One taste will change your world forever.
One taste will change your world forever.
One taste will change your world forever.
One taste will change your world forever.
This campaign is closed
One taste will change your world forever.
One taste will change your world forever.
One taste will change your world forever.
One taste will change your world forever.
One taste will change your world forever.
It is always awkward to ask others for contributions, but we would like to look at this campaign as a way to get you involved in a project that has been designed to bring you a series that will get people excited about soap operas, and make you feel that you have played a major role in bringing Winterthorne to life. Your contribution will help us enormously to cover the production costs as well as post production costs. We want to deliver you the very best, and that is why we are reaching out to you.
In addition to series stars Martha Madison (Days of Our Lives) and Gordon Thomson (Dynasty), we will be announcing in the upcoming weeks a slew of the very best in Daytime and Primetime that will be joining us on this journey. We love our soap fans and we are doing pour best to bring you actors and actresses that will help bring this story to life in the greatest way possible.
Your donation keeps the spirit and independent movement alive by helping us move forward and bring you great content the speaks to the soap audience directly. There are no middle men here. It's just US and YOU.
Check out our perks, and with any luck you will find it in your heart to donate in some capacity. We understand better than anyone that you work hard for your money, and we never forget that. A dollar is still a dollar and we are grateful for it!
If times are tight for you now there are other ways you can help! You can spread the word on Facebook and Twitter and tell people about the campaign so we can get as close as possible and maybe even reach our goal!
You can follow us on @winterthorne1 on Twitter for cast updates, photos, and more. Thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope you will join us on this crazy adventure.