebook event and share with your friends!
Re-post our Indiegogo campaign in your facebook news-feed.
Spread the word using your Indiegogo share tools!
Word of mouth: tell your family and friends!